Help! What Shall We Do?!
Published: Wed, 05/08/19
May 8, 2019
Help! What Shall We Do?! Fawn Christopher, M.H.
The headlines say that there are over 700 cases of measles across the US. We are told that this is an epidemic. I have even heard of cases of mumps in our state. Help! What shall we do?!

First of all, let’s all calm down and look at what is going on with some common sense. My siblings and I had chicken pox, measles, and mumps while growing up. There were no vaccines at that time, but we all survived just fine because our bodies were cleansing the impurities from our systems. Our dear family doctor came to our house, made the diagnosis, prescribed rest, light food, lots of liquids and dimmed lights. It was great! No school or homework for 7-10 days!
When any of our children came down with chicken pox, I did not panic. I knew it was a typical “childhood disease” that they would get over as well as build immunity to. So how did we handle these diseases? The first thing we always did was to make sure the bowels were cleaned out by administering a warm catnip enema. To help kick in the immune system and to speed up the “breaking out” process we gave them a very warm bath. We gradually increased the temperature of the water so that they would perspire. To encourage more perspiration, we gave yarrow or chamomile tea (or any other tea that they liked). It is very important that they had lots to drink while in the tub. As we saw beads of sweat form on the top lip, along the hairline, on the nose and the skin beginning to pink up, we knew the therapy was working. We always stayed right by the tub and kept a close eye on them during this process. After the perspiration was apparent, we drained the tub and showered them with cold water to close the pores of the skin so they would not chill. Then we dressed them in warm pajamas, wrapped them in their favorite blanket and cuddled them until they fell asleep. The next day we gave them our favorite herbal tea combination of red raspberry leaf, catnip and peppermint or spearmint, fresh ripe fruit, fresh fruit or vegetable juices, lots of water and let them sleep as much as possible. If needed we would repeat the catnip enema and if feverish do another warm bath followed by a cold shower
This therapy is applicable to all of the childhood diseases. However, for mumps I would also add a fomentation of 3 parts cut mullein and 1 part cut lobelia. Mix these together, make a strong tea and let it steep 20-30 minutes, strain off the herbs and soak a strip of soft cotton cloth in the tea. Wring it out so it doesn’t drip and wrap it around the neck. I like to wrap a strip of saran wrap around the cloth so that the benefits of the herbal fomentation work on the throat rather than seeping into the clothing. I also pin a small dish cloth or hand towel over it in a cape-like fashion to help keep it warm. It is amazing to remove the fomentation the next day and find that it is still warm! The herbs actually pull the toxins right out through the skin and into the cloth. This fomentation is also great for swollen glands, sore throat and even strep throat.
Protocols for all childhood diseases as well as other diseases can be found on Dr. Christopher’s excellent book, Herbal Home Health Care. This book is a must for every home library. The teachings contained in it are simple, cost effective and will save you countless hours of worry. If you would like to purchase Herbal Home Health Care you can do so here.
Fawn Christopher is a Master Herbalist graduate of The School of Natural Healing. She co-hosts the radio show, A Healthier You and has been integral in the success of the School of Natural Healing for the last four decades. Fawn has four amazing children and nine awesome grandchildren.
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Strawberry Mush
We love this easy and simple treat that David made up. The kids and grandkids beg for it!
1 lb. strawberries
⅛-¼ c. honey (add a tiny amount of hot water to allow the honey to thin a little)
½ - 1 t. vanilla
⅛ c. real maple syrup
Take the stems off of the strawberries and put the strawberries in your vitamix. Turn it on low to medium and use the tamper to help mash the berries. It is just fine to have it be chunky. Pour into a bowl and add honey, vanilla and maple syrup. Stir well. If you want it a little sweeter, just add more honey. We like to eat it just plain, but for a real treat spoon it over some dairy free vanilla ice cream! Yum!
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We love this easy and simple treat that David made up. The kids and grandkids beg for it!
1 lb. strawberries
⅛-¼ c. honey (add a tiny amount of hot water to allow the honey to thin a little)
½ - 1 t. vanilla
⅛ c. real maple syrup
Take the stems off of the strawberries and put the strawberries in your vitamix. Turn it on low to medium and use the tamper to help mash the berries. It is just fine to have it be chunky. Pour into a bowl and add honey, vanilla and maple syrup. Stir well. If you want it a little sweeter, just add more honey. We like to eat it just plain, but for a real treat spoon it over some dairy free vanilla ice cream! Yum!
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