Doomsday for Coronavirus
Published: Wed, 03/04/20

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
March 4, 2020
Doomsday for Coronavirus David Christopher, M.H.
In my last newsletter (2/5/20) I presented how to avoid the coronavirus and not be ill-affected by hysterical media. I should also warn against hysterical politicians. We do not need a political Henny Penny clucking about a falling viral sky and wanting 8 billion dollars to stop it. We need to personally be prepared with a six-week supply of food and supplies for quarantine, mandatory or self-imposed. We do not want to be controlled by the same professionals that currently have 14,000 deaths nationally from influenza so far this year.
In my last article, I explained why viruses are not subject to anti-biotics. I explained that your immune system destroys these invaders. Let me emphasize that only your immune system can save you from corona or any other viral infection. Your best defense is a healthy immune system. Immunity is bolstered with fresh raw produce and impaired with highly processed junk food.

The first line of defense for your immune system is the thin layer of mucus that covers and protects all tissues that line the entrance orifices of your body. Macrophages and other white blood cells can enter this thin layer of mucus and devour invading viruses and present the invader’s genetic code to T-helper cells that activate T-Killer cells. This signaling is accomplished through the chemical messenger Interleukin-1. This immune activating signal also elevates the body temperature set-point, triggering a fever. This life-saving mechanism amplifies the immune response and impairs the invading viruses. The worst thing you can do, in a fever inducing disease, is to take a drug to stop the fever (aspirin, Tylenol, etc.). The drug interferes with the interleukin-1, stopping the fever which consequently shuts down your immune response. Therefore, you cannot adequately rid yourself of the invading virus.
This thin layer of mucus traps all incoming viruses then sluffs off running the invaders out of the nose and being coughed out of the lungs. This is when you are most contagious, so stay home. Remember you do not want to stop your body from working by taking cough suppressant or suppressing the running nose.
As the immune system kicks into high gear the mucus thickens with the debris of destroyed viruses and damaged white blood cells. At this point, we encourage expectoration. We boil a pan of water, remove it from the heat, spray into the boiled water certain essential oils, which are contained in Dr. Christopher’s M.P.R formula and inhale the steam and MPR deep into our sinuses and lungs, which stimulates coughing and blowing the waste out of our bodies.
If the waste stays in then pneumonia sets in, and that is what kills people.
If you catch the flu or any other fever triggering virus help the body with the juices mentioned in the last article, keep well hydrated (the body controls temperature through perspiration), do the steam procedure with the MPR, drink raspberry leaf tea, take Dr. Christopher’s famous anti-plague formula, employ Dr. Christopher’s fever treatment (found in his Herbal Home Health Care book), and don’t take an aspirin that stops a fever.
With the proper education taught at The School of Natural Healing or found in Dr. Christopher’s books and by applying the principles therein, you can have the confidence that I have (I can sleep when the wind blows). Then when some Henny Penny tries to scare you with an impending apocalypse you can, like me, kick back and sing the words to the famous song, “Don’t Worry be Happy.”
David Christopher is a Master Herbalist and the director of The School of Natural Healing. He also co-hosts the popular radio show "A Healthier You" and is a popular international teacher and lecturer.
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Savory Splendor Salad Dressing
2/3 C. Extra virgin olive oil
2/3 C. Apple cider vinegar
1 medium onion fresh
2 cloves of garlic fresh
2 t parsley dried or about 1 1/2 T fresh
2 t basil dried or about 1 1/2 T fresh
2 t honey
1 t oregano dried or about 1/2 T fresh
1 t rosemary dried or about 1/2 T fresh
1 t dry mustard
1/2 - 1 t salt to taste (I used pink Himalayan salt)
Add minced garlic and chopped onions to a blender. Add all of the remaining herbs, apple cider vinegar and olive oil. Blend well.
This dressing has amazing flavor and moreover, amazing health benefits to boost your immune system! Enjoy this splendid, savory dressing over salad, veggies, or as a sop. Makes about two cups.
Recipe by Kelly Pomeroy
Printable Version:

2/3 C. Extra virgin olive oil
2/3 C. Apple cider vinegar
1 medium onion fresh
2 cloves of garlic fresh
2 t parsley dried or about 1 1/2 T fresh
2 t basil dried or about 1 1/2 T fresh
2 t honey
1 t oregano dried or about 1/2 T fresh
1 t rosemary dried or about 1/2 T fresh
1 t dry mustard
1/2 - 1 t salt to taste (I used pink Himalayan salt)
Add minced garlic and chopped onions to a blender. Add all of the remaining herbs, apple cider vinegar and olive oil. Blend well.
This dressing has amazing flavor and moreover, amazing health benefits to boost your immune system! Enjoy this splendid, savory dressing over salad, veggies, or as a sop. Makes about two cups.
Recipe by Kelly Pomeroy
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