Published: Wed, 04/12/17
April 12, 2016
Reflexology Tonya Judd, M.H.
Our hands, feet, ears and head contain reflex points that correspond to every area and organ in our bodies. Looking at a reflexology chart you will see what looks like a map of your body organs and glands with nerve endings that correspond to each organ, gland and area of the body. Applying pressure
to these specific points or areas stimulates these organs and areas of the body to help remove blockages, stimulate and give them a boost, and tell them to begin working. Reflexology also works to get the circulation flowing in specific areas of the body and can help break up congestion within the body that is keeping the circulation from flowing freely. Tender spots are indicators of blockages within that particular area or organ. Blockages do not necessarily mean that there is something
terribly wrong, but that the area of the body needs a bit of attention. Sometimes a congested or a blocked area will feel tight or thicker and less pliable. Other areas may have the feeling of a knot or like that of a small BB or hardened pellet under the skin. These are referred to as crystals and once the crystals or tight areas break up or loosen up by pressing or applying pressure with the thumb and fingers, it allows circulation to flow freely. Imagine it as drinking a smoothie
through a straw and as you drink a piece of fruit gets stuck in the straw keeping your drink from flowing though. Once you break up or remove that blockage, everything can flow freely once again. Reflexology has also been found helpful in stimulating the lymph to flow and stimulating the bowel. Reflexology opens the neural pathways by reducing stress and calming the body and mind which stimulates the body to heal.
Reflexology dates back to ancient China, Egypt, India and Japan. The re-discovery of reflexology is accredited to Dr. William Fitzgerald who in 1913 titled it Zone Therapy. Dr. Edwin F. Bowers and Dr. George Starr White also wrote books on reflexology. Another doctor, Dr. Joe Riley, had a student, Eunice Ingham, who was very interested in Dr. Fitzgerald’s method. With the encouragement of Dr. Riley, Eunice continued to improve and advance reflexology and to take her method to
others. Ms. Ingham wrote her first book, Stories the Feet Can Tell, in 1938. As opposed to Fitzgerald’s technique of using the reflex points to numb certain areas, she found that stimulating the reflex areas produced healing.
I personally have had many positive experiences with reflexology and find it a great tool, one that I am blessed to have with me at all times. I was doing some much needed cleansing and at one point was feeling pretty rough. I had done everything I could possibly think of to help alleviate my discomfort and was frustrated that I was not obtaining relief as quickly as I felt I should be. As I prayed about it, I had brought to my remembrance a tool I possess and had not yet used during
this cleansing process. I immediately began working the reflex areas proportionate to the symptoms I was having and within an hour was totally relaxed and the majority of my cleansing symptoms had calmed down or completely been eliminated. It was a beautiful gift!
When one of my children was congested and had an unproductive, croupy cough I worked the reflex areas corresponding with the lungs and bronchial area. I remember these areas being quite “crunchy” and once I worked all of the “crunchiness” out of these areas the cough immediately loosened up and became quite productive.
Dr. Christopher had quite a gift for reflexology. At one of the Master Herbalist Certification Seminars, one of the students had a kidney stone attack. Many of the other students there for the seminar tried to help the student with herbs. Dr. Christopher was called in to work on the student using reflexology. He worked the area hard and steadily until the area was no longer painful. Then he moved down the pathway to the next area and worked that area until there was no longer
pain in that area. He worked on the student until there was no pain at all.
If you are interested in learning more about reflexology, the School of Natural Healing has a great Reflexology Course.
Tonya Judd is a Master Herbalist graduate of the School of Natural Healing
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• 3 ounces unrefined shea butter
• 1 ounce coconut oil
• 2 teaspoons arrowroot powder
• 10 drops peppermint essential oil (Mentha piperita)
• 10 drops spearmint essential oil (Mentha spicata)
• 5 drops lavender essential oil (Lavandula angustifolia)
• 5 drops bergamot essential oil (Citrus bergamia)
1. With an electric mixer, whip together the shea butter, coconut oil and arrowroot powder until fully combined, smooth and slightly whipped.
2. Add the essential oils and mix again to thoroughly combine.
3. Pour into a nonreactive 4 ounce container (like a metal tin or a glass jar) and label with ingredients, date made and the product name.
4. To use, apply a small amount to the feet and ankles while massaging. For extra soft and pampered feet, apply after a bath or foot soak.
Recipe by Kristen Smith from
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