Published: Wed, 06/03/20

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
June 3, 2020
Unmasking David Christopher, M.H.

Masks have definite benefits in filtering out particulates and diminishing expulsions. However there are no scientific studies promoting the efficacy of wearing masks to prevent viral infections. Dr. Russell Blaylock, nationally recognized board certified neurosurgeon, references 17 of the best related studies, none of which conclude a relationship between mask use and protection against influenza infection.(1)
Viruses are so small that expecting a mask to block them is like expecting a chain link fence to keep out mosquitos.
Clearly a mask can stop viral laden sputum and other mucoid expulsions on its surface. However, consider that the Co2 buildup in the space of a mask limits oxygen inhalation. This creates a need for forceful inhalation which will pull the virus through the sputum and the mask directly into your nasal passages and lungs.
It is well known that surgical masks and especially the N95 masks cause significant hypoxia (reduced blood oxygenation) and an increase in hypercapnia (elevation in blood Co2 levels). In this environment your immune system is impaired, specifically it inhibits the CD4+ T- lymphocytes involved in the first line of defense. In other words you are more likely to be infected with a virus if you wear a mask.
I am amazed when I see people outdoors jogging, bike riding, and working out while wearing a mask. Beyond the diminished oxygen availability and the increased Co2 exposure their chances of getting infected or infecting others with COVID or any communicable disease is virtually zero. Let’s also consider the people wearing masks while driving alone in their cars. What a sight! Who are they protecting? Do they realize the dangers of mask induced hypoxia (i.e. passing
out) and the accidents that have resulted and that could kill them and others?
I have heard that masks are worn to keep the elderly safe and to protect the immune compromised. I say it gives them a false sense of security and puts them in greater danger.
Never in the history of world pandemics has society quarantined the healthy, endangered the vulnerable, and censored the truth about nutrients’ role in viral mitigation as has been the case in this pandemic.
When the number of COVID cases were at their peak W.H.O., CDC, and the renowned Dr. Fauci were telling us not to wear masks and that they wouldn’t do any good. Now that all the curves are flat, and the death toll is dropping we're told that everyone needs masks. No reason, no science, no proof, no benefit.
I suggest we adopt some common sense, gain knowledge, get back to normal. Read Dr. Blaylocks’ full, well documented article.
David Christopher is a Master Herbalist and the director of The School of Natural Healing. He also cohosts the popular radio show "A Healthier You" and is a popular international teacher and lecturer
1 https://www.technocracy.news/blaylock-face-masks-pose-serious-risks-to-the-healthy/
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David is on Youtube!
David released a great video about COVID-19 and how our immune systems work. Check it out here!

1 c. juice from lemons and a few limes
¾-1 c. honey, agave, or maple syrup (I like a blend of them)
6-7 c. water
1 handful of fresh mint leaves (not the stem, just the leaves)
⅓ c. coconut milk
1 ½ c. Ice
Mix all these ingredients in the blender and blend until the leaves are small. This is an absolutely delicious and refreshing drink. Great for digestion and for cooling off in the summer heat!
Recipe by Kelly Pomeroy
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- Herbal Legacy - http://www.herballegacy.com - Our free information website
- The School of Natural Healing - http://www.snh.cc - Quality Education since 1953
- Christopher Publications - http://www.christopherpublications.com - Dr. Christopher's books and more
- A Healthier You Radio Show - http://www.ahealthieryouradio.com - Free weekly radio show
The School of Natural Healing: http://www.snh.cc
Christopher Publications: http://www.christopherpublications.com
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