Shingles Procedure
Published: Wed, 09/22/21

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
September 22, 2021
Shingles Procedure Tara Christopher Eyre, M.H.
When my daughter was 10 years old, she developed a sore spot at her hair line on the right side of the back of her neck. At first, we thought it might be a bug bite, but as a rash developed I consulted my How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor book and knew we were dealing with shingles. As we do with any illness in our house, I started with the basics of supporting the immune system with the Modified Cold Sheet Treatment, gallons of raspberry leaf tea, Kid-e-Mune or Echinacea tincture and the Super Immune Garlic formula every 30 minutes all day long. A full rundown on how I do the Modified Cold Sheet Treatment is available by clicking here:

After implementing the basics, I add specific remedies depending on what I’m dealing with. For shingles we layered CSR tincture, then the Cayenne Heat ointment and then the Black ointment over the area. We covered the area with a non-stick gauze pad and put a stretchy headband over the pad to keep it in place. We repeated this each morning and evening. It was difficult because the shingles were right at the base of her hairline. We kept her hair braided and washed it every 2-3 days to see how the shingles were doing.
Shingles can be very painful, but because of the procedures we had implemented the shingles site really only hurt when I was replacing the bandage and rubbing more ointment on the area. The CSR helped calm and heal the nerves the shingles had settled on, the Cayenne ointment helped with the pain, and the Black ointment was used to help support the immune system by drawing out the virus and any infection in the area.
She stayed home from all activities and took her herbs all day long. I made sure she had loads of fresh produce available and she literally consumed pounds of grapefruit and oranges, pints of strawberries and raspberries, and gallons of fresh squeezed orange juice. We were homeschooling so she still did her school work, watched movies, made movies and started some creative projects during times when she would have been at outside activities. We made wearing the headband more fun by decorating it each day with a different flower clip.
The shingles cleared up completely in two weeks and she was back to her regular activities.
My daughter was nine months old when my boys had wonderfully strong cases of chickenpox. She only had a mild case with just two chickenpox the entire time. One was in the same area the shingles manifested. Although I tried to expose her to chickenpox when she was older she never came down with a strong case. Instead we experienced shingles and she made it through beautifully.
The body really takes care of itself and can heal quickly when given the nutrients to support it.
Tara Christopher Eyre is a Master Herbalist and certified Foot Zone Therapist and Instructor. She loves helping people on their journey toward health.
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1 banana
1 orange - peel off the outside rind, leaving the pith
4-5 handfuls of spinach leaves
Frozen fruit of your choice (1-2 cups)
Fresh Pineapple or Orange Juice
1-2 scoops Jurassic Green (optional)
Put all ingredients in a blender and add enough juice to mix. Serve immediately!
Experiment with the amount of greens, frozen fruit and juice you use - we fill up the blender for a family of 5. Our family has a variation of this every morning for breakfast.
Recipe by Tara Eyre
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