Christmas In July
Published: Wed, 07/26/17
July 26, 2017
Christmas In July
Dear Readers,
We are excited to inform you that Christopher Publications is creating a new recipe book. We would like to give our readers and our students the opportunity to share their favorite original recipes with us to be included in this new book.
This book will be in accordance with Dr. Christopher’s Mucusless Diet. Recipes will be plant based and use ingredients of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds.
Dr. Christopher knew it was, “important for the individual to eliminate the mucus forming foods from the diet, for there is no need to put mucus into the body faster than it can be taken out or eliminated. With this preventative procedure, not only are the sinuses, the bronchi, and the lungs cleared up, but also the constipating mucus (catarrh) in the tissues of the body from the head to the bottom of the feet.” Go here for a description of the mucusless diet.
If you have any favorite original recipes you would like to share with us to add to this book you may submit them to by September 1, 2017. Include your name and how you would like it to appear with your recipe. You can use your full name, initials or you have the option of remaining anonymous. You may also submit a photo of your prepared recipe if you have one.
Categories for recipes will include but are not limited to breakfast, beverages, salads, side dishes, main dishes, desserts and other categories as needed. The recipes can be raw or cooked. Submitted recipes will be reviewed by our staff and chosen carefully.
Don’t delay! Get your recipes to us quickly so you can be included in this new project.
Disclaimer: By submitting a recipe or photo you are giving Christopher Publications permission to publish your recipe or photo in the new book.
Thanks for you participation. We are excited to receive your recipes and give them a try.
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Tropical Snowballs
Liquid from 2 Young Thai coconuts or 20 oz. of store bought raw coconut water
1/3 cup raw honey
1 1/2 - 2 cups shredded unsweetened coconut + 1 cup for rolling the mixture in after freezing
Juice of 2 lemons
Juice of 1 orange
1 cup fresh pineapple juice
1 large banana
Place all ingredients into the blender and blend until smooth. Place in an ice cream freezer or in a container in the freezer until frozen. Using an ice cream scoop, scoop the frozen mixture into a bowl with the additional cup of shredded coconut and roll each scoop in the coconut to coat. Place on a tray or plate and freeze until ready to serve.
Adapted from a recipe by Deborah A. Toczek from the Regenerative Diet Cookbook
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