The Extended Herbal Cleanse

Published: Wed, 10/11/17


Herbal Legacy

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications

   October 11, 2017

 The Extended Herbal Cleanse Tonya Judd, M.H.

  We often receive questions concerning how to complete the Extended Herbal Cleanse. In this article I hope to clear up any confusion and help you feel confident in completing the Extended Herbal Cleanse. There are 2 options listed for your convenience.

Let’s start with what the Extended Herbal Cleanse is and what it is used for:

 “When dealing with long-standing health problems we cannot expect to totally cleanse or cure the body with one or more three-day cleansing routines. Therefore, to rid the body of chronic conditions or to prevent their occurrence, an extended herbal cleanse is an excellent path to follow. This should be used in conjunction with the Mucusless Diet.” – Dr. John R. Christopher

The first 3 formulas – the Lower Bowel formula, the Kidney formula, and the Liver & Gallbladder formula can be taken simultaneously. Now lest you get this confused, let me clarify as follows: simultaneously is in fact defined as, together. In this case, this means started and taken on the same day, and does not mean taken at the same moment. This will hopefully become clearer as I continue on with the instructions. David Christopher outlined the following alternative option for completing the Extended Herbal Cleanse:

Begin by taking the Lower Bowel Formula. This formula is best taken in the capsule form, 1 hour before meals. The reason for this timing as explained by David Christopher, “You don’t want to take the Lower Bowel with your meals because it will move the food too quickly through the bowels. You want to stimulate the bowels to begin working before you begin eating your meals. If you experience stomach upset with this you can take 1/2 cup prune juice mixed with ½ cup bran. This will help with the stomach upset and will help things move along as well.”

Between breakfast and lunch and between lunch and dinner take 3 capsules or 3 droppers of the Kidney formula.

Just before beginning your meals you will take 2 droppers of the Liver Formula. The Liver Formula is best taken in the liquid form. This will stimulate the digestive process and will get the bile flowing.

Complete this routine each day for 6 days and rest on the 7th day.  Resume the routine for the next 6 days and then rest on the 7th day.  Just for clarification, when we say, “rest on the 7th day,” this means that you will not consume any of the formulas on the 7th day-you will be giving your system a rest from the cleansing herbs.

Once you have been on the above 3 formulas for 2 weeks, you will then be ready to begin taking 2 capsules of the Blood Stream Formula ½ hour after you have taken the kidney formula.  You do not want to begin taking the Blood Stream Formula until you have all of the eliminative organs working.  “The delay in adding the Bloodstream Formula is absolutely essential because of the extreme effectiveness of this formula.  In the beginning of the program we are opening the eliminative channels of the body, allowing a pathway of elimination for the ensuing toxins loosened by the Bloodstream Formula.”   -Three Day Cleansing Program, Mucusless Diet & Herbal Combinations booklet

“Continue taking the formulas in this order, resting on the 7th day.  Repeat these intervals for 6 months and then rest the entire 7th month.  At the end of this 7 month program, assess your progress and determine if another 7 month program would be beneficial.”  -Three Day Cleansing Program, Mucusless Diet & Herbal Combinations booklet

I have included a chart with check boxes to help remind you of the herbal formula’s you need to take/have taken throughout the day.  You are welcome to make copies or make just one copy and laminate it and use a dry erase marker to mark your progress each day.  PLEASE NOTE:  The top half of the chart includes the herbal formulas you will take before starting the Blood Stream Formula and the bottom half of the chart includes the formulas you will take once you begin taking the Blood Stream Formula.

Happy Cleansing!

Tonya Judd is a Master Herbalist graduate of the School of Natural Healing.

Herbal Formula Schedule - BEFORE beginning the Blood Stream Formula

Upon arising: Take 2 capsules of the Lower Bowel Formula.
Take 2 droppers of the Liver Formula and then immediately begin to eat your breakfast meal.
Between breakfast and lunch take 3 capsules OR 3 droppers of the Kidney Formula.
Take 2 capsules of the Lower Bowel Formula one hour before consuming lunch.
Take 2 droppers of the Liver formula and then immediately begin to eat your lunch.
Take 3 capsules OR 3 droppers of the Kidney formula.
Take 2 capsules of the Lower Bowel Formula one hour before consuming your dinner.
Take 2 droppers of the Liver formula and then immediately begin to eat your dinner.


Herbal Formula Schedule - AFTER you have added the Blood Stream Formula
Upon arising:  Take 2 capsules of the Lower Bowel Formula.

Take 2 droppers of the Liver Formula and then immediately begin to eat your Breakfast.
Take 2 capsules OR 2 droppers of the Kidney formula.
Take 2 capsules of the Lower Bowel Formula.
Take 2 droppers of the Liver formula and then immediately begin to eat your Lunch.
Take 2 capsules of the Blood Stream Formula.
Take 3 capsules OR 3 droppers of the Kidney formula.
Take 2 capsules of the Lower Bowel Formula one hour before consuming your evening meal.
Take 2 droppers of the Liver formula and then immediately begin to eat your Dinner.

Take 2 capsules of the Blood Stream Formula.

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If you missed an article be sure to visit and click on Articles. Also, take advantage of David Christopher's Radio Show (see Resource Links below for more information).

Join us at the Energy Healing Conference!
Dr. Christopher will be speaking on mental clarity and natural healing.

 Idaho Falls Energy Healing Conference

October 14th, 2017    9:00am-6:00pm
Hilton Garden Inn
700 Lindsay Blvd
Idaho Falls, ID 83402


New Book at
Christopher Publications!
The Big Book of Kombucha 
by Hannah Crum &
Alex LaGlory

Limited time offer
20% off!

A big thank you to those who have submitted recipes for our upcoming cookbook. We are still accepting recipes if you are interested in submitting one. We would also love to include your favorite holiday recipes if you have any you would like to share.

Christopher Publications is creating a new recipe book!  
If you would like to submit a recipe to be included with this book you can submit it to 
All recipes must be in accordance with Dr. Christopher's Mucusless Diet to be considered for inclusion.

All recipes must be submitted by October 31st!

A Healthier You Radio show is transitioning to a new format.  We are doing some research on what time of day would be most convenient for our listeners.  Please fill out this form to let us know when you would like to hear our live show!
David Christopher is now on Twitter!
You can follow David @DChristopherMH

Millet & Pumpkin Stir Fry

Makes approx. 4 servings:
  • 1T coconut oil
  • 1C millet – soaked for 10-20 minutes, drained, then cooked with 2C water, pinch salt over medium heat until water evaporated, stirring often
  • 1 small jap pumpkin, finely sliced
  • 1/2 head broccoli, broken into florets, lightly steamed, drained
  • 1 small brown onion, finely sliced
  • 1 clove garlic finely sliced
  • 2t ginger, finely sliced
  • 2t turmeric root, finely sliced
  • 1/2C basil, chopped
  • 1C baby spinach
  • 1/2C cherry tomatoes
  • 1 fresh lime – juiced
  • salt and pepper to taste
Heat frying pan, add coconut oil and onion, stir fry on medium heat until cooked through. Add garlic, ginger, turmeric and stir fry for one minute. Add pumpkin, and stir fry until cooked through. Add millet, broccoli and stir through. Add lime juice and stir through. Turn off heat and stir in basil, spinach, and cherry tomatoes. Add salt and pepper to your liking. Serve and enjoy :)

Recipe by Amanda Brocket from

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