Herbal First Aid
Published: Wed, 09/23/20

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
September 23, 2020
Herbal First Aid Kelly Pomeroy, M.H.
Having young teenage boys, you can imagine first aid is used often in our home. Over a month ago my son came home from scootering with friends, holding his hand. He had fallen off his scooter and landed on his plastic

After administering the cayenne, I wrapped his hand in a clean cotton cloth and waited about an hour to make sure the bleeding had slowed and the wound site had coagulated and made a clot. After the hour, I removed the bandage, brushed aside any loose cayenne and wiped up the blood around the hand. The bleeding had stopped and I left the remaining cayenne on the wound and packed it with about 1 ½ tablespoons of Dr. Christopher’s Complete Tissue and Bone ointment. For those unfamiliar with this formula, it is a collection of herbs that tighten cell structure, provide the body with building blocks for repair, and hasten cellular repair. It has been termed “people putty” for its effectiveness and countless Dr. Christopher admirers would thank him personally if they could for the blessing it has been to them.
The list of ingredients are: Oak bark, Comfrey leaves, Marshmallow root, Mullein herb, Walnut bark (or leaves), Gravel root, Wormwood, Lobelia, and Skullcap.
I also added a dropperful of Dr. Christopher’s X-ceptic formula and mixed it with the ointment. It contains Oak bark, Goldenseal root, Garlic, Comfrey, Myrrh, and Capsicum. These herbs are strong antiseptics, astringent, and cell proliferants to aid in the body’s healing process.
Each day I put a fresh tablespoon of this herbal ointment and tincture over the injury and a new clean bandage. After a week, we looked at it and washed the area to get it clean. It was really making improvements. Another week passed and we took another look at it. This time, a portion of the skin that had ripped back from the deep fleshy wound, had healed, but was only attached at the base of the palm and stuck out like a growth. The deep wound site was healing from the inside out, but this extra flesh concerned me. The problem was it hadn’t attached itself to the rest of the hand. It was a dime size portion of healthy, puffy flesh. I decided to let my son take a sewing needle and poke around the flap to be certain there was no nerve supply, to which there was not. I took my medical scissors and while he looked away, cut the dime sized puff of flesh off. He didn’t feel a thing. I packed this with cayenne to stop the bleeding, since it had a blood supply. After 10 minutes or so, I packed another tablespoon of the ointment and tincture on the area.

The injury has finally healed up and the fleshy attachment site has begun to smooth out.
I could have taken my son to a medical professional to put stitches in his hand, and that would have been fine. I chose to take care of it myself and trusted in the counsel Dr. Christopher has given so often. The body has a blueprint of how to repair itself. By understanding how the body works and providing the nutrients it needs to do the repairs, we can help the healing process be more profound and efficient.
For those wanting to gain more knowledge and understanding of the body and herbs, I highly recommend Dr. Christopher’s School of Natural Healing. It has made all the difference for me and the health of my loved ones.
Kelly Pomeroy is a Master Herbalist, Adviser for The School of Natural Healing, Foot Zoner, and Foot Zone Instructor. She is continually deepening her understanding of the body and medicinal plants and loves to share it with others. Kelly lives in Utah with her four amazing children.
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Creamy Garlic and Herb Dressing
1 C. cashews
1 C. of water
1 t. Lemon juice
2 small cloves of garlic minced
½ t. Salt (I prefer Pink Himalayan)
1 T. fresh basil leaves
1 T. fresh rosemary leaves
1 T. fresh parsley leaves
¼-½ t. Cayenne
Add all ingredients into a blender and puree until smooth. I recommend a high-speed blender. If you do not have a high-speed blender, be sure you soak your cashews well and get them nice and soft. With the herbs, I try to cram them into a ball and fit them into the measuring spoon. This dressing can be used as a sauce over zucchini noodles, as a salad dressing, or dip. Oil free, dairy free, nutrient rich and oh so yummy!
Recipe by Kelly Pomeroy

1 C. cashews
1 C. of water
1 t. Lemon juice
2 small cloves of garlic minced
½ t. Salt (I prefer Pink Himalayan)
1 T. fresh basil leaves
1 T. fresh rosemary leaves
1 T. fresh parsley leaves
¼-½ t. Cayenne
Add all ingredients into a blender and puree until smooth. I recommend a high-speed blender. If you do not have a high-speed blender, be sure you soak your cashews well and get them nice and soft. With the herbs, I try to cram them into a ball and fit them into the measuring spoon. This dressing can be used as a sauce over zucchini noodles, as a salad dressing, or dip. Oil free, dairy free, nutrient rich and oh so yummy!
Recipe by Kelly Pomeroy
Herbal Resource Links
- Herbal Legacy - http://www.herballegacy.com - Our free information website
- The School of Natural Healing - http://www.snh.cc - Quality Education since 1953
- Christopher Publications - http://www.christopherpublications.com - Dr. Christopher's books and more
- A Healthier You Radio Show - http://www.ahealthieryouradio.com - Free weekly radio show
This newsletter is sponsored by:
The School of Natural Healing: http://www.snh.cc
Christopher Publications: http://www.christopherpublications.com
The School of Natural Healing: http://www.snh.cc
Christopher Publications: http://www.christopherpublications.com
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