Backyard Medicine
Published: Wed, 08/29/18

August 29, 2018
Backyard Medicine Julie Brunton Seal & Matthew Seal
This book is filled to the brim with 300 color photos and information on fifty herbs from Agrimony to Yarrow.
The color photos are great for identification purposes. Information on each herb includes the Latin name and
common name, a description of the herb, the habitat it can be found in, the species, the part(s) used, at least
one recipe and a plethora of relevant material. “With easy-to-follow recipes for treatments of eczema, cellulite,
indigestion, earaches, and many more, this full-color handbook is essential for anyone who wants to harvest and
make herbal remedies from wild plants. It will bring you closer to nature, help you and your family feel better,
and save you money.” –Backyard Medicine. This is one resource you will definitely want in your personal library.
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Our back to school sale offers students the opportunity to further their education by joining a discounted payment plan for our full Master Herbalist program. Online payment plans are $130.00 per month and Correspondence plans are $230.00 per month. Each payment results in one of our 22 levels being released. As always you will have 3 years to complete the full program. (If you have already been studying with us, we'll let you start a payment plan from the level you are currently
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Mint Foot Bath
Make a pot of mint tea, strain it and pour it into a foot bath or a basin large enough for your feet.
When it is the right temperature, put your feet in the liquid and soak for ten to twenty minutes.
Use it hot for tired, achy feet or cold if your feet are really hot and sweaty.
Recipe from Backyard Medicine
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