We Recommend Teas for Your Troubles
Published: Wed, 09/11/19
September 11, 2019
We Recommend Teas for Your Troubles Kelly Pomeroy, M.H.
Staring at the wall of boxed herbal teas in the grocery store can feel overwhelming, especially when you don’t feel well. I want to give you a few tips on finding teas, foods or juices, especially when you are unable to get to a health counselor or a health food store to buy an herbal formula when you’re sick.

Sometimes we may feel disheartened with herbs when they don’t seem to work as well as we’d hoped. I quickly learned as a student through The School of Natural Healing, that you have to “hit” the dis-ease harder than it is “hitting” you. You can’t expect a single cup of tea to solve your problems, especially if you’re not giving yourself nutrient dense foods, clean water, rest, and exercise. Be mindful of the habits that may be holding you back from greater health and
drink lots of tea! (Below are some personal suggestions of teas I have liked. We are not affiliated nor profiting in any way from sharing their name.)
Teas for the Tummy/Digestion
-Yogi Tea brand: Mango Ginger is mildly sweet and yummy
-Traditional Medicinals brand Peppermint delight or Ginger Tea soothe digestion.
-a few coin sliced pieces of ginger root in 1 cup of hot water steeped for 20 minutes helps digestion.
-1 t. Apple Cider Vinegar in 8 ounces of water with a pinch of cayenne and a spoonful of honey tastes nice and prepares the stomach for digestion,
-½ t. Catnip leaves, ½ t. Fennel seeds in 1 cup of hot water, steeped for 10 minutes, add honey to taste. This helps settle indigestion.
-1 t. Peppermint leaves in 1 cup of hot water, steeped and add honey to taste. Helps digestion.
Teas or Elixirs for Colds/Flu/Sore Throat
-Traditional Medicinals Throat Coat with Echinacea and Lemon, Echinacea Plus, or Gypsy Cold Care
-lemon slices in hot water, with a spoonful of honey
-Yogi Tea Throat Comfort
-Yogi Tea Echinacea Immune Support
-4 cloves of fresh garlic diced finely, cover them in honey completely, add a pinch of cayenne and take a spoonful every hour until the sore throat leaves. This helps kill the infection.
Teas/Drinks for Constipation
-Traditional Medicinals Smooth Move with Peppermint, tastes mildly sweet, contains Senna.
-16 ounces prune juice
Teas and Foods for the Liver/Skin
-Traditional Medicinals Dandelion tea
-bitter lettuces such as arugula
-sulfur containing foods such as cabbage, kale, cauliflower, fresh garlic
Teas for the Kidneys
-Parsley tea, take 1 T. of fresh or 1 t. Dried herb and steep in 1 cup boiled hot water.
-Unsweetened Cranberry juice, so good for kidney and bladder infections.
Anxiety or Sleeplessness
-Chamomile tea in any brand is so wonderful and tastes very mild. Even babies can drink this. Sweeten with apple juice if needed for babies.
-Yogi tea Soothing Caramel Bedtime or Bedtime teas, Kava Stress Relief for Anxiety, or Egyptian Licorice for exhausted adrenals.
-Traditional Medicinals Nighty Night tea
Teas and herbal remedies have been around for a very long time, precisely because they work! They are safe, tried and true. Cheers to your tea and a healthier you!
I also highly recommend to anyone interested in better understanding the body and herbs, Dr. Christopher’s first course, The Family Herbalist. This is an amazing first course, introducing you into a dozen or more herbs and especially in helping you understand how the body works so you can support it in doing its job. Check out our Back to School Special below!
Kelly Pomeroy is a Master Herbalist Graduate and adviser for the School of Natural Healing, a certified Foot Zoner and Foot Zone Instructor. She has a love for nature and people. She lives in Utah with her four children.
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1 C. tea such as echinacea, catnip, red raspberry, or throat coat tea
1 C. frozen raspberries or any kind of frozen fruit
1 fresh lemon juiced
2 T. honey
Blend until smooth and put into popsicle forms or into small cups with popsicle sticks or spoons. Freeze and enjoy a refreshing, soothing treat. This is a great way to get children to have tea, and feels good when they have a scratchy throat. So yummy, my kids think so ;)
Recipe by Kelly Pomeroy
- Herbal Legacy - http://www.herballegacy.com - Our free information website
- The School of Natural Healing - http://www.snh.cc - Quality Education since 1953
- Christopher Publications - http://www.christopherpublications.com - Dr. Christopher's books and more
- A Healthier You Radio Show - http://www.ahealthieryouradio.com - Free weekly radio show
The School of Natural Healing: http://www.snh.cc
Christopher Publications: http://www.christopherpublications.com
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