A Few of Our Favorite Things
Published: Wed, 01/16/19
January 16, 2019
A Few of Our Favorite Things Jo Francks, M.H.
For this newsletter I decided to interview the School of Natural Healing staff to find out what some of their favorite things are to use through the cold and flu season to keep their families well and healthy.
Jesse Christopher says one of the things he does for his family is to feed them grapefruit at breakfast. This boosts their Vitamin C intake and keeps them from catching the illnesses floating around the school. Grapefruit was also the first thing David and Fawn Christopher said was their favorite.

Fawn Christopher said she squeezed fresh oranges every morning and their kids loved it. She also fed her children the small mandarin oranges.
David Christopher suggests staying away from sweets and processed food. He likes to use Dr. Christopher’s winter season formula with rose hips, parsley, garlic, watercress and rosemary. If he gets really sick, he will use the anti-plague formula.
Kelly likes to make onion soup and add fresh garlic to it after it is cooked. This way the anti-biotic properties of the garlic are most potent.
Tonya says fresh garlic is one of her favorites.
Lane’s favorite thing is to use echinacea extract at the first sign of an illness.
Sarell says sleep is her favorite thing. This should be on everyone’s list. Who doesn’t need a good nap when they are not feeling well?
Mollie drinks a lot of orange juice through the winter to help stay well.
I like to do all of the above. Another thing we do at our house is to take a hot bath with a diaphoretic tea such as yarrow, chamomile, raspberry leaves or peppermint then go right to bed and sweat it out. We drink a variety of herbal teas; some of our favorites are calendula, raspberry leaves, rose hip, mint, red clover and some tea blends.
The secret to staying well is definitely prevention. Consuming fresh fruits and vegetables and juices help to keep the body’s immune system strong. The first sign of illness is the best time to start an herbal routine. This usually stops the illness before it has a chance to progress and keep us down. Whatever protocol we choose to use we do it often; every hour or so to help jumpstart the immune system.
Jo Francks is a Master Herbalist working at The School of Natural Healing.
Printable Version: http://herballegacy.com
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Grapefruit Salad
4 C. kale, romaine or spinach chopped into bite size pieces
1-2 grapefruits peeled, skinned, and cut into ½ to 1-inch segments
1-2 cloves of garlic diced finely (can lightly sauté in olive oil or leave raw)
2 T. extra virgin olive oil
⅛ t. Salt or to taste
⅛ t black pepper or to taste
1 avocado skinned and cut into ½ to 1-inch blocks (optional)
½ C. walnuts chopped (optional)
1 T honey (optional)
Wash and prepare all ingredients needed. Combine in a large bowl. This salad is to be served immediately and not stored. If you want to be able to prepare it beforehand to store for later, simple wait to add the olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper and honey. They can be added just before you are ready to eat. Toss the salad and enjoy! Can serve up to 4 people.
Recipe by Kelly Pomeroy
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Listen live every Monday morning at 11:30 Mountain Time.
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David Christopher is now on Twitter!
You can follow David @DChristopherMH

Grapefruit Salad
4 C. kale, romaine or spinach chopped into bite size pieces
1-2 grapefruits peeled, skinned, and cut into ½ to 1-inch segments
1-2 cloves of garlic diced finely (can lightly sauté in olive oil or leave raw)
2 T. extra virgin olive oil
⅛ t. Salt or to taste
⅛ t black pepper or to taste
1 avocado skinned and cut into ½ to 1-inch blocks (optional)
½ C. walnuts chopped (optional)
1 T honey (optional)
Wash and prepare all ingredients needed. Combine in a large bowl. This salad is to be served immediately and not stored. If you want to be able to prepare it beforehand to store for later, simple wait to add the olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper and honey. They can be added just before you are ready to eat. Toss the salad and enjoy! Can serve up to 4 people.
Recipe by Kelly Pomeroy
Printable Version: http://herballegacy.com
Herbal Resource Links
- Herbal Legacy - http://www.herballegacy.com - Our free information website
- The School of Natural Healing - http://www.snh.cc - Quality Education since 1953
- Christopher Publications - http://www.christopherpublications.com - Dr. Christopher's books and more
- Christopher Websites - http://www.christopherwebsites.com - Find all Christopher websites and other great resources
- A Healthier You Radio Show - http://www.ahealthieryouradio.com - Free weekly radio show
This newsletter is sponsored by:
The School of Natural Healing: http://www.snh.cc
Christopher Publications: http://www.christopherpublications.com
The School of Natural Healing: http://www.snh.cc
Christopher Publications: http://www.christopherpublications.com
NOTICE: All information in this newsletter is given out as information only and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe. For our official Disclaimer, Biological Individuality, Important Notice & Terms of Use please see: http://www.herballegacy.com/Disclaimer.html
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