High Blood Pressure is Not a Disease
Published: Wed, 11/01/17
November 1, 2017
High Blood Pressure is Not a Disease David Christopher, M.H.
High blood pressure is not a disease; rather it is the mechanism by which the body deals with circulatory stagnation or impairment. Our bodies have a circulatory system principally to deliver oxygen and nutrients to our trillions of cells. Each of these cells functions properly with that constant supply of oxygen and nutrients. If our cells are denied these life sustaining substances they start to malfunction and if denied long enough these cells will atrophy (die off). Before atrophy occurs, cells send off a signal of distress which the central nervous system detects. In a life-saving mechanism the nervous system sends a signal to the circulatory system to raise the blood pressure forcing nutrients to the struggling cells so they do not die. If we interfere with this natural procedure, and artificially lower blood pressure to what is considered normal levels, then we thwart the body’s ability to deliver the life-saving oxygen and nutrients guaranteeing the demise of said cells.
Knowing this fact we can surmise that taking high blood pressure medications will allow kidney cells, liver cells, heart cells and all other cells to die. In layman terms if you take high blood pressure medication you can die of kidney failure, liver disease and heart failure.
WARNING!!! Suddenly stopping BP meds can be lethal. First improve the circulation and then ease off the drugs.
To improve circulation and constantly deliver oxygen and nutrients to all of our cells we should focus on three possible obstacles:
1. Is the vascular system clogged or malnourished?
2. Are our emotions impeding circulation?
3. Are we taking drugs that impede circulation?
First, I do not see much difference between cardio-vascular disease and scurvy. A deficiency of vitamin C rich foods results in a thin weak vascular system. These weak vascular walls are easily damaged by blood flow. The resulting lesions are repaired through the clotting process. Damaged cholesterol, tri-glycerides and other waste attach to the clots and block circulation to the downstream cells. This can be prevented and cured by simply switching to a fresh raw produce diet and cleansing as explained in Dr. Christopher’s Three Day Cleansing Program. Herbal aids would include cayenne pepper, ginger root, garlic, onions, ginseng and nervine herbs like valerian and hops.
Second, emotions that constrict blood flow can be helped with the information contained in two books Healing Spirituality by Gudrun Penselin and Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman.
Third, if you are taking drugs like caffeine that constrict the vascular system and prevent nutrients from reaching the cells, stop using them.
We should realize that our bodies are programmed to move toward wellness and recognize that many symptoms like high blood pressure are simply ways the body uses to restore balance and increase function.
David Christopher is a Master Herbalist and the director of The School of Natural Healing. He also co-hosts the popular radio show "A Healthier You" and is a popular international teacher and lecturer.
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Fresh Pomegranate Salsa
- 1 green bell pepper
- 1 jalapeno
- 1 pomegranate
- 4 cloves garlic finely chopped
- 1/2 cup chopped green onion
- 1/4 cup finely chopped cilantro
- 1 lime
- 1/2 - 1 teaspoon coarse sea salt
- 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
- Seed and chop the bell pepper and jalapeno. Dump the chopped peppers into a large bowl.
- Remove seeds from the pomegranate and dump them into the bowl.
- Add the garlic, green onion, and cilantro to the bowl.
- Cut the lime into wedges and squeeze the juice into the bowl.
- Mix well, adding salt and pepper to taste.
- You can eat the salsa right away, but the flavors will develop and meld even more after at least an hour in the fridge.
Recipe and Photo by Diana Johnson
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- Herbal Legacy - http://www.herballegacy.com - Our free information website
- The School of Natural Healing - http://www.snh.cc - Quality Education since 1953
- Christopher Publications - http://www.christopherpublications.com - Dr. Christopher's books and more
- Christopher Websites - http://www.christopherwebsites.com - Find all Christopher websites and other great resources
- A Healthier You Radio Show - http://www.ahealthieryouradio.com - Free weekly radio show
The School of Natural Healing: http://www.snh.cc
Christopher Publications: http://www.christopherpublications.com
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