Why Raw?
Published: Wed, 06/26/19
June 26, 2019
Why Raw? Kelly Pomeroy, M.H.
Health problems are at an ever increasing rate; diabetes, cancer, gallstones, kidney stones, weight problems, anxiety, depression, increased heart disease and the list goes on. While we may not have total control in our lives, we have much we can do to help us through health problems or even prevent some altogether. Our diet is one of those things we can work at that makes more of a difference than we realize.

Dr. Norman Walker, a brilliant man known for his passion for juicing and the Norwalk Juicer, wrote a book called, Pure and Simple, Natural Weight Control. He shared a story from his youth that I will briefly relate.1
Norman was determined to figure out why people would get sick by “accepted scientific treatments”. He became a personal guinea pig to understand “authorities” on health. For two years he lived mostly on grain, cereals, flour foods and large quantities of dairy milk, as was highly recommended in his time. One morning (about two years later) he woke and, “like a bolt of lightning,” was overcome with illness and pain. Several doctors gave him no hope of living. He had cirrhosis of the liver and excruciating pain of neuritis. He recalled some advice given to him by a friend and decided to take it. His friend recommended he drink just water for three days and then follow that with fresh fruits and vegetables. He said this would help the toxicity leave his body and help him to get well. After three days of a water fast, he ate fresh fruits and vegetables. Then, once again Norman decided to be a guinea pig and test eating cooked versus fresh produce. He said he noticed a marked difference of less energy and more sluggish bowels when he ate cooked vegetables. He began to see the value of fresh produce and started exploring juicing produce. Those interested can purchase this book at Christopher Publications.
So, why raw? Consuming raw gives us all of the vitamins, enzymes, and minerals available from the plant. As food is heated beyond 130 degrees, the enzymes degrade and cannot be reconstructed. Many water-soluble vitamins are lost as well. Enzymes are like locks that are unlocked by the nutrients we consume. Unlocked enzymes greatly speed up the rate of chemical reactions that take place within cells. By having more enzymes, we utilize more of the nutrients we consume and experience, just as did Norman Walker, increased vitality. Some enzymes found in raw foods are:
- Protease: This enzyme breaks down proteins and is found in foods such as pineapple, papaya, figs, and kiwi. 2
- Papain: This enzyme breaks down proteins and is known to help reduce inflammation. It is found in papaya. 2
- Bromelain: This is a blend of many enzymes that break down proteins which mainly comes from the stem of the pineapple but also found in the fruit of the pineapple.2
- Lipase: This enzyme breaks down fats and is found in foods such as avocados, nuts, and grains.3
- Amylase: This enzyme breaks down carbohydrates into simple sugars and are found in foods such as mango, honey, bananas and more. 2
Kelly Pomeroy is a Master Herbalist and Student Adviser for The School of Natural Healing. She is a certified Foot Zoner/Instructor, and mom to her four awesome kids.
1.Walker, Norman. Pure & Simple, Natural Weight Control. Book Publishing Company, 2014
2. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/natural-digestive-enzymes
3. https://healthyeating.sfgate.com/raw-nuts-seeds-high-enzymes-1213.html
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Silly Face Snacks
As a young mom, transitioning out of hot dogs and fishy crackers, I needed to find some way to get my kids eating fresh fruits and veggies so they could get all those amazing enzymes and nutrients in their bodies. There is a lot of fun to be had here with whatever fruits and veggies you have on hand. My kids loved these and so did their friends.
Hair- Mango slices
Bow-Orange slices with carrot
Eye brows and lips- celery (you can add peanut butter or hummus dabs for cheeks to dip their celery in)
Eyes- Kiwi slices
Inner mouth-Cherries
Ears- Cucumbers
Earrings- Carrots
Nose- Banana
Carrot Juice for a drink. Start them young and they will love carrot juice!
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As a young mom, transitioning out of hot dogs and fishy crackers, I needed to find some way to get my kids eating fresh fruits and veggies so they could get all those amazing enzymes and nutrients in their bodies. There is a lot of fun to be had here with whatever fruits and veggies you have on hand. My kids loved these and so did their friends.
Hair- Mango slices
Bow-Orange slices with carrot
Eye brows and lips- celery (you can add peanut butter or hummus dabs for cheeks to dip their celery in)
Eyes- Kiwi slices
Inner mouth-Cherries
Ears- Cucumbers
Earrings- Carrots
Nose- Banana
Carrot Juice for a drink. Start them young and they will love carrot juice!
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- Herbal Legacy - http://www.herballegacy.com - Our free information website
- The School of Natural Healing - http://www.snh.cc - Quality Education since 1953
- Christopher Publications - http://www.christopherpublications.com - Dr. Christopher's books and more
- Christopher Websites - http://www.christopherwebsites.com - Find all Christopher websites and other great resources
- A Healthier You Radio Show - http://www.ahealthieryouradio.com - Free weekly radio show
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Christopher Publications: http://www.christopherpublications.com
The School of Natural Healing: http://www.snh.cc
Christopher Publications: http://www.christopherpublications.com
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