Published: Wed, 06/23/21

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
June 23, 2021
Molluscum Tara Christopher Eyre, M.H.
My cousin’s 6-year-old daughter recently experienced the Molluscum contagiosum virus first hand. If you haven’t heard of molluscum, it is a highly contagious virus that causes a skin infection marked by raised bumps that are firm and dome shaped with a dent or dimple in the middle. The bumps can be extremely painful and itchy.

She called David Christopher for ideas about how to take care of molluscum, and he reminded her to first check her daughter’s diet and remove all dairy, sugar, bread, and sweets. He also recommended using Dr. Christopher’s X-Ceptic formula both internally and externally.
The molluscum cleared up in 4 weeks using the following protocol:
1 - Healthy diet with no dairy, sugar, bread or sweets.
2 - X-Ceptic internally morning, noon and night. She did a full squirt of X-Ceptic in a shot glass of grape juice to get it down.
3 - X-Ceptic externally on each lesion. She soaked a small portion of a cotton ball with X-Ceptic, placed the cotton ball on the lesion, and covered it with a band aid. These were replaced morning, noon, and night.
During the protocol they would put X-Ceptic on a bump, and after a day or two it would open up, then scab, close up, and then disappear entirely. The lesions hurt and itched the whole time - but were noticeably less itchy and painful with the X-Ceptic on them. When changing the dressing the waxy core would come off on the cotton ball and then the lesion would scab and heal over. My cousin was extremely careful to not touch any of the dressing as this virus is extremely contagious. Each lesion took about 2 days to open up, scab and heal.
After 4 weeks of consistently implementing this protocol, the molluscum was completely healed and left no scars.
True healing occurs when we consistently give our bodies the nutrients they need to heal.
Tara Christopher Eyre is a Master Herbalist and Certified Foot Zone Instructor/Practitioner. She loves helping people on their journey toward health.
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Zucchini "Fries"
2 medium zucchinis
1 clove garlic
3 tablespoons olive oil
Pinch Himalayan salt
Pinch pepper
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast (optional)
Recipe from Rawmazing by Susan Powers
Printable Version:

2 medium zucchinis
1 clove garlic
3 tablespoons olive oil
Pinch Himalayan salt
Pinch pepper
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast (optional)
- Cut zucchini into pieces. These should be about ½ x ½ x 4 inches. They dehydrate quite a bit, so don’t be afraid to make them big enough.
- Put garlic through press.
- Combine garlic, oil, salt, and pepper. Put in large bowl and add nutritional yeast (optional).
- Toss to coat zucchini.
- Place on screens and dehydrate at 140 degrees for 30 minutes, reduce heat to 115 degrees, and continue to dehydrate for 4-5 hours.
Recipe from Rawmazing by Susan Powers
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- The School of Natural Healing - - Quality Education since 1953
- Christopher Publications - - Dr. Christopher's books and more
- A Healthier You Radio Show - - Free weekly radio show
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