Healthy Ways to Support Cancer
Published: Wed, 07/22/20

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
July 22, 2020
Healthy Ways to Support Cancer Tara Eyre, M.H.
No matter what treatment you decide to use for cancer, there are ways to support the immune system and increase healing. The main goal is to create an alkaline environment in the body, where cancer is not welcome. The best tools to help the
body regain health are raw foods, deep cleansing, herbs/supplements and emotional healing. The following is a brief list (definitely not all-inclusive) of how to best support the body through cancer.
- Raw Food
- Mostly vegetables, some lightly steamed. You want to retain enzymes.
- Soaked forbidden rice
- Raw crackers - made in the dehydrator to retain enzymes
- Fresh fruit
- Be creative and have fun as you explore raw options.
- Mostly vegetables, some lightly steamed. You want to retain enzymes.
- Fresh Juices
- Carrot Juice
- Green Juices
- Fresh wheat grass juice (excellent cleanser)
- Raw Sprouted Protein Powder
- Add to juices and smoothies
- Cancer makes you nauseous, so getting a lot of nutrition in a liquid form makes a big difference.
- NO Sugar or Processed foods (cancer feeds on sugar)
- Dr. Christopher Cleansing Formulas (during a cancer crisis these are easier for the body to assimilate in tincture
- Lower Bowel
- Liver/Gallbladder Formula
- Kidney Formula
- Blood Stream formula
- Quick Colon Tonic Part 2 will help get rid of mucoid plaque in the bowel for increased absorption of nutrients.
- Apricot Seeds
- Laetrile destroys cancer cells and the bitter qualities stimulate the liver.
- Cell Food
- Increases oxygen for all cells, allows them to metabolize nutrients and expel waste more effectively
- Cancer is anaerobic, increasing oxygen helps create an environment that cancer cannot survive in.
- Immune Support
- Defense Plus - grapefruit seed extract, echinacea, astragalus, vitamin C, mushroom extracts, Oregon Grape root, Ginger root.
- Turkey Tail Mushroom powder (add to juices or water)
- Essiac Tea
- Keeps the bloodstream clean and helps remove toxins
- Proteolytic Enzymes
- Removes the coating of cancer cells so your immune system can do its job
- Pau d’arco
- Helps stimulate mitochondria to kill cancer cells
- High doses of Vitamin C
- Liposomal Vitamin C has a higher absorption rate than regular vitamin C
- Studies at the University of Iowa show that high doses of Vitamin C create large amounts of hydrogen peroxide, which cancer cells are not effective at removing. Hydrogen Peroxide causes damage and death to the cancer cells.
- Vitamin D
- The best way to get vitamin D is in the sun.
- Can also supplement with a good vegan source of Vitamin D
- IF you live in a state where medical Cannabis is legal - this is an option to consider
- THC causes apoptosis in cancer cells (natural cell death)
- CBD is anti-proliferation - it means that it makes the cancer cells sticky and stops them from spreading throughout the body.
- Exercise
- Gets oxygen into the cells - remember, cancer is anaerobic so increased oxygen decreases cancer cells
- Releases endorphins - it can be hard to keep a positive attitude when battling cancer, endorphins can help with this.
- Start small and slow and build up
- Emotional Healing
- Find a good energy worker
- Heal past strifes
- Move forward with gratitude
- Find Joy
- Laugh!
- Find a Team
- Surround yourself with people that can support you in your healing journey.
Cancer does not need to be a death sentence. As we shift our perspective and support our body and spirit, encounters with cancer can be beautiful healing experiences.
Tara Christopher Eyre is a Master Herbalist and
loves helping people find their own healing path.
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Please note: This recipe does not taste good. It works well externally for cancer and sunburn, and internally for getting high doses of Vitamin C into the system.
Items needed:

- Vitamin C Powder - 5000 mg
- Non-GMO Lecithin granules
- Distilled water
- Ultrasonic jewelry cleaner
- Soak 3 TBSP Lecithin in 1 cup distilled water for 2-4 hours (until the lecithin mixture turns goopy)
- When the lecithin mixture is goopy, mix 3 TBSP Vitamin C Powder and 1 cup distilled water in a good blender on medium-high for 1 minute. Pour this mixture off into a quart jar.
- Pour the goopy lecithin mixture into the blender and mix on medium-high for 1 minute.
- Add the Vitamin C mixture from the quart jar back into the blender. Blend the Vitamin C and Lecithin mixtures on medium-high for 1 minute.
- Pour this mixture into an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner for 8 minutes. (Mine runs in 3-minute cycles, so I just do 3 cycles).
- After 8 minutes pour the mixture into a quart jar.
- Repeat steps 5 and 6 until all of the mixture has had 8 minutes in the ultrasonic machine.
- Store your liposomal Vitamin C in the refrigerator
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- The School of Natural Healing - - Quality Education since 1953
- Christopher Publications - - Dr. Christopher's books and more
- A Healthier You Radio Show - - Free weekly radio show
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