Time with Kids
Published: Thu, 03/19/20

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
March 19, 2020
Time with Kids Jo Francks, M.H.
When I was a kid my mom would make these yummy candies out of peanut butter, honey, and powdered milk. I thought they tasted like the inside of a peanut butter cup. Occasionally I still make those tasty treats but I have since substituted the powdered milk with different options like powdered herbs or oat flour. The peanut butter is now substituted with homemade almond butter.

As I was thinking about different activities that would be fun and helpful to do with children, these candies came to mind, along with the different herbs that might be beneficial to include for them at this time.
The first herbs that came to mind were astragalus and marshmallow; herbs that strengthen the immune system without overstimulating it and they don’t have a strong overpowering flavor. Here’s my plan for making these treats:
Blend up some rolled oats in the blender to flour consistency, mix about 2 tablespoons each of the oat flour, the marshmallow root powder and the astragalus root powder. In a separate bowl combine ½ cup almond butter or peanut butter and ⅓ cup raw honey. Now start adding the herb and oat powder mixture starting with ¼ cup and adding more if needed until it can be rolled into balls or other shapes.
Optional ingredients to add if you like are cocoa powder, carob powder, slippery elm powder, dried fruit, nuts, cinnamon, powdered elderberries, rose hips, or hawthorn berries. Powdered herbs can also be mixed into honey to make little medicine balls. The same herbs can be used or other combinations can be used like mullein, slippery elm and chickweed. These herbs would be a good combination to use for respiratory issues as an expectorant. Elderberries or echinacea powder could be used to boost the immune system. I have a child who liked to make the sore throat remedy with garlic honey and cayenne as a snack:)
Tea parties are a great way to spend time with children. Peppermint tea combined with elderflowers is an old classic used for fevers. The herbs act as a diaphoretic to make you sweat. Raspberry leaves are great for any tea party a few thyme leaves could be added if you or your child has a cough. I would use chamomile if someone needed to calm down.
When I asked my daughter what she has learned to do when she has a fever she said “Take a hot bath with hot tea.” She learned well. We would use a combination of diaphoretic herbs for the tea which could include any of the following herbs; peppermint, yarrow, raspberry leaves, calendula flowers, sage leaves or elderflowers. When they were done with the bath, they would shower off with cold water really quick and go to bed and sweat a little more.
If you find you have a little time to spend with kids you may want to try out some of these suggestions.
Jo Francks is a Master Herbalist working at The School of Natural Healing.
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Nut Butter Candy
½ cup nut butter
⅓ cup honey
Powdered oat flour or powdered herbs
Combine the nut butter and honey and add enough of the powdered ingredients to make a dough. Roll into balls or other fun shapes.
Optional ingredients to add if you like are cocoa powder, carob powder, slippery elm powder, dried fruit, nuts, cinnamon, powdered elderberries, rose hips, or hawthorn berries.
Recipe by Jo Francks
Printable Version: http://herballegacy.com

⅓ cup honey
Powdered oat flour or powdered herbs
Combine the nut butter and honey and add enough of the powdered ingredients to make a dough. Roll into balls or other fun shapes.
Optional ingredients to add if you like are cocoa powder, carob powder, slippery elm powder, dried fruit, nuts, cinnamon, powdered elderberries, rose hips, or hawthorn berries.
Recipe by Jo Francks
Printable Version: http://herballegacy.com
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Christopher Publications: http://www.christopherpublications.com
The School of Natural Healing: http://www.snh.cc
Christopher Publications: http://www.christopherpublications.com
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