The Big Book of Kombucha
Published: Wed, 08/30/17
August 30, 2017
The Big Book of Kombucha By Hannah Crum & Alex La Gory
I’m going to let you in on a little secret… whenever I get one of those security questions when I open a new account, I use “What is your favorite drink?” The answer is always kombucha. It truly is my favorite drink. To buy it at the store can run you anywhere from $3 -$6 a bottle and that adds up, especially when you like to drink it most
every day. That is why I chose to learn how to make my own and it costs me just a few cents per bottle. I have now been brewing my own kombucha for at least 5-6 years. I LOVE it. It is easy, tasty and so economical.
I first learned how to make kombucha from the author of this book, Hannah Crum. I would watch her YouTube videos and I have visited her website many times. I even saw her lecture at a Mother Earth event. She knows her stuff when it comes to kombucha. I was SO excited when she came out with this book. It has everything you need to know in one place. You seriously don’t need anything
else. This is such a great and comprehensive book!
The Big Book of Kombucha walks you through how to make your own brew and much more. The major sections include:
- Getting Started
- Just Brew It
- It’s More Than a Health Drink
- Cooking with Kombucha
- The Story of Kombucha
As I said, I have been brewing for over 5 years and I still learned a lot from this book. For example, I learned how to increase the carbonation (or effervescence as she calls it) in my second ferment. She also has tons of different flavor recipes for your brew. I have tried several and found a few new favorites. I’ve learned about some new tea combinations and she has great recipes on things you can do with kombucha other than just a drink.
Whether you are new to brewing or have been brewing your own kombucha for some time, this is a great resource book. I know your will learn something you hadn’t known before!
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Christopher Publications!
The Big Book of Kombucha
by Hannah Crum &
Alex LaGlory
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Grapefruit Elderflower Kombucha
What happens when you add notoriously sour grapefruit to already tart kombucha? Surprisingly, the flavors complement each other to create citrusy, floral notes. Ruby reds have a naturally sweeter taste that pairs nicely with herbs and other botanicals for a refreshing second ferment. Strain out the pulp to prevent bitterness. This is one of my new favorites from the book:
Add to your 16 ounce bottle:
1/3 cup Ruby Red Grapefruit juice
½ teaspoon dried elderflower blossoms or berries
Fill the rest of the 16 oz. bottle with kombucha
Recipe from The Big Book of Kombucha
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