A Healthy Happy New Year
Published: Wed, 12/30/20

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
December 30, 2020
A Happy Healthy New Year Kelly Pomeroy, M.H.
We hope this article finds you each happy and healthy at this holiday season. This year has been a challenge for most with the world-wide pandemic. As you finish out the last days of 2020, here’s a collection of recommendations given in the articles this year in regards to COVID-19.
“It is essential to have a healthy and active immune system. Healthy immune cells rely on the same nutrients that your other cells require. So, throw away your Twinkies and Coca Cola (i.e., all junk food) and eat fresh raw produce to protect yourself from all viruses. Specific nutrients required for viral protection include Vitamin D (obtained free from the Sun), Vitamin A (plentiful especially in carrots as carotenes which are converted to Vitamin A in the liver) Vitamin C (highest in bell peppers and abundant in fresh produce) and Iodine (stored safely, and easily released in kelp) Echinacea is the king of the herbs for activating your immune system, specifically the macrophages. Elderberries have been studied and are a definite preventative for all communicable diseases.” 1

“The first line of defense for your immune system is the thin layer of mucus that covers and protects all tissues that line the entrance orifices of your body. Macrophages and other white blood cells can enter this thin layer of mucus and devour invading viruses and present the invader’s genetic code to T-helper cells that activate T-Killer cells. This signaling is accomplished through the chemical messenger Interleukin-1. This immune activating signal also elevates the body temperature set-point, triggering a fever. This life-saving mechanism amplifies the immune response and impairs the invading viruses. The worst thing you can do, in a fever inducing disease, is to take a drug to stop the fever (aspirin, Tylenol, etc.). The drug interferes with the interleukin-1, stopping the fever which consequently shuts down your immune response. Therefore, you cannot adequately rid yourself of the invading virus….If you catch the flu or any other fever triggering virus help the body with the juices mentioned in the last article, keep well hydrated (the body controls temperature through perspiration), do the steam procedure with the MPR, drink raspberry leaf tea, take Dr. Christopher’s famous anti-plague formula, employ Dr. Christopher’s fever treatment (found in his Herbal Home Health Care book), and don’t take an aspirin that stops a fever.”2
“It is our individual immune system that protects us from viruses, whether that virus is from bats, birds, pigs or from outer space. Our immune cells are designed to recognize our own cells and protect them. They also detect foreign cells and destroy them. Our immune system becomes healthy through healthy eating and strong through exposure to antigens. Our immune system is enhanced by acquiring friendly flora from physical contact with each other. It is destroyed through exposure to chemicals (i.e., antibacterial soaps, disinfectants and sun-screen). The sun heals through gradual exposure and will destroy viruses….By individually defeating viruses we can collectively be safe.”3
Remember the wise saying, if you are prepared, you shall not fear. We have been blessed with miraculous bodies. Let’s seek to understand them and support them with healthy lifestyle habits. Wishing you all a safe, healthy and happy New Year!
Kelly Pomeroy is a Master Herbalist and Adviser for The School of Natural Healing. She is also a certified Foot Zoner and Instructor. She loves to continually learn about plants, the body, and the earth. She lives in Utah with her four children.
This article contains excerpts from articles written in 2020 by David Christopher, the director of The School of Natural Healing, regarding the COVID-19 virus. See references below for further information.
1. Christopher, D. (2020). 02-05-2020 - Chicken Little and the Coronavirus. Retrieved 28 December 2020, from https://archive.aweber.com/herbal-legacy/Hf.ul/h/Chicken_LIttle_and_the_Corona.htm
2. Christopher, D. (2020). 03-04-2020 - Doomsday for Coronavirus. Retrieved 28 December 2020, from https://archive.aweber.com/herbal-legacy/ORbI_/h/Doomsday_for_Coronavirus.htm
3. Christopher, D. (2020). 05-06-2020 - Covid-19 Models vs Data. Retrieved 28 December 2020, from https://archive.aweber.com/herbal-legacy/GYf03/h/Covid_19_Models_vs_Data.htm
Printable Version: http://herballegacy.com
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Candied Oranges
organic oranges, 4-6
½ C. maple syrup
¼ C. dried elderberries
¼ C. pumpkin seeds
½ t. rose hips powdered
½ t. coconut oil
1 ½ C. stevia sweetened chocolate chips or carob chips
Orange slice preparation:
This recipe will take several days to make, in order to thoroughly dehydrate the orange slices.
Slice entire organic oranges with the washed skin and all, into thin, ¼ inch or ⅛ inch slices, making round flat pieces of orange. Place in a container and pour maple syrup over the oranges, making sure they cover each piece. Let soak for 30 minutes to an hour. Place on a dehydrator sheet and dry at 115 degrees. This process takes longer, the thicker the orange slices. I prefer very thinly sliced oranges, for both texture and drying time. Dry oranges for 8-16 hours, depending on the need. Dry thoroughly until the inner flesh is dried. Once dried, cut each orange slice in half.
Toppings Preparation:
After you have dried the oranges, you will want to lay out a piece of wax paper or parchment to lay these treats on to dry. Put the elderberries and pumpkin seeds into a dish with a spoon to be able to distribute these over the chocolate.
Chocolate or Carob Preparation:
Place the chocolate or carob chips in a pot. If you have a double boiler, this will be the easiest way to melt the chocolate chips. Add a small ½ t. Of coconut oil to the chips to help them thin out. Melt the chocolate chips by setting the pot over a double boiler of water or over another pot of boiling water, while you are stirring the chips. Once they melt, add the rose hip powder and stir well.
Take one half slice of orange and spread the melted chocolate or carob over half of it, on both sides. Then holding the orange over the toppings container, sprinkle the elderberries and pumpkin seeds on both sides of the melted chips. Lay on a parchment or wax paper and let cool. They will harden over the next hour and then are ready to serve. I like to put mine in the freezer for 5 minutes to quicken the hardening process.
These treats are high in zinc, vitamin C, antioxidants, and antiviral substances. What a great way to keep the body both healthy and happy! Happy New Year!
Recipe by Kelly Pomeroy
Printable Version: http://herballegacy.com

organic oranges, 4-6
½ C. maple syrup
¼ C. dried elderberries
¼ C. pumpkin seeds
½ t. rose hips powdered
½ t. coconut oil
1 ½ C. stevia sweetened chocolate chips or carob chips
Orange slice preparation:
This recipe will take several days to make, in order to thoroughly dehydrate the orange slices.
Slice entire organic oranges with the washed skin and all, into thin, ¼ inch or ⅛ inch slices, making round flat pieces of orange. Place in a container and pour maple syrup over the oranges, making sure they cover each piece. Let soak for 30 minutes to an hour. Place on a dehydrator sheet and dry at 115 degrees. This process takes longer, the thicker the orange slices. I prefer very thinly sliced oranges, for both texture and drying time. Dry oranges for 8-16 hours, depending on the need. Dry thoroughly until the inner flesh is dried. Once dried, cut each orange slice in half.
Toppings Preparation:
After you have dried the oranges, you will want to lay out a piece of wax paper or parchment to lay these treats on to dry. Put the elderberries and pumpkin seeds into a dish with a spoon to be able to distribute these over the chocolate.
Chocolate or Carob Preparation:
Place the chocolate or carob chips in a pot. If you have a double boiler, this will be the easiest way to melt the chocolate chips. Add a small ½ t. Of coconut oil to the chips to help them thin out. Melt the chocolate chips by setting the pot over a double boiler of water or over another pot of boiling water, while you are stirring the chips. Once they melt, add the rose hip powder and stir well.
Take one half slice of orange and spread the melted chocolate or carob over half of it, on both sides. Then holding the orange over the toppings container, sprinkle the elderberries and pumpkin seeds on both sides of the melted chips. Lay on a parchment or wax paper and let cool. They will harden over the next hour and then are ready to serve. I like to put mine in the freezer for 5 minutes to quicken the hardening process.
These treats are high in zinc, vitamin C, antioxidants, and antiviral substances. What a great way to keep the body both healthy and happy! Happy New Year!
Recipe by Kelly Pomeroy
Printable Version: http://herballegacy.com
Herbal Resource Links
- Herbal Legacy - http://www.herballegacy.com - Our free information website
- The School of Natural Healing - http://www.snh.cc - Quality Education since 1953
- Christopher Publications - http://www.christopherpublications.com - Dr. Christopher's books and more
- A Healthier You Radio Show - http://www.ahealthieryouradio.com - Free weekly radio show
This newsletter is sponsored by:
The School of Natural Healing: http://www.snh.cc
Christopher Publications: http://www.christopherpublications.com
The School of Natural Healing: http://www.snh.cc
Christopher Publications: http://www.christopherpublications.com
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