Releasing Static Electricity
Published: Wed, 02/27/19
February 27, 2019
Releasing Static Electricity Alexandra Toma, M.H.
The flow of the body’s life force energy in East India is called Prana. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) calls life force energy Qi or Chi. Both Ayurveda and TCM addresses Prana or Chi stagnation as one of the main reasons for disease along with overworking and added extra external stresses.
What exactly is Prana and how do we as a modern culture apply it to our busy lives and our overall wellness? Dr. John R. Christopher taught that our body’s nervous system is like electrical wires running through our homes. If one wire is out, it can cause the entire electric system to short out. Same with our nervous system. It is the foundation for overall wellness and it keeps all our systems working and functioning properly. If our nerves are weak and frazzled, we are in danger of shorting out our entire sense of well-being because every system is affected. Conditions like hysteria, insomnia, twitching, cancer, HIV, diabetes, ADHD and shingles are indications that we are dealing with a weakened nervous system.
The fontanel or soft spot on the head of infants to 18 months of age is where the Prana is said to flow. In French it means little fountain. As we age and the fontanel closes and we begin to walk, we need another way to keep our Prana flowing. One way is by grounding out the static electricity that is blocked by the closing of the fontanel and wearing unnatural fibers on our feet. Because we are accustomed to wearing rubber soles shoes, and not natural fibers, we have little opportunity to release static electricity out of our bodies and back into the earth. This excess static electricity is very stagnant inside our bodies and effects our nervous system. Rubber, an insulator, is a material that doesn’t allow electrical charges to flow through it. When we wear rubber soled shoes we block our bodies ability to release static electricity. Electricity is a form of energy that is harbored by positive and negative charges and displays itself magnetically, chemically and thermally. Static electricity is poor conducting electricity that is not in motion but releases electrons when friction is applied to it. Here’s is a

- Find a safe and clean area to remove shoes
- Breathe deeply through the nose and connect your tongue to the roof of your mouth
- Shuffle or scuff your feet with the soles of your feet into the earth
- Repeat this cycle for 15/20 minutes by putting on a timer
- Do this as many times in the day and week as possible
Remembering to renew our childlike spirits by Prana grounding is a great first step to healing our nervous system.
Alexandra Florica Toma is a Master Herbalist graduate of the School of Natural Healing, Holistic Cosmetologist and holistic parent to one loving daughter.
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Myocopia Rice
1 cup sprouted brown rice
2 cups steam distilled water
¼ pound assorted myocopia
1 tbsp olive oil
⅛ cup cilantro
I cup bok choy, spinach or chard
1 cup shredded carrots
1 cup cherry or grape tomatoes
½ lemon
Pinch of cayenne pepper
1 tbsp finely grated fresh ginger
1 clove finely grated garlic
1 tbsp tamari
I tbsp nutritional yeast
Soak the brown rice in distilled water for 6 hours. Low heat the brown rice in the steam distilled water until all the water is absorbed and rice is soft. Put aside.
Low heat the myocopia in the olive oil on the stovetop until a little brown, add the carrots, tomatoes, greens and cilantro. Heat until warm. Add the lemon juice, ginger, cayenne, garlic, tamari and nutritional yeast. Spoon myocopia and vegetables over the brown rice, add the garlic.
Season with extra tamari to taste and enjoy your life force energy meal!
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Myocopia Rice
1 cup sprouted brown rice

2 cups steam distilled water
¼ pound assorted myocopia
1 tbsp olive oil
⅛ cup cilantro
I cup bok choy, spinach or chard
1 cup shredded carrots
1 cup cherry or grape tomatoes
½ lemon
Pinch of cayenne pepper
1 tbsp finely grated fresh ginger
1 clove finely grated garlic
1 tbsp tamari
I tbsp nutritional yeast
Soak the brown rice in distilled water for 6 hours. Low heat the brown rice in the steam distilled water until all the water is absorbed and rice is soft. Put aside.
Low heat the myocopia in the olive oil on the stovetop until a little brown, add the carrots, tomatoes, greens and cilantro. Heat until warm. Add the lemon juice, ginger, cayenne, garlic, tamari and nutritional yeast. Spoon myocopia and vegetables over the brown rice, add the garlic.
Season with extra tamari to taste and enjoy your life force energy meal!
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