Published: Wed, 01/20/21

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
January 20, 2020
Parsley Petroselinum crispum Jo Francks, M.H.
The International Herb Association has chosen Parsley as the herb of the year for 2021. Parsley is an herb Dr. Christopher used as a diuretic. It also has many other benefits as well.

Dr Christopher tells a story about a woman in her twenties who came to America from England. She was very sick and went to a doctor who told her she had a severe kidney infection and would only live another 6 months. That would be discouraging news but later that night a man knocked on her door and called her by name and asked for a drink of water. They sat down and he proceeded to tell her, “You have just come from the doctor who told you that you have a bad kidney condition. Well, you are from England and you have brought your herbs with you. In your little herb garden out in the back you have a nice stand of parsley. If you will take a handful of parsley each day and put it in a pint of water, cover and steep it and drink it in regular doses during the day it will heal this condition.” He told her she would live much longer than 6 months and told her some of the things she would see in her lifetime. When he finished talking, she was distracted by something and he disappeared. She lived a long life to the age of 86 and raised several children. Dr. Christopher even spoke at her funeral.
Parsley root has been used as a fomentation for people with edema. A decoction is made with the parsley root and added to an equal amount of vegetable glycerin. Dip flannel cloth in the warm mixture and apply it to the area. It’s said that if you look under the cloth you can see little springs coming out of the pores of the skin.
Not only is parsley a good remedy for the kidneys, it is also good for the gallbladder to help remove gallstones. Dr. Christopher said it is a specific for the adrenal glands, is powerfully therapeutic for the optic nerves, the brain nerves and the whole sympathetic nervous system. It also works well for flatulence and to help reduce swollen and enlarged glands.
Many times, at a restaurant a sprig of parsley is placed on the plate as a garnish. It isn’t there for decoration. If eaten it will be the most nutritious part of the meal in most cases and will also help digest the rest of the food.
Parsley is very nutritious. Some of the nutrition it contains is vitamin C, A and E as well as calcium, potassium, iron, copper and chlorophyll.
Parsley will dry up the milk of nursing mothers so it should not be used at all while nursing. It is good to help with menstrual cramping and suppressed menstruation in women, and has been used for swollen testicles in men.
Parsley is a safe herb to use and in its whole form is not toxic. Add it to smoothies or green juice, salads and use it as a tea.
Jo Francks is a Master Herbalist working at The School of Natural Healing.
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Parsley Pesto
In a blender place 2 bunches of parsley and 3 bunches of chopped basil.
Add 3 cloves of garlic
¼ pound of pine nuts
1 slice of butter (optional) and enough olive oil to make a thick paste.
If the fresh basil is not available you can substitute more Parsley and use dried basil, about 2 or 3 tablespoons. If the pine nuts are not available you can omit them or replace with roasted sunflower seeds.
Pesto is served over spaghetti in place of sauce and it is used as a dollop to top minestrone soup.
Recipe from Dr. Christopher’s Herb Syllabus
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In a blender place 2 bunches of parsley and 3 bunches of chopped basil.
Add 3 cloves of garlic
¼ pound of pine nuts
1 slice of butter (optional) and enough olive oil to make a thick paste.
If the fresh basil is not available you can substitute more Parsley and use dried basil, about 2 or 3 tablespoons. If the pine nuts are not available you can omit them or replace with roasted sunflower seeds.
Pesto is served over spaghetti in place of sauce and it is used as a dollop to top minestrone soup.
Recipe from Dr. Christopher’s Herb Syllabus
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