Eliminating Organs and Pathways
Published: Fri, 06/22/18
Eliminating Organs and Pathways Kelly Pomeroy, M.H.
The Master Herbalist Certification Seminar is being held this week at The School of Natural Healing. What an exciting time! I listened as students told their stories of how they were led to The School of Natural Healing--they were looking for a school that would give foundation and guidance into healing naturally through diet and herbs. I found that, as did they. I treasure the teachings of Dr. Christopher. When I took the level 100 Family Herbalist course, I learned truths that have become foundational for me.
The body has an inherent ability to heal itself. Supporting our eliminating organs and pathways is at the heart of Dr. Christopher’s teachings. In his book, Herbal Home Health Care, Dr. Christopher says, “Well of ninety percent of all disease comes from an unclean body whose sewer is backed up. A backed up sewer means our filth has accumulated in our body.” “Our bowels are the
most neglected and ignored parts of our bodies. We need to know how this eliminative organ works.”
Bowels: Our bowels begin from below our stomach to our anus. The bowels absorb nutrients and water we ingest and eliminate remaining food waste, old cells, and toxins that accumulate in our body. Dr Christopher created the Lower Bowel formula that contains herbs that are laxative, carminative, nourishing to smooth muscle, and healing.
Herbs for the bowels: turkey rhubarb, cascara sagrada, aloe, senna, buckthorn, flaxseed, psyllium seed, and more. A student at this years seminar commented that taking the Lower Bowel formula alone helped her migraines to go away. For my family, getting their bowels to moving, has calmed my children’s hyperactivity, they focus better, and fight less. “When dealing with longstanding health problems, an extended herbal cleanse is an excellent pathway to follow.” This cleanse focuses on herbs that feed and support our eliminating pathway; the bowels, liver and gallbladder, kidneys, and bloodstream.
Liver: Our liver makes bile to digest fats, stores glucose, modifies fats, stores vitamins and iron, forms blood plasma proteins, breaks down old red blood cells, recycles or eliminates them, makes urea, and detoxifies substances. Dr. Christopher made the Liver-Gallbladder formula to support this organ.
Herbs for the Liver: Oregon grape, Barberry, Dandelion, Milk thistle, Genitian, Yarrow, and more.
Kidneys: Our kidneys aid in excretion of metabolic waste, excess salts, and toxins. They balance the amount of water gained and lost in a day, balance the pH of our body fluids, regulate blood pressure, and regulate red blood cell production. Dr. Christopher’s Kidney formula supports these organs.
Herbs for the Kidneys: Parsley root/leaf, Cedar berries, Watermelon seeds, Corn silk, Bed straw, Hydrangea, Gravel root, and more.
Bloodstream: Dr. Christopher said, “Our blood stream is life itself and it is our job to keep it clean and pure so that we can have a good circulatory system for delivering food to the body properly and to carry off the waste materials.” Our blood transports gases, nutrients, waste, and hormones. It has buffers in it to regulate the pH, fluid balance, and heat. Dr. Christopher’s Blood Stream formula is wonderful for aiding in a healthy river of life.
Herbs for the Bloodstream: Chaparral, Burdock, Red clover blossoms, Cayenne, Garlic, and more.
By understanding the body better and learning of the herbs that were made to support, cleanse, and nourish our bodies, we can have increased vigor and vitality and hasten healing processes.
Kelly Pomeroy is a Master Herbalist graduate and Student Adviser for The School of Natural Healing and the mother of 4 of her most favorite people on earth, her kids.
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3 parts Licorice root cut- supports the pancreas and adrenals
1 part Yarrow flowers cut- supports the liver, kidneys, and more
1 part Chickweed cut- supports weight-loss and healthy skin
Weigh out each herb into parts. Mix into a jar or a bag thoroughly. I like stronger tea so I would use 1 Tablespoon cut herbs to 1 cup water. You can make this as a sun tea, by adding your herbs to cold water and let it sit in the sunlight throughout the day. Serving this cold you will have more of a diuretic affect, supporting your kidneys. You can also make it traditionally hot which will have it more of a diaphoretic affect, generating internal heat and sweating. This is a pleasant, slightly bitter, slightly sweet tea. I love it and hope you enjoy it too!
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- Herbal Legacy - http://www.herballegacy.com - Our free information website
- The School of Natural Healing - http://www.snh.cc - Quality Education since 1953
- Christopher Publications - http://www.christopherpublications.com - Dr. Christopher's books and more
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- A Healthier You Radio Show - http://www.ahealthieryouradio.com - Free weekly radio show
The School of Natural Healing: http://www.snh.cc
Christopher Publications: http://www.christopherpublications.com
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