Supporting Our Men and Boys
Published: Wed, 10/14/20

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
October 14, 2020
Supporting Our Men and Boys Kelly Pomeroy, M.H.
Being a woman, I won’t pretend to understand exactly what a man experiences, but having sons and helping clients over the last decade, I wish to increase understanding and share a few simple things that support the boys and men in our lives.
The male reproductive system is distinct in need and function from the female. As obvious as this sounds, it is important to remember.

As a male reaches puberty, testosterone increases and as men age testosterone decreases. The changes you may see with increased testosterone are:
Increased aggressive attitudes, larger body size, enhanced muscle and skeletal growth, wider shoulders and a narrower pelvis, enlarged larynx and vocal cords, facial, body, pubic, and axillary hair, receding scalp hairline or balding (if genetically inclined).
Supporting the boys and men in our lives can start with our everyday things. Some genetic factors may contribute to hormone and reproductive health, but lifestyle factors such as smoking, alcohol, not getting enough sleep, poor diet, or too much weight contribute as well. 2
I recommend a plant-based diet and for those wanting meat, use very little; there is plenty of protein readily available in legumes, nuts, seeds, and produce. I also recommend Dr. Christopher’s Mucusless diet, see here for more information. A few tips for foods you could include to support a healthy male system would be fava beans. They contain L dopa, which helps make dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure, movement, emotion, and motivation. Garlic improves the health and effectiveness of the circulatory system. Pomegranate juice is an antioxidant rich drink, which was proven in a double-blind study to help resolve erectile dysfunction in a 6-week period. Pumpkin seeds contain high omega 3 fatty acids, zinc, carotenoids, and phytosterols all which help keep healthy prostate tissue and can help prevent prostate enlargement or cancer.
Dr. Christopher made a couple formulas for male health. The Male Tonic formula which includes Siberian ginseng, sarsaparilla, red raspberry leaves, saw palmetto, gingko, pumpkin seeds, damiana, bee pollen, hops, and dandelion. These herbs support the male system to have hormone balance, stamina, and energy needed to complete their roles.
Dr. Christopher also created the Prostate Plus formula which contains saw palmetto, mullein, and gingko. Saw palmetto helps to protect the prostate from the irritating effects of testosterone, thus promotes the shrinking of the gland. Mullein is a glandular herb that can help support the shrinking of the prostate to an appropriate size, and gingko can help increase oxygen and blood flow to the area. 3
Recently a young man shared with me what he felt males need most. He says males are told to “man up”, not show emotion, and that certain talents such as handicrafts or certain colors make them less of a man. He said he wished men were given a safe place to express their emotions, be allowed to feel hurt, and express interests without the harsh judgement we as a society tend to dish out. Some men need a push in their lives and some need a break, each is unique, but without fail, love always works. As we support the men and boys in our lives with more understanding, love, and nutrition, they will be able to become their best selves and bless the world around them.
Kelly Pomeroy is a Master Herbalist and Adviser for The School of Natural Healing. She is also a certified Foot Zoner and Instructor. She loves to continually learn about plants, the body, and the earth. She lives in Utah with her four children.
1.Kapit, W., Meisami, E. and Macey, R., 2000. The Physiology Coloring Book. San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings.
2. Duke, J., 2009. The Green Pharmacy Guide To Healing Foods. Emmaus, Pa.: Rodale.
3.Christopher, D. and Gileadi, C., 2010. School Of Natural Healing Herb Syllabus. Springville, Utah: Christopher Publications.
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Root Beer 
2 ounces Sarsaparilla root
2 ounces Sassafras root bark
1 ½ ounces wintergreen herb
½ ounce tansy
1-pint molasses
Simmer the herbs gently in water for about a half an hour and strain. Recall that for each teaspoon of herb, use a cup of water. Add molasses. When cool, add just a pinch (about ¼ t. of baking yeast or wine yeast). After two hours add 2 ½ gallons of lukewarm water. It will be fizzy in five or six hours and then placed into clean bottles, well capped and kept in a cool place. This is a good blood cleanser and a delightful cooling beverage as well. 3
Recipe by Dr. John R. Christopher

2 ounces Sarsaparilla root
2 ounces Sassafras root bark
1 ½ ounces wintergreen herb
½ ounce tansy
1-pint molasses
Simmer the herbs gently in water for about a half an hour and strain. Recall that for each teaspoon of herb, use a cup of water. Add molasses. When cool, add just a pinch (about ¼ t. of baking yeast or wine yeast). After two hours add 2 ½ gallons of lukewarm water. It will be fizzy in five or six hours and then placed into clean bottles, well capped and kept in a cool place. This is a good blood cleanser and a delightful cooling beverage as well. 3
Recipe by Dr. John R. Christopher
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