Gardening Companions
Published: Wed, 04/25/18
April 25, 2018
Gardening Companions
For the next several weeks we will continue to run our sale on our gardening books. We felt that you might appreciate a quick description of each book we are offering. These books are discounted at 15% off and can be purchased at the following link:
These books would make wonderful Mother’s Day gifts as well as a welcome addition to your library.
The Essential Garden Design Workbook by Rosemary Alexander (second edition)
Filled with many drawings, diagrams and photographs, this is a wonderful garden and yard resource. Rosemary takes you step-by-step through the process of designing not only a beautiful garden, but your entire property. Filled to the brim with examples, options to take into consideration, placement of plants, shrubs, trees, outbuildings, material options, etc. This book is a wealth of professional design information.
Growing and Using Herbs Successfully by Betty E. M. Jacobs
Growing and Using Herbs Successfully includes botanical drawings of many of the herbs listed within the text. Each herb included has a description of its growing conditions, what type of soil to grow it in, how to propagate and use each herb. Many methods of propagation including dividing herb plants, root cuttings, stem cuttings, etc. Other informative topics within this text include; harvesting, drying, storing and freezing herbs, growing herbs as a business and recipes to use once you have grown your herbs.
Grow It, Heal It, Natural and Effective Herbal Remedies from Your Garden or Windowsill by Christopher Hobbs and Leslie Gardner
Grow It, Heal It features 50 herbs in a clean, fresh, easy to read layout. Each herb features a color photo, the plant family it belongs to, along with a description of the herb, preparation and dosage, healing properties, safety, growing and harvesting suggestions.
Included is a chart with medicinal weeds and their uses as well as one with, “Plants to Grow for Herbal Healing” within the Propagation section. There are several recipes for making your own seed-starting mixes and potting mixes. Other recipes include recipes for teas, syrups, oils, tinctures, compresses, creams, lotions and salves.
The last section of the book includes specific ailments and which herbs to use to successfully alleviate common complaints.
The Vegetable Gardener’s BIBLE by Edward C. Smith
Although Ed uses his W.O.R.D. System, which is an acronym for Wide Rows, Organic Methods, Raised Beds, Deep Soil, this description doesn’t begin to cover all that is contained within this book. The Vegetable Gardener’s BIBLE is full of step by step instructions along with color photos. This book is a plethora of information and is a must have for your library.
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If you missed an article be sure to visit and click on Articles. Also, take advantage of David Christopher's Radio Show (see Resource Links below for more information).

Come see us at the
Energy Healing Conference
April 28, 2018
at The Salt Palace
in Salt Lake City, Utah
Jo Franks, MH will be representing The School Of Natural Healing
with a presentation on
Herbal Protocols to Energize and Rejuvenate the Body at 1:45
A Healthier You Radio show is back!
Listen live every Monday morning at 11:30 Mountain Time.
Click here for the link to listen to our live show
David Christopher is now on Twitter!
You can follow David @DChristopherMH
Grilled Veggie Sandwiches

Sprouted whole grain bread
Vegenaise (a healthier version of mayonnaise)
Dill Weed
Real Salt or Himalayan, or Celtic
Sliced tomatoes
Sliced onions
Sliced cucumbers
Sliced red, yellow or orange peppers
Coconut oil
Spread Vegenaise on two slices of bread, spread desired amount of mustard. Lay sliced onions and red peppers on one side, sliced tomatoes and cucumber on the other side. Sprinkle generously with salt, pepper and dill weed. On the outside of bread spread coconut oil. Grill in pan or panni. If grilled in pan flip to toast both sides to desired toasting. This sandwich is especially great with fresh veggies from the garden. Get creative and enjoy!
Recipe by Yvonne Craft
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Herbal Resource Links
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Come see us at the
Energy Healing Conference
April 28, 2018
at The Salt Palace
in Salt Lake City, Utah
Jo Franks, MH will be representing The School Of Natural Healing
with a presentation on
Herbal Protocols to Energize and Rejuvenate the Body at 1:45
A Healthier You Radio show is back!
Listen live every Monday morning at 11:30 Mountain Time.
Click here for the link to listen to our live show
David Christopher is now on Twitter!
You can follow David @DChristopherMH
Grilled Veggie Sandwiches

Sprouted whole grain bread
Vegenaise (a healthier version of mayonnaise)
Dill Weed
Real Salt or Himalayan, or Celtic
Sliced tomatoes
Sliced onions
Sliced cucumbers
Sliced red, yellow or orange peppers
Coconut oil
Spread Vegenaise on two slices of bread, spread desired amount of mustard. Lay sliced onions and red peppers on one side, sliced tomatoes and cucumber on the other side. Sprinkle generously with salt, pepper and dill weed. On the outside of bread spread coconut oil. Grill in pan or panni. If grilled in pan flip to toast both sides to desired toasting. This sandwich is especially great with fresh veggies from the garden. Get creative and enjoy!
Recipe by Yvonne Craft
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Herbal Resource Links
- Herbal Legacy - - Our free information website
- The School of Natural Healing - - Quality Education since 1953
- Christopher Publications - - Dr. Christopher's books and more
- Christopher Websites - - Find all Christopher websites and other great resources
- A Healthier You Radio Show - - Free weekly radio show
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The School of Natural Healing:
Christopher Publications:
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NOTICE: All information in this newsletter is given out as information only and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe. For our official Disclaimer, Biological Individuality, Important Notice & Terms of Use please see:
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