Healing Spiritually
Published: Wed, 05/31/17
May 31, 2017
Healing Spiritually by Gudrun Penselin
A Practical Guide to Understanding and Working with Bach Flowers
Healing Spiritually introduces the reader to Edward Bach’s life and his healing philosophy.
Much like Dr. Christopher, Edward Bach was a man before his time and like Dr. Christopher, Edward Bach knew he was called to heal people and to do it in “a form of medicine that was gentle, painless, benign and effective in providing true and long lasting healing.” He had a strong connection to spirit and he eventually discovered the healing powers of plants and developed the vibrational healing system of Bach Flowers.
The 38 Bach Flower Remedies and how to use them are covered with detailed description in this book. There is a color image of each flower and an affirmation message that corresponds to the flower. Edward Back categorized each flower remedy into one of seven categories. These categories are explained as well as how to pick the right remedy for the healing situation. Bach flowers are very versatile and can benefit adults, children and pets. There is a whole chapter on frequently asked questions
such as “Do Bach Flower Remedies have any side effects?”, “Times have changed, are the 38 remedies still current?” and more. A chapter is devoted to Rescue Remedy and other premixed formulas. If you want to create your own flower essences, Gudrun has included a detailed section on the procedures for preparing your own essences.
Healing Spiritually is written simplistically, so the beginner as well as the expert will benefit from the information contained in the book. It truly is a “practical guide” into the subtle healing of Bach Flower Remedies. This book is new to Christopher Publications and is on an introductory sale of 15% off.
Printable Version: http://herballegacy.com
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Healing Spiritually by Gudrun Penselin

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In a pot, invert a small bowl or a small plate. Place an empty bowl on top of the inverted bowl or plate. Place flowers/petals all around the bowl,

Recipe by Tonya Judd
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