Sun Safety
Published: Wed, 05/26/21

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
May 26, 2021
Sun Safety Tara Christopher Eyre, M.H.
Summer is upon us, and with it all sorts of adventures await! I know my family is excited for hiking, biking, roller blading, picnics, swimming, paddle boarding, and more. Some members of our family have extremely fair skin which burns easily, while others have more medium to olive skin tones. How can we stay safe in the sun and enjoy the outdoors each summer?

Dr. Christopher stated, “The sun is the Great Doctor of all times. But this therapy must always be done with caution because the sun, (though a healer) is like any fire, which can either provide gentle warmth or it can burn a city down.”
To help us utilize the power of the sun without causing undue harm, Dr. Christopher outlined a sunbathing procedure which is found in both the School of Natural Healing and Curing the Incurables.
Dr. Christopher’s sunbathing program is used on bright days and not during the hours between 11:00am and 1:00pm, as that is when the sun is at its most potent. He teaches:
A blonde person who has never done sunbathing before should never be out over one minute on the first day, adding a minute each day. This should be measured by a stop watch or clock, and accuracy is important, because the feel of the sun is so luxurious that one will desire to stay in it just a little bit longer, and that can cause serious trouble. This may not sound like very much, but within thirty days a person can be sunning up to an hour total time! Brunettes can often start with two minutes front and two minutes back without any injury at all, and add four minutes a day. A person who has been sunbathing years before and has sunbathed regularly each season may start with a little more, five minutes front and five minutes back for the brunette and two minutes front and two minutes back for the blonde. If done gradually and judiciously, this can give power to the body.
My very fair skinned daughter has put this to the test as things have warmed up this year. She set her watch and started with two minutes out in the sun either in our back yard or riding her bike. The next day she set her watch for 3 minutes. She added a minute each day, and often went out in the sun in small segments multiple times each day. She absolutely loves the outdoors, and spent an hour or more in the shade each day as well. There were a few days where she forgot to set her watch and turned a little pink, but nothing like the burns of last summer. She continues to add minutes to her “sun time” each day.
When hiking as a family we wear sun shirts and hats to keep our skin safe while enjoying the outdoors. We also use long sleeved swim shirts for extra protection when enjoying the water for an extended period of time. If absolutely needed we choose a natural barrier type sunscreen with zinc oxide that stays on the surface of the skin. We steer clear of chemical sunscreens that seep into the pores and clog the skin - which is the largest organ of the body, as Dr. Christopher taught.
The sun is a powerful healer, combining it with a healthy diet, including antioxidants to protect against skin damage, and internal cleansing will bring health and vitality.
Tara Christopher Eyre is a Master Herbalist and Foot Zone Instructor/Practitioner. She loves helping people on their journey toward health.
1. John R. Christopher, School of Natural Healing (Springville, Utah: Christopher Publications, 2001) 564.
2. John R. Christopher, School of Natural Healing (Springville, Utah: Christopher Publications, 2001) 564-565.
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Frozen Antioxidant Dessert
Put 1 cup frozen blueberries in a bowl, drizzle with Raw “Chocolate” Sauce. Enjoy!
This is a fun dessert for hot summer days or evenings. I keep a jar of Raw “Chocolate” Sauce in the fridge to quickly satisfy a craving for sweets. The sauce also makes excellent chocolate covered bananas.
Raw “Chocolate” Sauce by Becky Johnson adapted by Tara Eyre
1 C Maple Syrup
2 Tbsp Almond Oil
2 Tbsp Coconut Oil
½ C. Cacao powder
1 tsp Vanilla extract
½ tsp Almond extract
Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Store in a glass container in the fridge. The coconut oil sets up in the fridge, making the “sauce” a little thicker.
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Put 1 cup frozen blueberries in a bowl, drizzle with Raw “Chocolate” Sauce. Enjoy!
This is a fun dessert for hot summer days or evenings. I keep a jar of Raw “Chocolate” Sauce in the fridge to quickly satisfy a craving for sweets. The sauce also makes excellent chocolate covered bananas.
Raw “Chocolate” Sauce by Becky Johnson adapted by Tara Eyre
1 C Maple Syrup
2 Tbsp Almond Oil
2 Tbsp Coconut Oil
½ C. Cacao powder
1 tsp Vanilla extract
½ tsp Almond extract
Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Store in a glass container in the fridge. The coconut oil sets up in the fridge, making the “sauce” a little thicker.
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