Calming Our Fears
Published: Wed, 10/23/19
October 23, 2019
Calming Our Fears Kelly Pomeroy, M.H.
It’s time again for ghosts, skeletons, Jack o Lanterns and all the magic that kids find at Halloween. Halloween originated from an ancient Celtic practice where they believed the spirit realms between the dead and living were penetrable. Harvest offerings were placed in towns to appease the visiting spirits. Later Pope Gregory III pronounced November 1, as a day for all Saints. The festivities for All Saints included honoring the dead as well. Gradually, October 31 was named All Hallows Eve and later named Halloween.

Traditions are at the heart of so many festivities. Some traditions can be uplifting and serve a great purpose, while others generate fear and misunderstanding. Some traditions, or common beliefs about sickness come over us like a cloak of fears. We are afraid when we or a loved one gets sick, especially when we do not know what to do. We are afraid of mutations, genetic disorders, cancers, auto-immune diseases, and many more.
Dr. Christopher taught this simple truth, that our body has an inherent ability to heal itself. There are amazing systems in place that allow the body to return to homeostasis. If we skin our knees, immediately, a system is in place to clean the wound site and provide repair work. By the next day a scab has started and within a week or two, the area has new flesh grown where there was once an abrasion. One of the most important things I have learned from David Christopher that has calmed my fears the most, was to not worry about the fancy name of an illness, but to focus on what the body is trying to do and apply the simple principles of cleansing and nourishing.
Hippocrates (460-375 BC), the Father of Medicine, was a great observer of the body. He believed that its systems were to be approached differently than that of an inanimate object. He believed in giving the body nutrient rich food, rest, and care so that it can heal itself. He has often been quoted, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” He understood the power of diet and how it supports our body to heal itself. In another text he wrote, “First do no harm.” No wonder Dr. Christopher taught Hippocrates approach, since he too was a firm believer in using food to heal us and in doing no harm. This approach is called Vitalism.
Another Greek scholar, Democritus, who is known as the Father of Science, also lived around 400 BC. He came up with an atomic hypothesis which is that all atoms can be acted upon. While this is a great truth when applied to inanimate objects, this concept applied to the body has a different outcome. Many herbalists call this an Atomistic approach. This approach is what we would consider medications, surgeries, and amputations. Acting on the body rather than supporting its processes. I will say emergency care has its place for those in need of immediate care.
As cold weather comes upon us and the Halloween scare of sugar laden children arrive, let us remember the simplicity of helping the body heal and the message of Dr. Christopher, we cleanse and we nourish. We make sure the bowels are moving, the liver is filtering, breaking down, and packaging toxins to leave the body, the kidneys are filtering the blood and inviting waste to leave, and our blood stream is cleaned and flowing nutrient rich food to our bodies.
For those of you who have not yet taken Dr. Christopher’s courses, his first course alone, The Family Herbalist- level 100, will be able to teach and empower you in supporting the body to heal. It was a game changer for me and my loved ones. Happy Halloween!
Kelly Pomeroy is a Master Herbalist and Adviser for The School of Natural Healing. She is also a certified Foot Zoner and Foot Zone Instructor. She lives in Utah with her four wonderful children, enjoys helping others, and loves spending time in nature with her loved ones.
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*Many children, however good intentioned their parents are, will be consuming enormous amounts of sugar this Halloween season, which can lower their immune system and leave the body very acidic. To buffer the effects from such events, here are a few tips/recipes
to consider.
Pumpkin Juice
Pumpkin is full of antioxidants, very alkalizing and nutrient dense. Skin the pumpkin, harvest out the seeds, and send the “meat” of the pumpkin through a juicer. This is a refreshing, mildly sweet drink. Add some spices and apple juice for a pumpkin pie
Green Drink- my kids called this “Swamp Juice”
Dr. Christopher makes a formula called Jurassic Green. It is raw, dried juiced wheat, alfalfa, and barley grass. This is full of antioxidants, very alkalizing on the body, and nourishing to the blood. Mix this with some pineapple, grape, or apple juice for added
Veggie tray
Make a tray of veggies with celery, cucumbers, bell peppers, broccoli. These are all very alkalizing and antioxidant veggies. Make a delicious hummus, cashew cream, or other dip kids enjoy to dip their veggies into.
Slippery Elm Porridge
Slippery Elm is the bark from the Elm tree. It is demulcent, absorbent, and very helpful at soothing heartburn. The powdered bark with a small amount of fresh apple juice quickly stirred will become a mildly sweet tasting
Catnip and Fennel tea
A tea of equal parts of catnip and fennel is great for those with an upset stomach, soothes the nerves and expels gas. Sometimes I will blend my tea up and strain it after it has steeped. I get more out of the plant and get a lovely green
Recipe by Kelly Pomeroy
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