
Published: Wed, 08/09/17


Herbal Legacy

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications

   August 9, 2017

 F.A.Q.'s  Tonya Judd, M.H.

For this newsletter I thought it would be fun to address some of our frequently asked questions we get here at the School of Natural Healing.  Let’s get started:

Q:  What do students do with their education once they have completed the School of Natural Healing Master Herbalist Program? OR What can I do with my education once I have completed the Master Herbalist Program?

A:  Often students enroll in the School of Natural Healing to care for themselves and family members, while others are interested in pursuing careers in the herbal market place. Many of our graduates are participating in some of the following careers:

·         Writing for health magazines

·         Educating at health food stores

·         Instructing at local colleges

·         Consulting for manufacturers

·         Opening and operating health food stores

·         Lecturing at conventions

·         Authoring herb and health texts

Q:  As a Master Herbalist do you focus mainly on using essential oils?

A:  No, although essential oils have their healing properties when used externally and aromatically, Herbalists and Master Herbalists focus on using herbs and whole foods to support the body. We educate those around us about the benefits of using herbs and foods in their wholesome state to cleanse, nourish and heal the body.

Q:  I was receiving Dr. Christopher’s Herbal Legacy Newsletter and now they aren’t coming to my inbox. What happened and what can I do to remedy this?

A:  Sometimes there are technology glitches that can occur which kick an email out of the system.  I have had this happen myself. To remedy this you have a few options:

1.      Unsubscribe using an old Herbal Legacy Newsletter.  The “unsubscribe” button is at the bottom of the newsletter. Once you have “unsubscribed,” go to the following link to sign up again: http://www.herballegacy.com/

2.      If option 1 does not work, try signing up using a different email address.

3.      If option 2 does not work, please call us here at the School of Natural Healing and we will help you.

Q:  Which herbs are safe to take during pregnancy?

A:  We often have students who call concerned that certain herbs are not safe during pregnancy. Our suggestion is always that an herb is safer than a prescription drug or over the counter drug and that whole foods are always safe.  The groups of herbs we suggest that pregnant women stay away from would be herbs within the Emmenogogue and Purgative categories. Emmenagogue herbs are herbs that are uterine stimulant herbs that stimulate blood flow to the uterus and pelvic area. Purgatives are herbs that have a strong laxative effect.

Some herbs we suggest during pregnancy include: Red Raspberry Leaf, Comfrey, Alfalfa, Vitalerbs and the Dr. Christopher’s Pregnancy Tea and Dr. Christopher’s Birth Prep Formula (to be used during the last 6 weeks of pregnancy).

Q:  What can I do to alleviate Menstrual Headaches?

A:  Menstrual headaches are often caused by congestion in the bowel and/or female organs and can also be caused by a prolapsed uterus. Cleansing the bowel and providing herbs to strengthen the uterus and female organs will help. Cleaning up the diet is essential. Eliminate all processed foods, refined foods and carbonated beverages. Eat a diet filled with vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts and seeds. Cayenne does wonders for headaches as it gets the circulation going.   

Q:  How long are herbs good for?

A:  The shelf life of herbs that are powdered, cut and sifted, or capsuled is generally 5 years. I often go with the rule that if you can still smell the aroma of the herb, it is often still good.  Herbs do start to lose their potency over time/the longer they are past their expiration date, yet that does not make them unsafe to consume.  

Q:  How do I decide between the Online Course and the Correspondence Course and what is the difference between the two?

A:  Both the online course and the Correspondence Course are identical as far as what is taught and the course material that is covered. The difference between the 2 courses is that the Online Course is completed online and the majority of the books you will study from are in an online format. You will complete and submit your study guides online. There will be a few physical books that you will study from that are not online as we do not publish those or have the rights to include an online copy of them. There will be several assignments that you will complete that will need to be submitted via the mail.  

If you have a computer, internet access and are able to complete basic tasks on the computer and enjoy working on the computer, then the Online Course would be a great fit for you. If your computer skills are lacking, or if you do not like to spend large chunks of time on the computer it would be best for you to study within the parameters of the Correspondence Course.

The Correspondence Course includes all of the books, study guides, and all of the materials needed to complete your coursework. As a Correspondence Course student, you will study from physical books and complete your study guides, and other assignments and submit them via the mail.

Tonya Judd is a Master Herbalist graduate of the School of Natural Healing.

Printable Version: http://herballegacy.com

If you missed an article be sure to visit http://www.herballegacy.com and click on Articles. Also, take advantage of David Christopher's Radio Show (see Resource Links below for more information).

Christopher Publications is creating a new recipe book!  
If you would like to submit a recipe to be included with this book you can submit it to recipes@schoolofnaturalhealing.com 
All recipes must be in accordance with Dr. Christopher's Mucusless Diet to be considered for inclusion

A Healthier You Radio show is transitioning to a new format.  We are doing some research on what time of day would be most convenient for our listeners.  Please fill out this form to let us know when you would like to hear our live show!
David Christopher is now on Twitter!
You can follow David @DChristopherMH

Chickpea Salad
You can use this scrumptious chickpea salad just as you would a traditional chicken salad recipe.
4 cups or 2 - 16 oz. cans of chickpeas (garbanzo beans)
1 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup thinly sliced green onion
2 Tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/3 cup chopped red, orange or yellow pepper
1/3 cup veganaise or almonaise 
1 Tablespoon Dijon or regular mustard
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
2 cloves garlic
1/4 teaspoon salt
In a bowl, combine chickpeas, celery, green onion, red, orange or yellow pepper, lemon juice, black pepper, and salt.  Fold in the veganaise or almonaise and mustard.  Stir to combine.
Chill or use right away. This is also great as a sandwich filling or on top of salad greens and sprouts.
Recipe adapted by Tonya Judd from a recipe from Herbal Legacy

Printable Version: http://herballegacy.com


 Herbal Resource Links

Herbal Legacy

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This newsletter is sponsored by:

The School of Natural Healing: http://www.snh.cc
Christopher Publications: http://www.christopherpublications.com

NOTICE: All information in this newsletter is given out as information only and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe.  For our official Disclaimer, Biological Individuality, Important Notice & Terms of Use please see: http://www.herballegacy.com/Disclaimer.html

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