Mucusless Diet Additions
Published: Wed, 11/18/20

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
November 18, 2020
Mucusless Diet Additions Alexandra Florica Toma, M.H.
Superfoods are what we need to receive a high nutritional value that is superior to what we get from a typical diet, like keto, paleo, macro, Mediterranean, vegan, vegetarian, or Standard American Diet (SAD). Add these items to your diet daily for the best results.
Psyllium Husk
Two tablespoons in 8oz steam distilled water three times a day or six caps three times a day. For colon health, fiber, and prevention of all diseases. Constipation is the leading cause of all conditions, including latent infection (invisible until around 30-40’s of age), skin, hair loss, heart, pancreas, and hormonal issues. (Ehret, p.1)
Nutritional Yeast
Two tablespoons three times a day. Make a warm broth with 2 oz of warm steam distilled water. Add kelp or dulse, olive oil. Nutritional yeast is for a superior nervous system and energy. Nutritional yeast is a single-celled plant organism with all of the b vitamin nutrients, including fiber and B12, potassium, and iron. Blend nutritional yeast with kelp, spirulina, wheatgrass, barley, and chlorella and some steam distilled water for an energetic, high vibrational warm or cold beverage.
Kelp, Dulce
Sprinkle copiously onto food and in nutritional yeast broth. Kelp contains organic iodine, organic iron for superior thyroid health.
Olive Oil
Attain an olive oil that is one pressing of the fruit for high nutrition and retention of the many micro and macronutrients. One tablespoon three times a day, chase it with apple juice to get the oiliness out of the mouth. Olive Oil lubricates the liver/gallbladder, which reduces pain, griping from the stones, and accumulated toxins in this area. (Christopher, 2015)
Liquid Amino Acids
Having enough essential amino acids is crucial to protein building. There are 20 amino acids, 11 nonessential, and nine essential. The body processes the 11 nonessential internally and the nine essentials we get from foods. The nine nonessential amino acids are necessary during extreme physical stress and certain hereditary metabolic diseases like cancers, polycystic kidney disease, and Huntington’s. Liquid Amino Acids, either coconut or soy, organic, with no added chemicals, fillers, or processed sugars, are the best choices for preventing all latent illnesses and diseases.
Blackstrap Molasses, unsulphured
One tablespoon three times a day for sufficient bone, heart, and blood nutrition. Organic calcium, organic iron, and organic potassium - 20/20/20%. It can be made into sauces and incorporated into foods for better palatability. It can also be taken alone at one tablespoon three times a day.
Apple Cider Vinegar, raw, unpasteurized
Take one tablespoon in a little warm steam distilled water three times a day. ACV regulates stomach acid and digestion. Add raw local honey - 1 tablespoon for extra nutrition and better taste. If concerned with the high glycemic index in honey, add stevia or food-grade vegetable glycerin. Also available in capsules.
Cayenne, Capsican annuum
Start with one quarter teaspoon 3 times a day in a small amount of cold water, like a shot glass. Or take 2-3 capsules or a dropperful 3 times a day. Cayenne is high in vitamin C and Calcium. As a first aid, 3 Tablespoons can stop a heart attack. Besides that, cayenne can be used for:
- Nosebleeds
- Cuts
- Lower blood pressure if high
- Raise blood pressure if low
- As a catalyst for other plant nutrition to be absorbed
- Spicing and Flavoring for food
- Arthritis
- Bunions
- Preventing herpes
- Treating ulcers
- Pain alleviating
- Shingles
- Toothaches
- Weight loss
Alfalfa, Medicago sativa, the “father of all foods”
Used primarily for malnutrition, the second cause of disease, besides isolated chemicals. Alfalfa contains vitamin U, K, A, D, N12, chlorophyll, enzymes, amino acids. (Memmler’s, 2015) Alfalfa aids in these issues:
- Bruising
- Appetite issues (loss of)
- Ulcers
- Urinary disorders
- Digestion
- Prostate
- Lumbago
- Rebuilds teeth
- Improves athleticism
- Increases mother’s milk
- Removes cholesterol
- Arthritis
- Rheumatism
- Colitis
- Anemia
- Alcohol and drug addiction
- Hair growth
- Skin glow
- Nail strength
- Weight loss
Alexandra Florica Toma is a Master Herbalist graduate of the School of Natural Healing, Wholistic Cosmetologist and parent to one loving daughter. She is currently attending an online university studying for her BA in Environmental Science/Biology.
Memmler’s The Human Body in Health and Disease, Barbara Cohen, Kerry Hull, 2015
Mucusless Diet Healing System, Prof. Arnold Ehret, 2002, Benedict Publishing
Dr. John R. Christopher’s, Herbal Reference Guide, John R. Christopher, Dr., 2015, Christopher Publications
The Green Pharmacy, Duke, James, PhD, 1997, Holtzbrinck Publishers
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Apple Cider Drink
1 t. Apple Cider vinegar
1 C. distilled water
1 t. Honey
Pinch of cayenne pepper if desired
Mix all the ingredients and enjoy a delicious and healthy drink for your body. Replace the water for warm apple juice, a pinch of cinnamon, ginger and cloves and enjoy a little spiced cider.
Bragg family recipe

1 t. Apple Cider vinegar
1 C. distilled water
1 t. Honey
Pinch of cayenne pepper if desired
Mix all the ingredients and enjoy a delicious and healthy drink for your body. Replace the water for warm apple juice, a pinch of cinnamon, ginger and cloves and enjoy a little spiced cider.
Bragg family recipe
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