My Journey
Published: Thu, 05/31/18
May 30, 2018
My Journey Jeremiah Alleman, M.H.
My wife and I were both relatively healthy growing up, no major health issues, we were rarely sick. One day my wife's mom gave us an herbal catalog that had multi-green vitamins, tinctures, capsules and such. We glanced at it, put it on our book shelf and there it sat for some time. One day we were de-junking and came across the catalog again; So, I started reading it. I thought that many of the claims these products were making were quite fantastic and thought to myself, "If they did even half of what they claim they would be great products." So, we bought a few things, tried them out, and loved every product we purchased. To out amazement each herbal formula did exactly what they claimed to do.
Sometime later I got food poisoning, completely my fault for eating things I shouldn't. I was so sick for days I could barely keep water down and felt depleted of nutrients. I knew that if I could get something high in nutrients into my system I would start feeling better. I asked my wife to go to her mom's house and see if she had any multi-green
formula there since we
had run out a few weeks prior. She had just enough, but in addition they looked in an old herb book to see if anything would help nausea. One sentence suggested that ginger root would help with nausea. So, upon arriving home my wife went to our spice cupboard and got out the ginger and mixed it in water. I drank the mixture and started feeling better. Within 15 minutes, I quit throwing up, the color had returned to my face, and my strength began to return.
This was my WOW experience. I knew I needed to learn more. As I was in my search for more understanding of herbal medicine one herbalist I was researching had mentioned a formula he made which was apparently quite controversial. He mentioned how both he and his mentor, at different times, had been incarcerated on false charges for using this particular formula. I thought to myself, "These are good formulas, why would men who do such good things be thrown in jail, and
who is this mentor 'Dr. Christopher' that he keeps talking about." So, I decided to dig deeper. Come to find out, Dr. Christopher was awesome! I learned he was the only practicing herbalist in WWII, and later was the founder of the School of Natural Healing.
At the time I discovered the School of Natural Healing I was currently attending a University full time and working full time. It was a pretty heavy load to carry. However, I felt a deep connection with the School of Natural Healing and knew that was the direction I needed to go in life. I finished out the semester at the University then made the switch. From that point on everything started looking up. I knew the things I was learning from the School of Natural Healing was of real value and of practical use. Even while I was studying I began having family and friends ask me for help and advice in regards to their health. So great was the feedback and validation from friends and family that even before graduating I knew I wanted to help other people learn all they can about herbs and provide them with the means necessary to do so in the process. So, In August of 2017 I opened my own herbal health food store. It has been so rewarding to see the change in people as they use the formulas we provide to regain their health. Each person is so different and with that, every story and experience are different. Each day I continue to learn more and more about the use of herbs through the people I help and the experiences they share. These experiences build upon the foundation I gained from attending The School of Natural Healing.
Jeremiah Alleman is a Master Herbalist graduate of The School of Natural Healing. He also runs his own health food store in Logan, Utah.
My Journey Jeremiah Alleman, M.H.
My wife and I were both relatively healthy growing up, no major health issues, we were rarely sick. One day my wife's mom gave us an herbal catalog that had multi-green vitamins, tinctures, capsules and such. We glanced at it, put it on our book shelf and there it sat for some time. One day we were de-junking and came across the catalog again; So, I started reading it. I thought that many of the claims these products were making were quite fantastic and thought to myself, "If they did even half of what they claim they would be great products." So, we bought a few things, tried them out, and loved every product we purchased. To out amazement each herbal formula did exactly what they claimed to do.
Sometime later I got food poisoning, completely my fault for eating things I shouldn't. I was so sick for days I could barely keep water down and felt depleted of nutrients. I knew that if I could get something high in nutrients into my system I would start feeling better. I asked my wife to go to her mom's house and see if she had any multi-green

At the time I discovered the School of Natural Healing I was currently attending a University full time and working full time. It was a pretty heavy load to carry. However, I felt a deep connection with the School of Natural Healing and knew that was the direction I needed to go in life. I finished out the semester at the University then made the switch. From that point on everything started looking up. I knew the things I was learning from the School of Natural Healing was of real value and of practical use. Even while I was studying I began having family and friends ask me for help and advice in regards to their health. So great was the feedback and validation from friends and family that even before graduating I knew I wanted to help other people learn all they can about herbs and provide them with the means necessary to do so in the process. So, In August of 2017 I opened my own herbal health food store. It has been so rewarding to see the change in people as they use the formulas we provide to regain their health. Each person is so different and with that, every story and experience are different. Each day I continue to learn more and more about the use of herbs through the people I help and the experiences they share. These experiences build upon the foundation I gained from attending The School of Natural Healing.
Jeremiah Alleman is a Master Herbalist graduate of The School of Natural Healing. He also runs his own health food store in Logan, Utah.
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Join us at the LDSHE Expo in Logan Utah May 30 - June 1
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David Christopher will be Lecturing at Alleman's Health and Wellness May 31, 2018 at 6:00 pm

Join us at the LDSHE Expo in Logan Utah May 30 - June 1
A Healthier You Radio show is back!
Listen live every Monday morning at 11:30 Mountain Time.
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David Christopher is now on Twitter!
You can follow David @DChristopherMH
Cherry Soft Serve Ice Cream
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- 3 frozen bananas
- 3 cups pitted frozen cherries
- Almond milk - to help with the blending process
Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender until smooth. If you don't have a high speed blender, a food processor with an S-blade works wonderfully. Add fresh cherries and chopped almonds.
Recipe by Tonya Judd
Recipe by Tonya Judd
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- The School of Natural Healing - - Quality Education since 1953
- Christopher Publications - - Dr. Christopher's books and more
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- A Healthier You Radio Show - - Free weekly radio show
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