Seasonal Allergies
Published: Wed, 05/29/19
May 29, 2019
Seasonal Allergies Karli Carr, M.H.
Since I was a little girl, I have struggled with seasonal allergies. My nose would run, my eyes would itch and burn, and going outside was miserable during the spring and fall. I took every medication possible and even started getting allergy shots. Unfortunately, nothing seemed to help. About seven years ago, I learned about the importance of diet in healing and strengthening the body from all types of illness, including allergies. I was dealing with quite a few health problems and was willing to do whatever it took. I started juicing and ate a raw diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. A few years later, I learned about the mucusless diet and Dr.

In addition to changing the diet and cleansing the body, there are many tools that can be used to help with seasonal allergies. Often times overlooked, is the importance of drinking at least a gallon of distilled water per day. Dr. Christopher recommended an ounce of water per pound of weight. Taking a tablespoon of local honey daily has been shown to help build immunity to the pollen in the area where you live. Hydrotherapy, specifically a sweat or steam bath, helps flush poisons and toxins from the body that contribute to allergy symptoms. Skin brushing is another option that helps to eliminate toxins by cleansing the skin and supporting the lymphatic system.
There are quite a few herbs that can help calm and strengthen the body during the spring and fall. One of my personal favorites is nettles, a natural antihistamine, combined with Dr. Christopher's Immucalm formula. Another option is Brigham Tea, a decongestant, which can be made into a tea or taken in capsule form to help with mucus buildup. Dr Christopher’s Sinus Plus is another herbal combination that can be used for those struggling with sinus problems, allergies, or hay fever.
As we nourish, cleanse and strengthen our body, we will be able to enjoy rather than dread the change in season.
2. Christopher, John R. Herbal Home Health Care. Christopher Pubs., 1976.
Karli Carr is a Master Herbalist, Registered Nurse, and certified Foot Zoner. She loves to learn and spend time outside with her husband and their son.
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Quinoa Lentil Tacos
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- 1 cup of dried quinoa soaked for 6-8 hours then rinsed and drained.
- 2 cans of mini black lentils slightly drained
- Homemade Taco Seasoning to taste
- Whole grain sprouted tortillas
- Lettuce
- Avocado
- Salsa
- Combine 1 cup of quinoa with 1 ½ cups of water in a pot. Cover and bring to boil. Then reduce to low for 15 minutes. Fluff and keep covered for an additional 5 minutes.
- Combine the cooked quinoa, black lentils, and taco seasoning in a skillet on low heat. Cook until heated through.
- Spoon a generous amount of filling on to a tortilla and top with lettuce, chopped avocado, and salsa.
- Enjoy!
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