Why Do We Cleanse
Published: Wed, 04/19/23
April 19, 2023 Why Do We Cleanse? By Jennifer Whitmire, MH Spring symbolizes new life. The earth changes from dark and grey to full of color and…
Herbal Information from Herbal Legacy
Published: Wed, 04/19/23
April 19, 2023 Why Do We Cleanse? By Jennifer Whitmire, MH Spring symbolizes new life. The earth changes from dark and grey to full of color and…
Published: Wed, 04/12/23
April 12, 2023 An Herb for Strong KneesBy Olivia Chasteen, MH I recently wrote an article about an incident with my dog and how comfrey worked so well…
Published: Wed, 04/05/23
April 5, 2023 Pussycat to Guinea PigBy David Christopher, MH Brianne Dressen volunteered and contracted with a drug company to be a guinea pig,…
Published: Wed, 03/29/23
March 29, 2023 Use Your ResourcesBy Tara Christopher Eyre, MH What do you do when you have an issue arise and don’t have your regular herb stash? With…
Published: Wed, 03/22/23
March 22, 2023 OreganoBy Jo Francks, MH The sun is finally out today, after a long winter, and one of the first things I see poking through the ground…
Published: Wed, 03/15/23
March 15, 2023 Whole HerbBy Dan Hollenkamp, MH Why do I like whole herb? Balance. We spend our lives trying to find balance in work and home life,…
Published: Wed, 03/08/23
March 8, 2023 Failsafe FermentationBy John Hofland, MH Fresh out of college, I took a teaching job in Racine, Wisconsin, just downwind of the small…
Published: Wed, 03/01/23
March 1, 2023 Hysterectomy & Menopause SupportBy David Christopher, MH I have been asked many times about menopause and less about hysterectomy. I can…
Published: Wed, 02/22/23
February 22, 2023 Blackstrap MolassesBy Tara Christopher Eyre, MH As part of Dr. Christopher’s Mucusless Diet, he recommended using supplements that…
Published: Wed, 02/15/23
February 15, 2023 Love YourselfBy Jo Francks, MH February is the month of love. We take time to let the people in our lives know how much we care…