Sweet Healing Aids
Published: Wed, 07/14/21

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
July 14, 2021
Sweet Healing Aids Kelly Pomeroy, M.H.

The experience was wonderful for me. I learned how to go 21 days without fruit, sweeteners, grains and how to make simple and delicious meals with vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds. I also learned how to make sweet treats to appease my cravings in a healing and satisfying way. By the 4th day of the cleanse, a calm came over me and I felt better each day. I ate less and did not feel starved, but satisfied. I gave myself several days after the cleanse to slowly introduce fresh fruits, starchy vegetables, and grains back into my diet.
Knowing what to eat on this cleanse can be a challenge. Having a plan that is easy and enjoyable is really important. Here is a list of food ideas to consider as you cleanse:
- Sauteed vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, peppers or onions, then add fresh garlic with a little salt. Garlic is a delicious and powerful antifungal that I used to my advantage.
- Cut up fresh veggies and a dip of hummus or guacamole. Having hummus or avocado or a nut dip on hand made an easy snack or base to a meal.
- Vegan tacos with lettuce. A recipe for this can be found on this link.
- Homemade juices of carrot, celery, or cucumber are very refreshing.
- Raw soups, such as green peas with almond milk, avocado, a small handful of parsley or cilantro and a couple of garlic cloves with salt and pepper to taste.
- Leafy green salad with cut peppers, sprouts, carrots, tomatoes, and walnuts or sunflower seeds lightly covered in olive oil, a dash of salt and cayenne pepper.
Slippery Elm is a demulcent that gets gelatinous when wet with a somewhat mild flavor. This main healing herb repairs the intestinal tract, is highly nutritive, and is a mild laxative. I used slippery elm as a thickener for my recipes.
Licorice root is a demulcent that gets gelatinous when wet. It soothes the throat and intestinal tract, is a mild laxative, and increases energy naturally by supporting the adrenals and pancreas. Licorice root is 50 times sweeter than sugar, thanks to glycyrrhizic acid in the root. I used this as my sweetener for my recipes.
My hope is to encourage and provide opportunities for success for those who wish to do a Candida cleanse. It has helped my body in so many ways. See the recipes below for some sweet treat ideas and remember to use all things in moderation. Best wishes in all your healing pursuits!
*Dr. Christopher cautioned people to be moderate and wise in their applications of any herbs. Over indulgence of licorice root can reduce blood potassium levels.
Kelly Pomeroy is a Master Herbalist and Student Adviser for The School of Natural Healing. She loves learning about plants and health so she can best help others improve and enrich their own lives. Kelly lives in Utah with her four beautiful children.
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Nutty Chocolate Shake

2 ½-3 C. Almond milk
2-3 C. Ice
2 T. Peanut, Almond, or Cashew butter
2 T. Cacao powder
1 t. slippery elm powder
1 t. Licorice root powder
¼ t. cinnamon powder (optional)
¼ t. ginger powder (optional)
⅛ t. Cayenne pepper (optional)
Add all ingredients to the blender and mix until smooth. Let it sit for 3-5 minutes to let the slippery elm and licorice root become more mucilaginous. This will give great texture to the smoothie. This is a nutrient rich, healing shake that is sweet and satisfying to drink. It is not a smoothie you would buy from a malt shop, laden with sweeteners. Enjoy this yummy treat! Makes 2 servings.
Tiger Bark/Cups
Chocolate layer
2 T. Cacao or cocoa powder
1 t. Licorice root
1 T. Coconut Oil
Pinch of salt
Nut Butter layer
1 T. Peanut Butter, Cashew, or Almond Butter
1 T. Coconut oil
1 T. Slippery Elm
1 t. Licorice root
Prepare the chocolate portion first. Melt the coconut oil for ease of mixing. Add the cocoa, licorice root, and salt and mix thoroughly. Layer a muffin tin with plastic wrap or use flexible small chocolate forms. Pour the chocolate mixture into each plastic lined muffin tin or chocolate form. Place in the freezer and begin the nut layer.
Prepare the nut layer by melting the coconut oil for ease of mixing. Add nut butter and coconut oil together and then add slippery elm and licorice root. Mix well. After mixing, pull the chocolate cups from the freezer and pour one spoonful over each chocolate cup, then return to the freezer. Let the treat sit in the freezer for at least 10 minutes before serving. Keep stored in the freezer and don’t leave them out on the counter for more than 20 minutes, as they will melt and be hard to handle. These frozen treats are oh so simple, so good, and so very good for you while staying on a sweet free diet. Makes 5, medium sized nut cups.
Recipes by Kelly Pomeroy
Printable Version: http://herballegacy.com

2 ½-3 C. Almond milk
2-3 C. Ice
2 T. Peanut, Almond, or Cashew butter
2 T. Cacao powder
1 t. slippery elm powder
1 t. Licorice root powder
¼ t. cinnamon powder (optional)
¼ t. ginger powder (optional)
⅛ t. Cayenne pepper (optional)
Add all ingredients to the blender and mix until smooth. Let it sit for 3-5 minutes to let the slippery elm and licorice root become more mucilaginous. This will give great texture to the smoothie. This is a nutrient rich, healing shake that is sweet and satisfying to drink. It is not a smoothie you would buy from a malt shop, laden with sweeteners. Enjoy this yummy treat! Makes 2 servings.
Tiger Bark/Cups
Chocolate layer
2 T. Cacao or cocoa powder
1 t. Licorice root
1 T. Coconut Oil
Pinch of salt
Nut Butter layer
1 T. Peanut Butter, Cashew, or Almond Butter
1 T. Coconut oil
1 T. Slippery Elm
1 t. Licorice root
Prepare the chocolate portion first. Melt the coconut oil for ease of mixing. Add the cocoa, licorice root, and salt and mix thoroughly. Layer a muffin tin with plastic wrap or use flexible small chocolate forms. Pour the chocolate mixture into each plastic lined muffin tin or chocolate form. Place in the freezer and begin the nut layer.
Prepare the nut layer by melting the coconut oil for ease of mixing. Add nut butter and coconut oil together and then add slippery elm and licorice root. Mix well. After mixing, pull the chocolate cups from the freezer and pour one spoonful over each chocolate cup, then return to the freezer. Let the treat sit in the freezer for at least 10 minutes before serving. Keep stored in the freezer and don’t leave them out on the counter for more than 20 minutes, as they will melt and be hard to handle. These frozen treats are oh so simple, so good, and so very good for you while staying on a sweet free diet. Makes 5, medium sized nut cups.
Recipes by Kelly Pomeroy
Printable Version: http://herballegacy.com
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- Herbal Legacy - http://www.herballegacy.com - Our free information website
- The School of Natural Healing - http://www.snh.cc - Quality Education since 1953
- Christopher Publications - http://www.christopherpublications.com - Dr. Christopher's books and more
- A Healthier You Radio Show - http://www.ahealthieryouradio.com - Free weekly radio show
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The School of Natural Healing: http://www.snh.cc
Christopher Publications: http://www.christopherpublications.com
The School of Natural Healing: http://www.snh.cc
Christopher Publications: http://www.christopherpublications.com
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