Helping Our Loved Ones With Natural Therapies
Published: Wed, 11/28/18
November 28, 2018
Helping Our Loved Ones With Natural Therapies Jo Francks, M.H.
One of the biggest rewards in teaching and educating our students is when they let us know of the great successes they are having by applying what they have

I recently received an email from our student Tamatha Davis. I am including the pictures she sent along with the story of her mother. Tamatha had previously helped her mother overcome cirrhosis of the liver which the doctors told her couldn’t be done and they had expected her to die. This time her mother needed to have an IV for a particular procedure and Tamatha tells of her experience using echinacea leaves to help her mother heal.
My mother is 73 years old, has thin skin and is on blood thinners. She had been admitted to the hospital for a procedure. She had an IV in her arm. When it came time for the nurse to remove the IV, she did the “grip and rip” method when taking the tape off. Unfortunately, it took a big chunk of my mother's skin. I took her in to see her regular doctor 2 days later. They cleaned it up and put Bacitracin on it. For 9 days I did exactly what the doctor told me to do. It kept bleeding and it got infected. After the 9th day I said, “The heck with it.” I got some echinacea leaves from my garden, made a poultice and put it on for 32 hours. I removed it, cleaned it up and put another leaf on it for 14 more hours. I attached photos of what it looked like before and after. I'm just amazed by how quickly it started to heal her arm. And she didn't have all that bleeding that she had before. I’m so thankful for this school.
Tamatha shared another experience of using yellow dock to treat her son who had had an encounter with stinging nettle. Three minutes after applying the yellow dock her son’s discomfort had diminished to the point of no more screaming.
Thank you so much for sharing your healing experiences with us Tamatha. We can all learn from the experiences of others. What a great blessing it is to be able to help our loved ones heal.
Jo Francks is a Master Herbalist working at The School of Natural Healing.
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Tamatha's Green Juice Recipe
5 green apples

3 lemons
big chunk of ginger root
1 bunch of celery
1 bunch of cilantro & parsley
add as much spinach, kale and red lettuce as you like
1 beet or 5 large carrots
Once juiced, I blended 1Tbsp of fresh papaya seeds.
I gave her about 1 quart daily along with capsules that contained: barberry, burdock root, astragalus, milk thistle, dandelion root and cayenne. 2 capsules 3-5 times daily, then 2 capsules, 3 times a day of turmeric and black pepper OO size.
I would also make her almond and coconut smoothies with different kinds of berries and fresh turmeric and black pepper corns.
This is the recipe for the juice Tamatha gave her mother to help her heal her liver plus other supplements she gave her.
Recipe by Tamatha
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