Viral Wisdom
Published: Wed, 03/25/20

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
March 25, 2020
Viral Wisdom Tonya Judd, M.H.
Viruses and immune health are at the heart of world concern these days, along with lack of toilet paper and other essentials. Here are some words of wisdom from great herbalists of our time.
David Christopher has written:
“The first line of defense for your immune system is the thin layer of mucus that covers and protects all tissues that line the entrance orifices of your body. Macrophages and other white blood cells can enter this thin layer of mucus and devour invading viruses and present the invader’s genetic code to T-helper cells that activate T-Killer cells. This signaling is accomplished through the chemical messenger Interleukin-1. This immune activating signal also elevates the body temperature set-point, triggering a fever. This life-saving mechanism amplifies the immune response and impairs the invading viruses….As the immune system kicks into high gear the mucus thickens with the debris of destroyed viruses and damaged white blood cells. At this point, we encourage expectoration. We boil a pan of water, remove it from the heat, spray into the boiled water certain essential oils, which are contained in Dr. Christopher’s M.P.R formula and inhale the steam and MPR deep into our sinuses and lungs, which stimulates coughing and blowing the waste out of our bodies.”1

James Duke, PhD. in his book Green Pharmacy said:
“ Antibiotics are generally useless against viruses; ...several herbs used in traditional herbal medicine have scientifically documented antiviral effects. They are what I use when I have colds, flu, and other viral infections.”
Echinacea- “Echinacea fights viruses in two ways. It contains three compounds with specific antiviral activity- caffeic acid, chicoric acid and echinancin. Root extracts of echinacea have also been shown to act like interferon, the body’s own antiviral compound. In addition, echinacea is an immune stimulant that helps the body defend itself against viral infection more effectively.”
Astragalus- “In one small Chinese study, ten people whose heart muscles were infected by Coxsackie B virus, which causes the heart inflammation known as myocarditis, received injections of astragalus extract for three to four months. The activity of their natural killer cells, a component of the immune system, rose 11 to 45 percent. They also showed increased levels of alpha and gamma interferon, the body’s own antiviral compounds.”
Garlic- “Several of the sulfur compounds in garlic are active against the flu virus”, according to Heinrich Koch, PhD., professor of pharmaceutical chemistry and biopharmaceutics and Larry Lawson, Ph.D., a research scientist. Jane Guiltinan, N.D., suggests up to 12 fresh cloves a day.
Duke’s other antiviral herbs suggested; goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis), dragons blood (Croton lechleri), juniper (Juniperus species), lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra), shitake mushroom (Lentinus edodes), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus), forsythia (Forsythia suspensa), ginger (Zingiber officinale). 2
Dr. John R. Christopher, founder of The School of Natural Healing had this to say:
“The best insurance in the world against any flu epidemics, plagues, or killing diseases is to have your body in a good healthy condition. Disease germs are merely scavengers and can live only on toxins, mucous and residue from junk foods. They cannot and will not damage healthy cell structure. This is key to health-keep your body clean by avoiding mucus forming foods, and bacteria and viruses will pass you by. They will want nothing to do with your body because it will be so clean and have no filth for them to live on. If a plague or some other epidemic hits before you are in a healthy condition, it is good to use the Anti-Plague formula as an aid for fast cleaning.”
With these words of wisdom, preventative care such as washing our hands, caring for our bodies, and social distancing, we can move forward with what we need to get through this world wide epidemic and be a wiser, healthier people. 3
*Dr. Christopher made many formulas in his time to support the immune and respiratory systems. Here is a list of some additional formulas he made that can be found in his School of Natural Healing book as well as preparations sold through many retailers.
AntiPlague formula (aka Super Garlic Immune formula)
Lung and Bronchial formula to relieve irritation and promote the discharge of mucus secretions Herbal Cough formula to create a productive cough
CSR formula to help fight viral infection.
Respiratory syrup helps expel mucus from the respiratory system.
Immune system formula with astragalus, ginseng, echinacea, and reishi mushroom, Kid-e-Well and Echinacea/Goldenseal formulas to support the immune system.
Infection formula clears toxins from the lymph system and supports its fighting mechanisms.
Winter Season formula to assist in relieving colds and stopping infection.
Kelly Pomeroy is a Foot Zoner, Foot Zone Instructor, Master Herbalist and Adviser for the School of Natural Healing. She lives in Utah with her four children and enjoys continuing her education in nature and health.
- Christopher, David. "03-04-2020 - Doomsday For Coronavirus". Archive.Aweber.Com, 2020, Accessed Mar 2020.
- Duke, James A. The Green Pharmacy. Rodale, 2000.
- Christopher, John R. School Of Natural Healing. Christopher Publications, 2014.
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Sore Throat Remedy
4-6 fresh garlic cloves chopped
Honey (enough to cover the garlic completely)
Cayenne (a pinch to ¼ t.)
Mince garlic fine or push through a garlic press. Cover with honey completely and add a pinch of cayenne. Mix all the ingredients together. Take about 1 t. every hour if afflicted with a sore throat, or take 1 spoonful three times a day for prevention. Not only is this for a sore throat, but a simple way to get fresh garlic in the body.
Recipe by Tonya Judd
Printable Version:

4-6 fresh garlic cloves chopped
Honey (enough to cover the garlic completely)
Cayenne (a pinch to ¼ t.)
Mince garlic fine or push through a garlic press. Cover with honey completely and add a pinch of cayenne. Mix all the ingredients together. Take about 1 t. every hour if afflicted with a sore throat, or take 1 spoonful three times a day for prevention. Not only is this for a sore throat, but a simple way to get fresh garlic in the body.
Recipe by Tonya Judd
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