Body Atlas
Published: Wed, 11/14/18
November 14, 2018
Body Atlas Kelly Pomeroy, M.H

I am so excited to share with you an app that has been shared with me. It is called Human Anatomy Atlas, by Visible Body and currently has a 4.9-star review. This app provides complete 3-D access to a diagram of the body, breaking it down into systems so you can look primarily at particular parts of it. The systems include the skeletal system, circulatory system, nervous system, respiratory system, muscular system, digestive system, urinary system, lymphatic system, endocrine system and reproductive system. The program allows you to select the part you want and it will give you its name and show you its location. You can also do a search and it will show you where on the body it is located by highlighting it. You can move the body diagram 360 degrees. The angle can be dorsal, ventral, distal proximal, anterior and posterior. One of my favorite functions is being able to travel through and see the layers of the body. As I learn more about the body, my ability to help others increases. I recall listening to a speech a while back and this phrase has stayed with me since.
“With increased vision comes increased motivation.”1 As we increase our understanding of how the body works and how to best care for it, our motivation increases to care for it better.
We all are teachers of some kind. We long to help others and share things we have learned or experienced. We teach others by how we choose to live our lives. As you increase your understanding, you will be better prepared to teach and greater opportunities will arise to help others. I highly recommend this app. I also recommend taking our level 100 Family Herbalist course, if you have not already. I learned more from The School of Natural Healing about how my digestive system works than any other course I had taken previously. The first course I took from the School made so much sense to me as did all those that have followed. I also recommend taking the Anatomy course to get a deeper understanding of the functions each of these systems perform.
Human Anatomy Atlas is available for iPhone Xs Max, iOS 11.3 or later, iPhone iOS 11, iPhone 6S or later, iPhone SE, iPad Pro or later, or iPad (5th gen). The 2D image requires iOS 11.3 or later.
1-Tad R. Callister, “Our Identity and Our Destiny” (Brigham Young University Campus Education Week devotional, Aug. 14, 2012), 9;
Kelly Pomeroy is a Master Herbalist graduate and Student Adviser for The School of Natural Healing. She has a love for natural healing and being a mom to her four awesome kids.
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Pomegranate Salsa
1/3 purple onion diced
1-2 garlic cloves diced
1-2 avocados chopped
1 pomegranate shelled into pieces
1 lime juiced
1/4 cup cilantro or parsley chopped (optional)
Real or Himalayan salt to taste
Pinch of cayenne (optional)
Prepared and dice all the above ingredients and combine in a bowl. Serve over a bed of spinach or salad or some low heated grains. This is sooo tasty!
Recipe by Kelly Pomeroy
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Pomegranate Salsa

1/3 purple onion diced
1-2 garlic cloves diced
1-2 avocados chopped
1 pomegranate shelled into pieces
1 lime juiced
1/4 cup cilantro or parsley chopped (optional)
Real or Himalayan salt to taste
Pinch of cayenne (optional)
Prepared and dice all the above ingredients and combine in a bowl. Serve over a bed of spinach or salad or some low heated grains. This is sooo tasty!
Recipe by Kelly Pomeroy
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