Your "River of Life"
Published: Wed, 09/08/21

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
September 8, 2021
Your "River of Life" Kelly Pomeroy, M.H.
Symbols have been used through time to reinforce concepts. Dr. Christopher referred to our bloodstream as the “river of life.” 1 By feeding the body fresh produce, it enriches our blood stream to be a clean, vibrant, healing pathway. Oxygen and nutrients are carried on this river to nourish our body, as well as carry off toxins and harmful substances through eliminative channels. Parables have also been drawn to eating foods from the “tree of life” - foods that are rich in fiber, water, vitamins, and minerals. 3 These foods are fresh produce, whole grains, nuts and seeds that sustain, nourish, and cleanse the body. As we eat from the symbolic “tree of life,” our “river of life,” will be nourished, clean, and able to efficiently carry off waste, decreasing sickness and toxic buildup.

One of the most important lessons Dr. Christopher taught is the absolute connection between our diet, bowel health, and how it affects the rest of the body. 3 If the bowels are moving well, the blood will be less toxic and will have greater capacity to nourish and heal us. Ninety percent of disease is said to begin in the bowels. If our bowels are not moving three times a day (for each time we eat a meal), then the leftover food matter and old cell structures processing through the body will compact and constipate us. One of the colon’s jobs is to absorb extra liquid from waste in the bowel before it exits the body. If waste sits too long in the bowels, it continues to break down and ferment as well as absorb that liquid, until the bowels become dry and hardened and compacted. This toxifies the bloodstream, congests the liver, as well as constipates the bowels. Drinking plenty of water, eating fresh fiber rich produce, and lowering stress encourages daily bowel movements.
My 16-year-old recently told me he would like to start a new, more plant-based diet. He said he had this idea from observing his eating habits in relation to his face. His face would break out with more blemishes when he ate poorly, especially with sugar, meat, and dairy. He noticed that his skin would clear up when he ate fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole foods. This was a wonderful and unexpected conversation to have with my son, and a delight to see him connecting the dots and making decisions for himself.
Here are some easy ideas for transitioning to a better life for ourselves and our loved ones.
- For snacks, cut up fresh fruits and vegetables onto trays, easy for us to all pick up and enjoy. Keep them available and easy to choose when they open the fridge.
- Make delicious and easy dips for those who may not enjoy plain produce. This could include nut butters, hummus, guacamole, or dressings.
- Get a juicer or a blender that will allow you to make fresh smoothies or juices for your family, and get a great book or find a website for recipes.
- Nuts and seeds, both raw and sprouted, if possible, are rich in protein, minerals, vitamins, and healthy fats that the body needs for growth, cellular repair, brain health, and hormone signaling.
- Christopher, D. (1983). Dr. Christopher's Natural Healing Newsletter, The Blood Stream: "River of Life". Springville: Christopher Publications.
- Tree of life - Wikipedia. (2021). Retrieved 26 August 2021, from
- Christopher, D. Herbal Home Health Care. Springville: Christopher Publications.
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2 cups soaked cashews (try cooked white or garbanzo beans as a replacement for cashews)
4 cloves of fresh garlic
1 heaping T. rosemary
1 lemon juiced
¾ t. salt
⅛ t. black or cayenne pepper
4-6 T. water to help with mixing
Soak 2 cups of cashews for 30 minutes or more, rinse and place in a blender or food processor. Chop up 4 cloves of garlic add to the cashews. Measure out the rosemary, salt, and pepper and add to the mix. Juice the lemon and add to the mix.
Begin to blend and little by little add some water to ease mixing. Mix or process until smooth. Ready to serve with fresh veggies or as a cream over noodles or as a spread on breads or crackers. Makes about 1 ½ cups of cream.
Recipe by Kelly Pomeroy
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