Love Is...
Published: Wed, 02/10/21

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
February 10, 2021
Love Is... Kelly Pomeroy, M.H.

The great American educator and author, Stephen Covey, once shared an experience he had with a man asking for marriage advice. He and his wife had lost their feelings of love for each other and they still had 3 children to raise. His answer was simply, love her. The man was puzzled. He asked, how can I love her if the feeling isn’t there? Again, the counsel was, love her. Mr. Covey then explained to him that if the feeling isn’t there, then that is a good reason to love her. In his book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People he shares the counsel he gave him.
“My friend, love is a verb. Love, the feeling, is a fruit of love, the verb. So, love her. Serve her. Sacrifice. Listen to her. Empathize. Appreciate. Affirm her. Are you willing to do that?”1
What does marriage advice have to do with natural healing? When things go wrong in our body, how do we approach the situation? We could cut the “malfunctioning” organ out, take medications to do the job the organ is intended to do, or take a stimulant to mimic the effects you once naturally felt. Or, we could take Mr. Covey’s advice and love, serve, sacrifice, listen to, empathize, appreciate and affirm our body. We could nourish ourselves. Love and nourishing go hand in hand.
Our bodies have an innate desire to heal themselves and are blessed and equipped with so many processes and back-up processes to support us. But like any good car, home, family member, or marriage, the body needs to be cleaned, loved, and nourished. If we ignore small problems in our body, they will build until a “healing crisis” comes along that will get our attention.
How do we love, empathize, and appreciate our body?
First, we can accept ourselves where we are. Dr. Christopher once said, “You already possess a degree of health right now. Thank God for that, then go forward to build even better health.” 2
Second, we can listen to what our body needs. I recently learned that the Hebrew word for heart is Lev or Levav which means “the inner man or will of man.” One of the biggest challenges we face is our willingness to listen to our body and help it by sacrificing our taste buds and appetites for more nourishing and supportive food or healing processes. This doesn’t mean we should force ourselves to suffer through a cleanse or do one begrudgingly, because ultimately that isn't effective for healing. On the other hand, if we listen to our “inner man or woman” and make a conscious choice to help our body, then we can start on a solid healing path. Healing comes as we listen and willingly sacrifice for our body’s health.
Third, Dr. Christopher taught that removing disease has a basic solution – cleanse and nourish. Cleansing routines can be simple, such as a week of eating only fresh produce and plenty of clean water. Cleansing can mean doing a Three-Day Juice Cleanse, as taught by Dr. Christopher in his Three Day Cleanse booklet. Cleansing can also mean using herbs to clean all of the body’s eliminating channels as found in Dr. Christopher’s Extended Herbal Cleanse. The purpose of cleaning the body is to remove mucus and purify the body so that it can heal and work more efficiently. After cleansing we nourish ourselves with a diet rich in antioxidants, healing phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and dense nutrients. These foods are found best in produce, whole grains, outstand seeds grown directly from our Mother Earth.
As we nourish our body through accepting, listening, emphasizing, serving, sacrificing, appreciating, and affirming it, I truly believe we will have a better relationship with ourselves, and be filled with greater health and love.
- Covey, S. (1989). The seven habits of highly effective people. New York: Simon and Schuster.
- Christopher, J. (2014). School of natural healing (14th ed., p. 528). Springville, Utah: Christopher Publications.
Kelly Pomeroy is a Master Herbalist and Student Adviser for The School of Natural Healing. She is also a Foot Zone Practitioner and Instructor. Her love for others, for understanding life and healing the body, runs deep and keeps her always learning. She lives in Utah with her four beautiful children.
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Raw Creamy Greens Soup
½ cucumber
2 cloves of garlic
1 single stalk of celery
½ avocado
1 small jalapeno
2 large handfuls of spinach
2 ½ C. almond or coconut milk
7-8 fresh basil leaves or 1 T. dried basil
1 tsp. Salt
Toppings: A pinch of cayenne pepper, fennel, sunflower seeds and a sprig of basil. (optional)
Put all the ingredients, minus the toppings, into a high-speed blender. Blend until smooth and if desired, blend until the ingredients get warmed. This recipe makes 6 cups of soup and is delicious on its own or served with sprouted bread toast or raw crackers. The flavor is refreshing, creamy, and has a little spice.
Recipe by Kelly Pomeroy
Printable Version:

½ cucumber
2 cloves of garlic
1 single stalk of celery
½ avocado
1 small jalapeno
2 large handfuls of spinach
2 ½ C. almond or coconut milk
7-8 fresh basil leaves or 1 T. dried basil
1 tsp. Salt
Toppings: A pinch of cayenne pepper, fennel, sunflower seeds and a sprig of basil. (optional)
Put all the ingredients, minus the toppings, into a high-speed blender. Blend until smooth and if desired, blend until the ingredients get warmed. This recipe makes 6 cups of soup and is delicious on its own or served with sprouted bread toast or raw crackers. The flavor is refreshing, creamy, and has a little spice.
Recipe by Kelly Pomeroy
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