Gifts of the Season
Published: Wed, 12/19/18
December 19, 2018
Gifts of the Season Kelly Pomeroy, M.H.

I have felt immense gratitude this season as I have considered the gifts we have been given in our lives. We come from all walks of life; rich or poor, healthy or sick, different religions, customs and languages. Despite these differences, we have been given universal gifts that can bless each of our lives now. Some of these gifts are plants that are available in their season.
- Orange (Citrus sinensis) season starts in November through May. Oranges are rich in vitamin C, contain essential oils in its skin, and their inner skin (pith) is rich in flavonoids, fiber, and just as rich in vitamin C as the flesh. The juice can help thin mucus.
- Pomegranate (Punica granatum) season runs October through February. It’s an ancient and revered plant, mentioned in the bible at Moses time. Dr. Christopher classified the herb, bark, fruit rind, and flowers as being anthelmintic (expel worms). The seeds are antioxidant. 2
- Walnuts (Juglans nigra) mature between September and October, however their bark, husk, leaves and meat can be stored and used in the winter season. The bark, husk, and leaves are astringent, a cleanser, and vermifuge. The husk contains substances that allow us to uptake iodine. The "meat" of this plant is a delicious treat, full of albumin (same protein found in eggs), and is great for improving brain function. 2
- Pine (Pinus species) is an evergreen that is ever available to us. The new sprigs, sap, and nuts of the pine are the most desirable. Pine needles contain large amounts of vitamin C. The sap is antimicrobial. The delicious nuts are a good source of fat, protein, iron, and magnesium.2
- Mistletoe (Viscus album) is a parasitic plant like growth that forms on trees such as oak, hawthorn, or apple. The leaves are nervine and antispasmodic in action. The berry can be used to create a new start of mistletoe. A kiss under the mistletoe has legend of restoring love and not war, after the god of peace had been shot by an arrow made of mistletoe. 2
- Frankincense (Boswallia species) is the resin/sap of a small tree from areas of north eastern Africa. The resin was used as incense and oils made from the resin were used in ceremonies and as a perfume. Frankincense was one of the gifts the Wise Men gave to the Christ child when they learned of His birth. Its flavor is a citrus, aromatic wood. It is anti-inflammatory, anti-cancerous 3, and analgesic.
- Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) is the resin/sap of a small tree from northern Africa and the Middle East. It also was one of the gifts given to the Christ child by the Wise Men. It is astringent and antiseptic. Its flavor is a bitter, aromatic wood. Dr. Christopher used it in his Exceptic formula. 2
We have also been blessed with the gift of choice, service and gratitude. Dr. Christopher understood the value of a grateful heart and the joy that comes to our lives as we serve. He would often quote a song, “Have I done any good in the world today. Have I helped anyone in need? Have I cheered up the sad and made someone feel glad? If not, I have failed indeed. He also has said, “You already possess a degree of health right now. Thank God for that, then go forward to build even better health.”4 As we choose to be grateful and serve those around us, we will experience great joy and even increased health. May each of you feel great joy this holiday season for the blessings which you do have and spread joy and light to those around you. Happy Holidays!
1 Pittman and Davis team (January 2013) Best Time of the Year for Navel Oranges
2 Christopher, Dr. John R. Herb Syllabus Christopher Publications (2010)
3 Suhail MM, Wu W, Cao A, et al. Boswellia sacra essential oil induces tumor cell-specific apoptosis and suppresses tumor aggressiveness in cultured human breast cancer cells. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2011;11:129. Published 2011 Dec 15. doi:10.1186/1472-6882-11-129
4 Christopher, Dr. John R. School of Natural Healing Christopher Publications (2010)
Kelly Pomeroy is a graduated Master Herbalist and Student Adviser for The School of Natural Healing. She is a mother of four awesome kids and enjoys learning greater ways to understand and improve health.
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My Grammy, Esther, was from Denmark. Every Christmas she would make us this treat. It has now become a generational family tradition. I love it and hope you can enjoy it too!
6 cups applesauce
3 apples cored, peeled, and diced
6 cups bread crumbs (or almond meal if you prefer)
Cinnamon - to taste, start with ½ teaspoon
Sucanut or a dry natural sugar
Coconut oil or a mild flavored oil- start with 1 T.
Prepare apples and boil until tender Mix apples, applesauce, and cinnamon together.
Brown the bread crumbs or almond meal.
Layer mixture in a glass pan or container, 8x8 or about that size. Add two cups of applesauce mixture to two cups of bread crumbs. Continue layering. The bread crumbs should be the top layer to end on.
Chill for 1 hour then serve with coconut whip cream or your choice of whipped cream.
Glædelig Jul (Danish) ~ Merry Christmas!
Recipe by Esther Pomeroy (Kelly’s Grandmother)
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My Grammy, Esther, was from Denmark. Every Christmas she would make us this treat. It has now become a generational family tradition. I love it and hope you can enjoy it too!
6 cups applesauce
3 apples cored, peeled, and diced
6 cups bread crumbs (or almond meal if you prefer)
Cinnamon - to taste, start with ½ teaspoon
Sucanut or a dry natural sugar
Coconut oil or a mild flavored oil- start with 1 T.
Prepare apples and boil until tender Mix apples, applesauce, and cinnamon together.
Brown the bread crumbs or almond meal.
Layer mixture in a glass pan or container, 8x8 or about that size. Add two cups of applesauce mixture to two cups of bread crumbs. Continue layering. The bread crumbs should be the top layer to end on.
Chill for 1 hour then serve with coconut whip cream or your choice of whipped cream.
Glædelig Jul (Danish) ~ Merry Christmas!
Recipe by Esther Pomeroy (Kelly’s Grandmother)
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