Mother Earth's Lost Provisions
Published: Wed, 09/19/18
September 19, 2018
Mother Earth's Lost Provisions Kelly Pomeroy, M.H.

Long before I was introduced to The School of Natural Healing, I recall picking up cereal boxes and reading, “fortified with 12 vitamins and minerals” or the milk carton that said, “fortified with vitamin D.” I thought, “Well, that is good, right?”, but in the back of my mind I thought, “Why does it need to be fortified?” As we look at packaged food labels of things we are eating, are we really absorbing all of the nutrients that they contain?
The Food and Drug Administration states their policy in the purpose of fortifying foods below:
“The principles of rational fortification expressed in the policy are to: correct a dietary insufficiency, restore nutrient levels to those prior to storage, handling, and processing, provide a balance of vitamins, minerals, and protein in proportion to the total caloric content of the food, and prevent nutrient inferiority in a food that replaces a traditional food in the diet.”1
During manufacturing and heating processes many vitamins, minerals and all enzymes are lost which were naturally occurring in the live food. The food manufacturing industry attempts to put back nutrient levels that were lost in their processing, but lack the perfection that Mother Earth has at packaging nutrients in a way that we can receive and utilize them. Dr. Christopher once suggested this concept. If we grind up a nail and consume it, will we get the iron we need? Yellow Dock root is a plant high in usable iron for the body. In this way, Mother Earth has prepared the iron in a way that is usable and non-toxic for the body.2
Probably one of the most important parts of raw foods are the enzymes contained in them. Enzymes are naturally occurring in our body and in plants we eat. Enzymes are not a food, but a substance that is like a key and lock. They enable us to digest and absorb the nutrients that are in our food. If we never were to eat raw food and consumed only cooked, oh the burden we would be placing on our pancreas and really, our entire bodies.
Norman Walker, D. Sci. has written, “The fact that for generations, millions upon millions of people have lived and are living, who have rarely if ever eaten anything but cooked foods, does not prove that their being alive is the result of eating cooked foods. As a matter of fact, they are in a state of decadent existence which is confirmed by the toxic condition of their bodies. Else, why the overcrowding of inadequate hospital facilities? Why the millions upon millions of pounds of painkillers sold annually? Why such a high rate of incidence of heart trouble, diabetes, cancer, emphysema, premature senility and premature deaths?”3
Society is aimed at satisfying taste buds and fast food. Is that really working out for us? If we want to enjoy our lives and the blessing it is to have a body, then let’s start putting more life into it. Life brings more life. I encourage us all to add a little more of Mother Earth’s provisions and eat more raw foods!
Kelly Pomeroy is a Master Herbalist Graduate and Student Adviser for The School of Natural Healing, Mother of 4 awesome kids, and currently continuing her education.
1-Guidance for Industry: Questions and Answers on FDA’s Fortification Policy, United States Department of Health and Human Services, November 2015, accessed August 2018,
2-Reference to Dr. Christopher taken from a memory from his son David Christopher, September 2018.
3-Walker, Norman. Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices. Summertown, TN: Norwalk Press, 1978.
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Fresh Cobbler Sauce
This is meant as a raw, sweet and spicy sauce to put on your fresh fruit.
1 tsp. Cinnamon
¼ tsp. Ginger
2 pinches Cloves
2 pinches Nutmeg
2 T. Honey or Maple Syrup (or use the fruit juice that corresponds- apple with apple juice, etc.)
4-5 large fruit such as apples, peaches, or plums.
Place honey and spices into a large bowl. Remove the pit or core of selected fruit. Dice into bite size pieces and add into bowl with spice sauce. Mix well. Let the flavors meld into the fruit for 30 minutes and leave at room temperature for a warm treat or place in the
refrigerator for a cool treat. Warming, sweet, fall treat!
Recipe by Kelly Pomeroy
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