Our Battle Against Colds and Flus
Published: Wed, 02/26/20

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
February 26, 2020
Our Battle Against Colds and Flus Angela Sannapu, M.H.
The cold and flu season is upon us, what shall we do? Among eating healthy, eliminating well, and consuming immune boosting herbs, would you like to have additional ammunition in your arsenal? We shouldn’t neglect the amazing world of essential oils. Essential oils contain properties that

We've heard the phrase that the best defense is a good offense. Essential oils help us in ways that typical cold/flu strategies cannot. Rather than waiting to be attacked by a cold or flu, essential oils begin the battle zone (and your preferred victory) outside of the body. This is the best place to win, as one does not need to feel the symptoms of cold/flu. Essential oils can be diluted and used topically and internally with caution, but the most influential way (the oil’s forte) is diffused in the air. It is here that essential oils win many battles for us.
Many colds and flus are spread via tiny particles in the air. It is from here they are breathed in, ingested, and “caught.” If we can win the air space, then much of the issue is conquered. While it is advised to avoid crowds, wash your hands, and not to touch surfaces where a contagious person may have been, sometimes we find we have no other choice but to be in these situations. It is in these circumstances that we can turn to essential oils.
Take a look at the table for a few essential oils and their common day usage and benefits.

The amazing benefit of many of these oils, whether individually or combined, is that they can attack airborne virus/bacteria/fungus and latch onto them. When on the outside of the potential enemy cell, it can break through the formidable cell’s wall and destroy it from the inside out, long before it can invade our body to divide, and multiply.
There are many immune boosting herbal combinations but perhaps the most famous is the Thieves’ Oil Recipe. The legendary story dates back to the time of the Black Plague that killed thousands of people in Europe. Spice Traders lost business because trade routes were halted. Without a source of income, these spice merchants bathed themselves in spices, practiced good hygiene, and ate lots of garlic, all before going to raid the unfortunate bodies of those overcome with plague. When these thieves were arrested, the king agreed to lessen their punishment in exchange for their secret for “anti-plague.” They provided the recipe which has become known as “Thieves’ Oil” for us today. See the recipe below the article.
100’s and 1,000’s of years ago many spices were nearly worth their weight in gold. Wars were fought, navigation was explored, and trade increased all on the trade of spices and herbs. Today we are blessed to have at our fingertips abounding resources of the very best of God’s gift of healing and medicinal herbs from around the world.
Angela Sannapu is a Master Herbalist, Aromatherapist, Diplomate of Iridology, and a Reflexologist. She has helped family, friends, and even animals stay healthy with basic and advanced principles of health for over 15 years.
*It is important to note that essential oils should be from a quality control expert and be less than 2 years old to hold the full therapeutic effect. It is for our benefit that Wholistic Botanicals who manufactures according to Dr. Christopher’s strict quality control standards also manufactures essential oils. They sell under the brand name of Health Fusion. www.DrChristopherHerbs.com Their Thieves Oil recipe sells under the name Armor.
- The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valeria Ann Worwood New World Library 1991
- Aromatherapy Workbook by Marcel Lavabre Healing Arts Press 1996
- https://blog.mountainroseherbs.com/thieves-oil
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Thieves Essential Oil Blend Recipe
• 40 drops organic clove bud essential oil
• 35 drops organic lemon essential oil
• 20 drops fair trade organic cinnamon bark essential oil
• 15 drops organic eucalyptus essential oil
• 10 drops organic rosemary essential oil
Whether you mix this recipe yourself or buy a comparable premixed product, you can get the best usage in the following ways.
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• 35 drops organic lemon essential oil
• 20 drops fair trade organic cinnamon bark essential oil
• 15 drops organic eucalyptus essential oil
• 10 drops organic rosemary essential oil
Whether you mix this recipe yourself or buy a comparable premixed product, you can get the best usage in the following ways.
- Diffusing in your house, especially during a gathering
- Applying 1 drop on the collar of your shirt before going into a crowd
- Adding 2-5 drops to a spray bottle of water to disinfect surfaces
- Adding 1-2 drops to hand soap throughout your house
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- Herbal Legacy - http://www.herballegacy.com - Our free information website
- The School of Natural Healing - http://www.snh.cc - Quality Education since 1953
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- A Healthier You Radio Show - http://www.ahealthieryouradio.com - Free weekly radio show
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