Gentle Influence
Published: Wed, 06/19/19
June 19, 2019
Gentle Influence Tonya Judd, M.H.

There are many stories of Dr. Christopher’s gentle influence that we can learn from. On one occasion, Dr. Christopher was awakened in the night by a frantic pounding on his door. Two young men were supporting their father who was having a severe asthma attack. Dr. Christopher settled the man in a chair and proceeded to make a cup of peppermint tea. He listened as they told of the debilitating asthma that had kept his patient from sleeping in his bed for twenty years as he needed to stay in an upright position. Dr. Christopher knelt by this ailing man and helped him to drink peppermint tea, all the while listening intently to what he and his sons had been through as they struggled with this ailment. Once the peppermint tea was consumed, Dr. Christopher gave him the lobelia which enabled his body to bring up the years of accumulated nasty phlegm. Throughout this process Dr. Christopher stayed by his side, listening and visiting. By early morning this man had completed his treatment and was sent home to rest. He slept in his own bed for the first time in years.
I love the example of being in the service of others through listening and gentle action. There is much emotional healing that can take place within such experiences when we listen, educate and love. This herbal education is never about feeling that we are more or know more than others, it’s all about gently using our influence for good. It’s about being educated and ready for when someone may be open to a different modality of healing. It’s about loving people where they are on their journey to find what works best for them, for their family and their present situation in life.
Dr. Christopher never took credit for “healing” anyone, instead he always gave credit to the Lord for His formulas, to the herbs that came forth from the earth and to his patients who were willing to take action and responsibility for their health.
At one time, a man in a wheelchair called upon Dr. Christopher for a house call. Upon arrival the man pled with him to help him as he had tried every doctor available without success. In his gentle way Dr. Christopher reached out and stroked the man’s hand and reassured him that he need not pay him and said, “Let’s see what we can do for you.” He then proceeded to teach him how to make his own poultices and prescribed a healthy diet along with fresh juices. For Dr. Christopher, it was never about the money, but always about the individual.
I think of all the times Dr. Christopher went quietly about his work. People were drawn to his gentle influence. He did not seek to tell people that what they were doing was wrong and what they needed to change. He moved forward helping others and showing love for them in their present situation. Those in need were drawn to his gentle manner and gift for healing. As they witnessed this, they wanted to know more. Healing through herbs and nutrition should bring out the best in us and make us kinder and more loving.
As we come to this place of wholeness, others will be drawn to us and will seek us out when and if they feel this is the modality for them. As we are blessed with such trust, we should always be grateful for the opportunity to serve and bless the lives of others with the knowledge we have been blessed with. The aspect of gently influencing others is exemplified in being a living example of what we believe. In doing so, others will see that we are living proof of what we teach and believe. They will see our skin glowing, our positive outlook and our vibrant health, and they will want to know more. That is gentle influence.
Tonya Judd is a graduate Master Herbalist from The School of Natural Healing. She loves being outside in nature and serving those around her.
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Summer Herb Walks with David Christopher
June 28, 5:30 pm Springville, Utah
July 16, 5:30 pm Logan, Utah
August 8, 5:30 pm Tooele, Utah
Call us to sign up! (801) 489-4254
About 15 participants per session.
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Wash and cube 3 yams and toss with olive oil. Bake at 400* until soft. Remove from the oven and add 2-3 cloves of pressed garlic and 1 Tablespoon of chopped Rosemary. Toss and serve.
Recipe by Tonya Judd
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