Message to India
Published: Wed, 07/04/18
Message to India
David Christopher, M.H.
Recently I was asked to speak at a Cancer Prevention Symposium in Hyderabad India. Passports were renewed, visas were obtained, the sponsors bought the tickets, and they covered all travel and Hotel expenses. So far so good. A few days before departing I was informed that the symposium had many speakers and each was allowed only 15 minutes for they're presentations. I was devastated. Over 39 hours of travel time to speak for 15 minutes? Surely I needed two to four hours to adequately cover this important subject. I resolved to present the most critical steps to follow for cancer prevention with the least amount of effort to make the biggest impact on a population of over a billion. My efforts paid off and I was only one of two speakers quoted in their newspaper that has over 2 million subscribers. The trip was well worth the effort.
In my presentation I informed them of the studies showing that Asian women had low levels of breast cancer until they adopted American lifestyles, especially diet. I presented the studies that showed the dangers of mammogram exams and the ridiculous inaccuracies of the results (23% false positive and 17% false negative). I made reference to the lack of wisdom in pressing the breast between two metal plates with 35 pounds of pressure and irradiating this delicate tissue with radiation levels higher than chest x-rays, on an annual basis. The audience laughed when I pointed out that men don't volunteer for similar treatment, even though testicular cancer is a concern. I informed them of the Swedish study several years ago that showed that women who had mammogram testing were at higher risk of developing cancer than women who were never tested. The kicker was the recent Canadian study that followed 90,000 women for 7 years and found that the women who had mammograms had a 36% higher cancer death rate than women who simply performed self-breast exams.
I emphasized that the USA spends more money per capita on cancer than all countries of the world. I then displayed the following color coded map:

As is clearly evident, India has the lowest incidence of cancer and the United States has the highest. I then posed the question, "Why would India accept any advice or adapt any procedures from the country that is failing in its' war on caner?" My conclusion was that the best course for India to prevent cancer was to stay away from the U.S. lifestyle. This means to help prevent cancer they should stay away from dangerous U.S. medical testing, stay away from dangerous American pharmaceuticals, stay away from American chemical companies, stay away from American fast food, and stay away from American agri-business. Actually this is good advice for all of us.
So let's all go back to nature and eat whole, fresh, raw food. Let's enjoy the sun, clean air, and pure water. Let's love our neighbors as ourselves and establish a good relationship with our creator. This is the way we can all defeat cancer.
David Christopher is a Master Herbalist and director of the School of Natural Healing
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Flax seed meal - 1 cup
hot water - 2/3 cup
salt - 1/2 tsp.
In a medium saucepan, bring water to a boil. Add salt to the boiling water.
Once salt is dissolved, add flax meal and turn off the heat. Remove the saucepan from the heat. Using a wooden spatula, mix until the flaxseed meal absorbs all the water and forms a dough ball. This step should take 1-2 minutes max.
Remove the dough from the pot and place it on a non-stick surface. When cool to touch, break the flaxseed dough into 4 equal pieces.
Roll out each dough ball between two pieces of parchment paper
Take a round bowl and place on top of rolled out dough, cut around the edges to make them round. Place extra dough in a pile to make last tortilla.
After all your pieces are rolled out and cut, move them to your pan. Over medium high heat, place flax tortilla in pan. If you have a non stick pan, you will not need to spray it. The oils in the flax will keep it from sticking.
Recipe used with permission from Petra Scott.
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