Complications From Covid-19
Published: Wed, 08/04/21

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
August 4, 2021
Complications From Covid-19 David Christopher, M.H.
I have been getting a myriad of questions regarding what to do if a person is infected with Sars Corona Virus 2 (the scientific name for the virus that causes the condition of Covid-19). Once infected with any virus the infected person should consume great quantities of garlic. I have always taught that infected people should consume at least 16 cloves of garlic a day. This is easier to accomplish if the crushed garlic is combined in onion soup, after it has been cooled to eating temperature, as to not cook the raw garlic. A wonderful recipe is found on our free site by clicking here:

The last time I had the flu, I was flat in bed for two weeks. This was almost 50 years ago, prior to the commercial production of Dr. Christopher’s famous anti-plague formula. A good friend, Sandra Baker, found out I was sick and brought some of her personally made batch to our apartment. It was so strong that my first dose made me shudder. I consumed one to two ounces every hour and was on my feet and ready to work the next day. It is available, commercially today, as Dr. Christopher’s Super Garlic Immune Formula.
Politically we are not allowed to compare Sars Corona Virus 2 to the flu, but let us call a spade a shovel, it comes from a corona virus, so it is an altered cold or flu virus. Scientifically it is not novel, it did not suddenly emerge from bats or birds, camels, or outer space. It is an adaptation of Sars Corona virus, which was developed through research at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. This research was funded by NIH/NIAIDA, and a USA Patent #7279327 was granted to NIH. It would take much more room than available with this newsletter to show the evolution of Sars Corona Virus to Sars Corona Virus 2. More information on this research can be found here:
I have also had numerous questions relating to the platelet aggravation side effects of the Covid “vaccines.” This side effect has manifested brain bleeding, cardiovascular issues, and even ovarian and testicular complications. These, so called, vaccines are so new that no one is sure what causes the side effects and deaths (1,148 myocarditis, pericarditis/all covid vaccine deaths >6,000, as reported thru VAERS).
Luckily, research was recently done at the University of Maine at Orono, showing the anti-platelet aggregation activity in pine needles. The high content of shikimic acid found in pine needles is the key to this action. Further research has shown a strong antiviral effect from both shikimic acid and a suramin-like compound found in pine needles. This research backs up Chinese traditional medicine which historically used star anise as a cure for the plague. Star anise has the highest plant content of shikimic acid. Further confirmation comes from Roche’s antiviral drug Tamiflu®. The high shikimic acid in this product comes from sweet gum tree leaves.
Using pine needles is an excellent, free remedy to aid with the side effects of taking the Sars Corona Virus 2 vaccine or being around someone who recently received it. Boil a quart of water, remove from heat, add a handful of pine needles, and let steep for 10 minutes. Strain and consume.
I am often asked if you can overdose on this remedy. The answer is “No.” One of my acquaintances was protesting by living in a tree and drank nothing but pine needle tea for a month. He was still healthy after his stint.
One caution, cows that consume large amounts of pine needles abort their calves. So, if you are pregnant maybe you shouldn’t consume large quantities of pine needle tea, and definitely think long and hard about taking an experimental vaccine that has already caused countless miscarriages. The New England Journal of Medicine reported a study showing a 12.6% miscarriage rate for women vaccinated in their first trimester. Note: both the CDC and FDA have expressed that only 1% of adverse events to vaccines are reported through VAERS.
Many of Dr. Christopher’s formulas are beneficial to use when dealing with Sars Corona Virus 2. The Lung and Bronchial formula strengthens the pulmonary system, Hawthorn Syrup builds the heart, Nerve formula is excellent for loss of smell and taste, and the Mind Trac helps reduce inflammation in the brain.
As always cleanse and nourish with fresh raw produce, which amplifies any therapies. Soak in the sun’s rays (but don’t sunburn), deeply breathe in fresh clean air, ground your body with the earth, be healthy, and kick this gain of function virus out of town.
David Christopher is a Master Herbalist, director of The School of Natural Healing, and son of our beloved Dr. John R. Christopher. He is continually helping others improve their health and that of their family members. The school loves to have him as their director.
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1 T. Pine or Spruce bark cut or needles
1 T. Fennel seed
1 T. Wild lettuce leaves
1 T. Red Raspberry leaves
6 C. distilled water
Add bark and seeds to the 5 cups of water and low simmer for 20 minutes. Remove from heat and then add the wild lettuce and red raspberry leaves. Steep for 10 minutes. Strain and add honey to taste, if desired. Makes about 5 1/2 cups of
Recipe by Kelly Pomeroy
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