Massive Rash
Published: Wed, 07/07/21

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
July 7, 2021
Massive Rash David Christopher, M.H.

In dealing with a massive rash from head to toe, it would be wise to consider Candida albicans yeast overgrowth as the condition. We should look into when it started and what might have triggered the outbreak. Testing can be very expensive but helpful. One of the major causes can be linked to the use of prescription antibiotics. These antibiotics may eliminate harmful bacteria but unfortunately, they also destroy the numerous colonies of friendly bacteria that keep Candida in check. The best treatment is to remove the yeast overgrowth with Dr. Christopher’s Intestinal Sweep formula. It is so effective that an ensuing, toxic yeast die-off occurs; this toxic sludge can be removed with the Dr. Christopher’s Lower Bowel formula.
As we break down and remove this overgrowth of yeast it is imperative that we do not simultaneously propagate its growth. This is accomplished by eliminating all sugars and starches. We should not consume processed grains like cereals, cookies, crackers, cakes, tortillas, tacos, pasta, breads. Milk sugars will definitely interfere by feeding the yeast. Of course, we would eliminate concentrated sugars like maple syrup, agave, honey, and dried fruits. Unfortunately, it is also necessary to eliminate fresh fruit, but only for the three weeks that this program requires.
A massive rash is the result of intestinal yeast over-growth that has become systemic. With the lack of friendly flora (bacteria) in the intestines, Candida (which is a friendly flora that breaks down sugars and alcohol) is readily available in the environment and is consequently the first flora to enter the intestines after antibiotic use. Without any competition from other friendly flora, the Candida takes over all the space in the intestines. After filling the intestines, Candida changes its morphology, growing appendages to penetrate the intestinal lining and seeking the constant glucose in the blood supply. This results in thousands of lesions and results in a condition called leaky gut syndrome. This is how Candida gets to the skin, resulting in wide-spread rash.
After ridding the body of this yeast that has become invasive, it is essential to heal the lesions caused by the altered Candida albicans. This is accomplished with Dr. Christopher’s Soothing Digestion formula.
The final procedure is to restore the colonies of friendly flora. This is accomplished by eating fermented foods, like raw sauerkraut, Kim Chi, apple cider vinegar, miso, Rejuvelac, and raw organic produce, unwashed out of your own garden. Many varieties of friendly flora thrive on the thin layer of dust on these plants. Commercial produce should always be washed. Pre and pro-biotic supplements are also beneficial.
The full protocol for the Systemic Yeast Overgrowth and Leaky Gut Syndrome Program has been added to Dr. Christopher’s Herbal Home Health Care book, and is found under Candida. The Herbal Home Health Care book can be purchased here:
The protocol can also be found in the archives on the Herbal Legacy website:
This program has helped many people suffering from Candida albicans yeast overgrowth.
David Christopher is a Master Herbalist, director of The School of Natural Healing, and son of our beloved Dr. John R. Christopher. He is continually helping others improve their health and that of their family members. The school loves to have him as their director.
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Spicy Peanut Dip/Sauce
½ C peanut butter or almond butter
1 medium garlic clove finely minced
1 T. purple onion or green onions finely minced
1 T. dry ginger or ½ T. fresh ginger finely minced
2 T. liquid aminos or soy sauce
½ tsp. Pepper flakes or cayenne pepper
4-6 T. water, until desired consistency
Put all prepared ingredients into a bowl and stir well. This can be served as a dip with fresh bell pepper wedges, cucumbers, celery, and carrots or thinned down to make a sauce and served over a bed of zucchini noodles. It is a delicious, hearty snack for those avoiding fruit and grains in their diet.
Recipe by Kelly Pomeroy
Printable Version:

½ C peanut butter or almond butter
1 medium garlic clove finely minced
1 T. purple onion or green onions finely minced
1 T. dry ginger or ½ T. fresh ginger finely minced
2 T. liquid aminos or soy sauce
½ tsp. Pepper flakes or cayenne pepper
4-6 T. water, until desired consistency
Put all prepared ingredients into a bowl and stir well. This can be served as a dip with fresh bell pepper wedges, cucumbers, celery, and carrots or thinned down to make a sauce and served over a bed of zucchini noodles. It is a delicious, hearty snack for those avoiding fruit and grains in their diet.
Recipe by Kelly Pomeroy
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- A Healthier You Radio Show - - Free weekly radio show
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