Heavy Metal Toxicity
Published: Wed, 01/08/20

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
January 8, 2020
Heavy Metal Toxicity- Natural Solutions David Christopher, M.H.
I was questioned recently about lead toxicity in a 4-year-old child. I told the mother about Dr. Christopher’s Bugleweed Heavy Metal Formula and mentioned some foods like strawberries that chelate mercury out of the body and nettle leaves that chelate aluminum. But I thought she needed more information so I researched the subject. In my research I ran across an amazing study which was on the government website of the National Institute of Health. I have included some of the major points but I encourage you to read the full article.
Numerous studies link cadmium (Cd) to pulmonary, renal, hepatic, skeletal, reproductive and cardiovascular dysfunction; and is also classified as a group I human carcinogen. Lead (Pb) exposure induces neurologic and hematological dysfunction as do other heavy metals including mercury and aluminum. Any non-essential metal can damage cell structure twenty-four hours a day every day of every year they are imbedded in our bodies. Attempts to remove these dangerous substances can also cause major problems like stripping the body of essential metals like zinc, iron and manganese. Chelation therapy uses CaNa2EDTA and or meso-2, 3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) which themselves can cause damage to the kidneys (29), appetite loss, nausea, and diarrhea. (31)
Many studies show that a deficiency in essential metals allows the uptake of heavy metals (33, 34, and 35). So, the natural solution is to fill the binding sites by eating plant foods (fruits and vegetables) which contain these essential metals. All herbs are high in these micro nutrients.

The vitamins that you find in fresh produce are anti-oxidants that are able to scavenge free radicals and decrease lipid peroxidation, which occurs from the presence of heavy metals.
Garlic, Ginger and Onions are ubiquitous all over the world and are top rated anti-oxidants. “Garlic extract has been shown in studies to relieve Pb (Lead) induced neural, hepatic, renal, and hematic toxicity in rats and protects against Cd(cadmium)-induced mitochondrial injury and apoptosis in tissue culture models (73, 74, 75, and 76).” Not only does garlic protect body damage from its organosulphur compounds such as diallyl tetrasulfide, but it also helps chelate the metals out by providing amino acids which contain sulphur. These acids also block metals from being absorbed through the intestines.
Quoting from Dietary Strategies for the treatment of Cadmium and Lead Toxicity, “Tomato is regarded as one of the most powerful natural antioxidants (84) and can prevent renal toxicity induced by Pb(lead) exposure in rats (85). Moreover, tomato has been reported to produce metal chelating proteins and phytochelatins when exposed to heavy metal ions (86, 87). In fact, the oral administration of tomato has been shown to significantly reduce the accumulation of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, and Hg) in the liver of rats.” Tomatoes stimulate the body’s production of chelating proteins called metallothioneins.
We are constantly getting pummeled by metals in our polluted environment and the best we can do until we clean it up is eat nature’s cure for everything, fresh raw produce, organic of course.
1. Porru S., Alessio L. The use of chelating agents in occupational lead poisoning. Occup. Med. 1996;46:41-48. doi: 10.1093/occmed/46.1.41.
2. Liebelt E.L., Shannon M.W. Oral chelators for childhood lead poisoning. Pediatr. Ann. 1994; 23:616-626. doi: 10.3928/0990-4481-19941101-10
3. Reeves P.G., Chaney R.L. Marginal nutritional status of zinc, iron, and calcium increases cadmium retention in the duodenum and other organs of rats fed rice-based diets. Environ. Res. 2004;96:311-322. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2004.02.013.
4. Larsson S.E., Piscator M. Effect of cadmium on skeletal tissue in normal and calcium-deficient rats. Isr. J. Med. Sci. 1971; 7:495-498
David Christopher is a Master Herbalist and the director of The School of Natural Healing. He also co-hosts the popular radio show "A Healthier You" and is a popular international teacher and lecturer.
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Tomato Chickpea Curry
2 onions finely diced
4 garlic cloves finely diced
1 ½ C. tomato puree or finely chopped tomatoes
1 ¾ C. cooked chickpeas
1 ¾ C. coconut milk
1 t. Ground Coriander
1 t. Ground Turmeric
1 t. Ground Ginger
1-2 T. chopped fresh basil leaves or ½ t. Dried basil
½ t. Ground Fennel
1 T. olive oil
½-1 t. Himalayan, Sea, or Real salt
In a large pan, sauté onions and garlic lightly in olive oil. Add coriander, turmeric, ginger, and curry. Turmeric is more readily absorbed if it is heated in an oil lightly. Add chickpeas, coconut milk, and salt. Stir and let the flavors meld on low heat for about 5 minutes. Add fennel and basil at the very end. And for those who like a little heat, add a dash of cayenne. Serve over a bed of rice. Feeds about 5 people.
Recipe by Kelly Pomeroy
Printable Version: http://herballegacy.com

2 onions finely diced
4 garlic cloves finely diced
1 ½ C. tomato puree or finely chopped tomatoes
1 ¾ C. cooked chickpeas
1 ¾ C. coconut milk
1 t. Ground Coriander
1 t. Ground Turmeric
1 t. Ground Ginger
1-2 T. chopped fresh basil leaves or ½ t. Dried basil
½ t. Ground Fennel
1 T. olive oil
½-1 t. Himalayan, Sea, or Real salt
In a large pan, sauté onions and garlic lightly in olive oil. Add coriander, turmeric, ginger, and curry. Turmeric is more readily absorbed if it is heated in an oil lightly. Add chickpeas, coconut milk, and salt. Stir and let the flavors meld on low heat for about 5 minutes. Add fennel and basil at the very end. And for those who like a little heat, add a dash of cayenne. Serve over a bed of rice. Feeds about 5 people.
Recipe by Kelly Pomeroy
Printable Version: http://herballegacy.com
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- Herbal Legacy - http://www.herballegacy.com - Our free information website
- The School of Natural Healing - http://www.snh.cc - Quality Education since 1953
- Christopher Publications - http://www.christopherpublications.com - Dr. Christopher's books and more
- A Healthier You Radio Show - http://www.ahealthieryouradio.com - Free weekly radio show
This newsletter is sponsored by:
The School of Natural Healing: http://www.snh.cc
Christopher Publications: http://www.christopherpublications.com
The School of Natural Healing: http://www.snh.cc
Christopher Publications: http://www.christopherpublications.com
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