Healthy Travel

Published: Wed, 03/20/19


Herbal Legacy

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
March 20, 2019

Healthy Travel Olivia Chasteen

Last February, my then 1 ½ year-old son and I flew out of state to attend a family member’s wedding. I knew that being in an airport and confined within an airplane for a couple hours during the middle of the “cold and flu season” meant we were likely going to run into some pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Once we landed, we also found that we were going to be sharing lodging with my 2 ½ year-old niece. It turns out she had just come down with something and currently had a fever.

Thankfully, we were prepared. Echinacea is a wonderful herb to have on hand for just these types of situations. Both my son and I took our Echinacea tincture 2-3 times daily while we were there. We also stopped by a grocery store to stock up on fresh whole foods to eat during the weekend, since I knew we were not likely going to be served life-giving foods while we were there. My son and I ate so many organic oranges that weekend, which turned out to be a wonderful boost of whole food vitamin C to further boost our immune systems.

Even though my niece and son played together the whole weekend, I knew that I had nothing to fear. Echinacea does an awesome job of boosting the immune system through a couple different methods. It tricks the body into thinking that it has been poisoned, so the immune system jumps into high gear, ready for attack. Properties in Echinacea also work to keep cells strong by stimulating the body to create more hyaluronic acid which holds them together.

Vitamin C is another element that is very beneficial to our immune systems. Just be sure that you are getting whole food vitamin C and not synthetic ascorbic acid. When your body is fighting off an infection or disease, you will utilize much higher amounts of vitamin C than when you are feeling well. That is because your immune system uses the vitamin C in the healing process. One thing to note about taking a lot of vitamin C is that you will easily know if you took too much because your bowels will be loose.

For the sake of convenience, I try not to take my whole herbal medicine cabinet with me when I travel. However, Echinacea and vitamin C always make the cut. Thanks to both of these, my son and I were able to enjoy ourselves that weekend without worrying about the germs around us. Instead we boosted our bodies naturally, and in the end neither of us got sick.

Olivia is a student at The School of Natural Healing working toward a Master Herbalist certification. She is also a homebirth natural mama who runs where she shares herbal information for parents and anyone looking to improve their health nature’s way.

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Homemade Vitamin C Powder

Did you know that there are high amounts of nutrients stuck in the peels of your fruits and veggies? While you may not want to eat lemon peels, you can save them to make your own vitamin C powder!
  1. Save the peels from your citrus fruits (lemons, limes, oranges) in the refrigerator until you have a jar full.
  2. Slice your peels thin for even drying.
  3. Place on dehydrator sheets and dehydrate on low for 24 hours or until completely dry and crunchy at the thickest parts (You can also use an oven on the lowest setting, but a dehydrator will preserve more nutrients as vitamin C is very sensitive to heat and easily destroyed.)
  4. Using a high-powered blender like a Vitamix or a Blendtec blender, turn your dried peels into powder. You can also use a spice grinder, though you may have to work in batches.
  5. Store your powder in a glass jar in the refrigerator for best shelf life. 
Recipe by Olivia

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