Doors of Change
Published: Wed, 01/31/18
January 31, 2018
Doors of Change

Sometimes life leads us through “doors” that change who we are and what matters to us. Two of my specific “doors” in life changed my course completely. One happened many years ago and the other more recently.
Twenty-three years ago, during a fight with cancer, I discovered the alternative world. Dandelion tea, green drinks and a few other natural discoveries helped me back to health and made it possible to have another child, as I desired.
Nineteen years later a terrible auto accident led me through the other door. After being non-responsive for thirty minutes, while they cut me out of the car, a helicopter transported me to a trauma unit where I spent a very long night pondering my purpose in life. I realized that the herbal knowledge I’d gathered over the years was no good if I wasn’t willing to share it.
I made a firm decision that night to become a Master Herbalist and push aside any fear I had of teaching others about herbs and natural alternatives. I didn’t know at that time where this decision would lead me, but I’m glad I had the courage to jump in.
The Master Herbalist Seminar was amazing and the moment I received my certificate was beautiful. By the time I finished the program I had a pretty good idea where I was headed with it. I’ve developed a homegrown skin care line over the years that had taken over four rooms in our home. In November my husband and I opened a store, Melanie’s Health & Nutrition, and moved our production into a kitchen at the back. The
store consists of herbal supplements, essential oils, homeopathics, our own product line and more. It has been incredible to learn about different product brands and connect with the community.
The beautiful thing is that our community has embraced our new store. People have walked through our front doors, thrown their arms out dramatically and said, “Finally!” We haven’t had anything like this in Tooele and our customers are determined to keep us in business. The Dr. Christopher line has been incredibly popular and some in our community have now signed up with the School of Natural Healing to begin
their own journey.
I’m grateful for the opportunity I have to serve this community. Opening Melanie’s Health & Nutrition has brought me face to face with some amazing people.
The best part is that my education is not finished. It will never be finished. As people walk through my doors and ask questions it gives me reason to keep studying. I think about Dr. Christopher and how he studied constantly, even though he was a man many people looked to for knowledge and understanding. I intend to follow his example of being a lifetime student.
Melanie L. Skelton graduated from the School of Natural Healing as a Master Herbalist in June 2017. She is also a writer, mom of six and the owner of Melanie's Health and Nutrition in Tooele, Utah.
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Peach Smoothie

1 cup orange juice
2 peaches (fresh or frozen)
1 banana (frozen)
1 tablespoon flax seed
Grind flax seed to a powder using a coffee bean grinder. Blend all ingredients until smooth.
This is a simple, but refreshing smoothie to jump-start your day.
Recipe by Melanie Skelton
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