School Safety Concerns
Published: Wed, 09/01/21

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
September 1, 2021
School Safety Concerns David Christopher, M.H.
Children are going back to school and there are a number of people worried about their safety with the new protocols and issues that have come up surrounding Sars Coronavirus 2 (Covid 19). There have been many questions on how this disease affects our children and what we can do about it.
First, how dangerous is this disease to children?
Let’s follow the science. As reported in Lancet, a study followed 258,790 symptomatic children ages 5-17 years of age. From these symptomatic cases 75,529 had valid test results. Of those tested 1,734 tested positive for Covid 19. Of those who tested positive only 588 were in the 5-11 age group. Their main symptoms were headaches (62%) and fatigue (55%). These mild symptoms lasted a median of 5 days. Long term Covid 19 cases lasting 28 days only occurred in 18 children and included temporary anosmia (loss of smell). All symptoms decreased over the 28 days and virtually none lasted more than 56 days. There were no deaths.
From this study we see that if a child has symptoms, the chances of having Covid 19 is 2 in 1,000, or if tested 7 in 1,000. Of those few cases only approximately half will have mild symptoms and the other half will have no symptoms. The chance of the child dying is 0%. In a larger context, Sweden never closed schools or businesses and zero children died. World-wide, the only children to die from this virus are those with comorbid conditions, such as leukemia, diabetes, and extreme malnourishment. There is no reason to vaccinate children for a virus that does not endanger them.

Another question is, “how safe are masks?”
A study published in the Journal of American Medical Association's Pediatrics in June 2021 found that children who wore masks were exposed to dangerous levels of carbon dioxide. The study reported that the safe limit for carbon dioxide in closed rooms is 2,000 ppm; however, researchers found that the child with the lowest carbon dioxide level measurement was 3-fold greater than the safe limit. Additionally, the study found that the youngest children had the highest levels of carbon dioxide exposure when wearing masks, with one 7-year-old child measuring 25,000 ppm. In their conclusion, the study authors stated that they, “suggest that decision-makers weigh the hard evidence produced by these experimental measurements accordingly, which suggest that children should not be forced to wear face masks.”
Another study done at the University of Florida revealed the presence of 11 dangerous pathogens found on recently used masks from children.
If it makes you feel better, or more importantly, it makes your child feel safe, by all means, have your child wear a mask. But never insist that someone else’s child be mandated to wear a mask.
Last week our local news station (KSL), quoted the Utah State Health Department and warned everyone not to be outdoors because the smoke from the California wildfires was causing unhealthy air quality. They stated that the smoke particles were so small (2.5 microns) that face masks could not stop them from entering our lungs. This same station, along with the state health department, have been warning us all year to wear masks to stop viruses that are thousands of times smaller than smoke particles and are measured in nanometers. That is like trying to stop mosquitos with a chain link fence. So, wearing two masks to stop viruses, is like putting up two chain link fences to stop mosquitos.
Finally, what can we do to keep our children healthy?
Instead of relying on drugs, vaccines, or masks to protect your children from viruses - keep them healthy by supporting their immune system. This can be as simple as starting the day with a healthy breakfast including grapefruit, sprouted grain cereal and a green smoothie. Grapefruit is loaded with high amounts of Vitamin C, numerous other vitamins and minerals, and small quantities of quinine to fight viruses. Sprouted grain cereal provides substantial life-giving energy as children head off to school. A simple green smoothie with baby spinach, almonds, bananas, other fresh or frozen fruits, and a scoop of Dr. Christopher’s Jurassic Green® provides essential vitamins and minerals to strengthen the immune system.
As you pack school lunches, try replacing cheese and lunch meat with avocado-lettuce-tomato sandwiches, a bag of mixed nuts instead of potato chips, fresh strawberries instead of cookies, and carrot or apple juice instead of soda.
For dinner you can continue to support your child’s immune system by offering fresh, raw, living foods as part of homemade meals. If needed, start with a small amount of raw food on the plate and increase the amount each day.
When our children were young we would give their immune systems an extra boost during cold and flu season by giving them a dropper-full of Kid-E-Mune® before leaving the house for school.
You, as a parent, have the most impact on your children’s health. Instead of relying on vaccines and masks, you will do the most good by strengthening and supporting your child’s immune system with healthy food and herbs.
David Christopher is a Master Herbalist, director of The School of Natural Healing, and son of our beloved Dr. John R. Christopher. He is continually helping others improve their health and that of their family members. The school loves to have him as their director.
- Walach H, Weikl R, Prentice J et al. Experimental Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Content in Inhaled Air With or Without Face Masks in Healthy Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Pediatr. June 30, 2021. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2021.2659. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34190984
- Lee M. University of Florida Lab Finds Dangerous Pathogens on Children’s Masks. The Epoch Times June 22, 2021
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This is an easy way to make a filling, healthy breakfast. Perfect for cold winter mornings. Wheat, spelt, or other grains can be used as well.
In the evening:
- Fill a wide mouth thermos halfway with oat groats (the whole unprocessed grain).
- Fill the thermos the rest of the way with boiling distilled water
- Replace the lid on the thermos and shake to distribute the water
- Remove the berries from the thermos
- Stir in nut milk, coconut milk or oat milk
- If you’d prefer you can warm up the cereal and nut milk in a pan over low heat.
- Serve in bowls with a little raw honey, toppings of your choice (fresh fruit, nuts, raisins, etc.), and cinnamon, nutmeg and cardamom to taste.
- Enjoy!
You’ll need to use approximately ½ to 1 cup of dry oat groats per person.
Recipe by Tara Eyre
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