Brianne Dressen volunteered and contracted with a drug company to be a guinea pig, Jessica Sutta did not. Out of a noble desire to help in a crises situation Brianne put herself on the front line to save
herself and mankind from a frightening plague that was threatening the world. Jessica just wanted to be a good citizen and help stop the spread of the plague with a guaranteed safe and effective remedy. Both are heroes, but both were severely injured.
Brianne willingly submitted to Astra Zeneca’s vaccine trial not knowing that animal trials were not successful, which put her in danger and resulted in permanent disability. Her first symptoms occurred within minutes of receiving the vaccine: paresthesia (prickly, burning or numbing sensations) of her arms, followed by paresthesia of her legs and then the entire body. She then developed severe tinnitus (ringing to roaring sounds in ears),
and then a sensitivity to light, sound, and touch so severe that windows needed blocking, touching stopped, and all sounds had to be muted. Her legs gave out resulting in a crippling physical disability and she also developed incontinence. With all these symptoms she was diagnosed with anxiety; the doctors said it was all in her head. The contracted drug companies, who were obligated to pay medical expenses, wouldn’t fulfill their responsibilities, and refused to even communicate, so she took
her complaints to the National Institute of Health (NIH), who noted the condition and reported it to the World Health Organization (WHO). European scientists matched her symptoms to a similar case and the vaccine was pulled within 10 days. She has since encountered many fellow guinea pigs with similar injuries. NIH treated her, which helped, so she started referring hundreds of people damaged from Moderna vaccines, but these referrals were blocked from obtaining help. These cases were also never
revealed to future recipients of the vaccines. The required, informed consent did not happen, resulting in thousands of injuries and death.
Without this pertinent information Jessica Sutta’s general
practitioner suggested she get vaxed for covid, even though she was pregnant. Fortunately, her inner voice said no, and she rejected the vaccine. Unfortunately, after delivery she accepted the “safe and effective” Moderna covid vaccine. After receiving the second dose she experienced muscle spasms, tremors, jerks, and small fire neuropathy. Her general practitioner said she had MS like symptoms, and they should pass in a few months. Her life was unbearable, and Jessica insisted on a referral to
a neurologist. The general practitioner finally relented and gave her a referral. The neurologist asked her when she had been vaccinated and told her she may be experiencing an adverse vaccine reaction. This enlightenment helped her emotional struggles, assuring her that she was not crazy and was not simply imagining her poor health. It was hard for her to come to grips with the fact that her misery resulted from being a good citizen and getting vaxed. Jessica doesn’t want retribution; she only
wants to warn others of the possible vaccine dangers.
Sometimes it is easier to focus on individual cases rather than statistics to comprehend the severity of the problem. I have presented you with
two cases that should at least tweak your curiosity. I hope you listen to their full stories in interviews with Jan Jekielek, journalist from the Epoch times. Brianne Dressen: March 12, 2023, and Jessica Sutta: March 16, 2023. Links are included below. I doubt that anyone knew of Brianne Dressen before her injuries, but millions are familiar with Jessica Sutta.
If you are still confused with the title of this newsletter: Jessica, an original member of the performing group Pussycat Dolls, was turned into a guinea pig by the system. May we all learn from their life experiences.
David Christopher is a Master Herbalist, director of The School of Natural Healing, and son of our beloved Dr. John R.
Christopher. He is continually helping others improve their health and that of their family members. The School loves having him as the director.