Herbal First Aid- Part 1
Published: Wed, 10/06/21

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
October 6, 2021
Herbal First Aid- Part 1 David Christopher, M.H.
David is travelling for the next few weeks, so we have pulled an archived article for your enjoyment and education. This information is very applicable to our current time!
I find it expedient that I talk to you about medical self-care. I can give you the information needed to weather these coming storms, but it is up to you to gather the supplies necessary to care for yourselves and your loved ones. A medicine kit should be in every home, car, and place of business.

You could go to a well-equipped pharmacy and purchase a kit supplying the basics, but they will also contain the same old unnatural, poisonous and sometimes habit-forming materials that give temporary relief but do not go to the cause and correct the underlying problem. So, let's put together our own, and make it as natural and effective as possible.
A medicine kit, first of all, should contain the basics which include, but are not limited to: first aid tape, sterile gauze, assorted bandages including butterfly and knuckle. Other items would include good scissors, tweezers, and a thermometer. An instruction manual on CPR and other lifesaving techniques.
As you prepare your medicine kit you will want to include something to counter infections. This is where herbs should be used, mainly because they are safer and more effective. The simple herb cayenne pepper stops bleeding and helps to heal wounds. The herb goldenseal root will counter any infection and also aids in healing. Comfrey is another healing herb that I have seen work miracles. Oak bark, bayberry bark or any other astringent herb will help pull tissue together, further assisting in the healing process.
I remember the last time I cut myself serious enough that the blood was spurting, I found that my biggest danger wasn't in bleeding to death, it was losing it all through going into shock! So, the first thing that I put in my personal first aid kit was cayenne extract which prevents shock. All it takes as a dosage is one dropper full. This same cayenne extract can be used to stop a heart attack. My father, who was a practicing herbal doctor, never lost a client due to a heart attack when cayenne was administered. His method was to mix a heaping teaspoon of cayenne in a glass of warm water and have the patient drink the whole amount. This same procedure was used in cases of gunshot wounds, where the blood stopped spurting within ten seconds of drinking the cayenne tea. I personally suffered from bleeding stomach ulcers, which were arrested with one day’s therapy using this same cayenne tea. Cayenne works equally as well externally. Many people have reported excellent results of immediate secession of bleeding, wound healing, and no scarring by immediately placing cayenne on the wound when the occasion arises. Cayenne should also be used in cases of hypothermia. After getting the person dry, warm, and calm, administer the dropperful of cayenne extract or the heaping teaspoon of cayenne, which has been mixed into the cup of warm water. Warm the torso first and then the extremities, with your own body if necessary. Since the person is most likely exhausted, nourish them with warm liquids, soups, warm vegetable juices, honey in warm water, etc. One more situation in which you can use cayenne is in cases of frostbite. Use one tablespoon in a gallon of warm water, not hot, and soak the extremities. We could go on for days about the uses of cayenne.
The next item that I would want for my medicine kit would be used for venomous bites or stings. The herb of choice is Echinacea in extract form. I would take a dropperful every hour and also use an echinacea compress on the bite or sting. A compress is made by soaking gauze with the extract and taping the gauze over the bite, or the dry herb is mixed with water or saliva to make a paste that is placed on the bite. It is important to keep the person still and calm, while restricting lymph flow with slight even pressure between the injection and the heart, around the circumference of the affected limb. All toxins are eventually eliminated through the bowels, so it is imperative that this channel is kept operating. Enemas and herbal laxatives would be in order to accomplish this goal.
The rest of this article will come out next month - on November 3, 2021
David Christopher is a Master Herbalist, director of The School of Natural Healing, and son of our beloved Dr. John R. Christopher. He is continually helping others improve their health and that of their family members. The school loves to have him as their director.
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1 TBSP Raw Honey
⅛ - ¼ tsp cayenne pepper
2 cloves minced garlic
Mix and take as needed.
Refrain from washing this down with any liquid. The honey keeps the formula where it's needed - right on the throat. The cayenne brings circulation to the area - bringing white blood cells with help from the immune system. The garlic fights
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- The School of Natural Healing - http://www.snh.cc - Quality Education since 1953
- Christopher Publications - http://www.christopherpublications.com - Dr. Christopher's books and more
- A Healthier You Radio Show - http://www.ahealthieryouradio.com - Free weekly radio show
The School of Natural Healing: http://www.snh.cc
Christopher Publications: http://www.christopherpublications.com
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